Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
Once again, with great joy, my heart bursts with Love and Light for every inhabitant of this planet. So, my sons and daughters, open your minds and set yourselves on your souls’ path. Don’t be attached to your own mistakes. Every mistake made, acknowledged, and admitted is not a punishment, not a finger pointed at you by us; on the contrary. We are there with open arms, enlightened hearts, and minds focused on your mind, so understanding that mistake will lead you to the right path to make the right decision.
If the mistake concerns other people and it is necessary to ask for forgiveness or forgive, do it. If the error doesn’t involve forgiveness, learn it and repeat that you will do everything possible not to make this mistake again. As you interpret the technology on your planet, you make progress and improve your software and your programs. The same is true for your minds. It is as if today you had a mind that vibrates in the Third Dimension and another mind (in parallel), formed by each expansion of consciousness made to the Third Dimension mind.
So try to learn from every mistake. Don’t judge yourselves, don’t think you are incapable; the purpose of an error when it shows. The intention is precisely the evolution, learning, and understanding of what that action caused to and in the other. Often, you do small things that, in your mind, you do not affect anyone, but sometimes they do. And then you may think: “But this is so silly, it doesn’t matter to me,” but for the other person, that is important. The other person does not have your expanded consciousness. For him, that thing is essential. So don’t judge the actions of others by your conscience. Respect each other’s way of thinking.
Suppose that is important to the other person but not to you. In that case, that is because you have already learned that it is ego or something that isn’t good for the soul; very well, for him, it isn’t yet clear that this isn’t good. For him, it is all right. He will continue as such for a long time. It is useless to discuss, talk about, condemn; the person will not change, much to the contrary. Remember that those who don’t have expanded consciousness don’t understand how you think. For them, it is you who are wrong, not them.
So, don´t try to change anyone. We always say here that respect is as essential as Unconditional Love. Respect the opinion of everybody, the way of being of each person. Does it bother you? Do you disagree? Do you feel uncomfortable? Then there is an action to be taken, forgive them; if they are causing so much negative energy in you, you are not ready to forgive. You do not accept them as they are and emanate this terrible energy.
So don’t try to make anyone change. When we have said here that respect is as essential a feeling as Unconditional Love, that is precisely why. Respect each other’s opinions, respect each other’s way of being. Does it bother you? Don’t you agree? Does it hurt you? Then there is an action to be taken, forgive them; if they are causing so much negative energy in you, it is a sign that you still can’t forgive them, can’t accept them as they are. So you emanate this bad energy towards them.
So forgive them for making mistakes, but there is a thing you must do, ask forgiveness also for not knowing how to understand them. Many times, when I talk here; about forgiveness, asking for forgiveness, many are afraid, many don’t act, don’t do anything, because they feel that the other person will not receive properly, because that other person will be acting with the mind, not with the heart. Each request for pardon or pardon may be from heart to heart.
You should be inside your heart to call the other person’s heart to ask for forgiveness or to forgive. The heart of the other person will receive your request or action, and this feeling will vibrate in that person, who won’t quite understand why they are thinking of you differently. But surely, that person’s heart and Divine Presence will understand and deliver your request or forgiveness without the mind’s interference.
How do you access the divine presence? You have already learned to access your caves, your Divine Presence. When calling another person’s heart, call the Divine Presence of that person and be sure that it will hear and receive your message. Never want that the world to act the way you think is right. We don’t do that. If we could change the minds of every inhabitant of this planet, the Earth would have already ascended with everyone on it. Everyone would have ascended because we would have changed their vibrations.
And why we don´t do that? Because we respect every soul’s free will, thinking, and choices. So, how do you want to do it differently? Do you want to change people? Don’t do that. This action returns tremendous karma to you; trespassing free will has a negative weight on your journey because you want to change the other. To accept other people as they are, no matter if they are right or wrong from your perspective.
We don’t judge anyone, so how do you want to consider right and wrong? Every soul has its path and learning and acts according to what it believes is right. “Ah, but you know that it is wrong.” The time will come for that soul to realize this or not; maybe it needs some additional incarnations to learn. You will not teach them. Understand that every soul incarnated on this planet now is at the appropriate level for its evolution.
Every soul perceives and feels things they have never supposed, and they don’t know how to deal with it. Many explode, in the broad sense of the word; take actions they have never taken but that always has been within their souls; in other words, they are being authentic, abandoning falseness, and are surprising a lot of people. Other souls realize their own mistakes and are taking different paths, paths that they understand better.
Understand that change is happening, even if you don´t see it. Watch people; many are changing; some are for better, some for worse; they are merely becoming receptive to what they receive. Some are enjoying it and improving, others are not happy with anything and are getting worse, and this will define each path to the Fifth Dimension; they will or won’t go, just like that. It is not difficult to understand, and there is not much to do.
The vibrations and feelings will determine who will go and who will not. There is nothing else to do. So let each soul make its choice. Respect others´ opinions, respect the other’s way of being. “Ah, but you don’t agree.” So there we have a severe problem because you forget to respect the other. You are trying to impose your ideas and will, which is not right either.
See the case of children. You often want to impose things that make no sense to them; you want them to think like you do (as adults); they are not ready for this yet. So try to be adults with the same mentalities as your children, so you can demand from them what their minds are prepared to receive. Don’t demand more, because you will cause severe problems for these children.
As the name implies, children are children, not little adults. Accept to hear what your children have to say; they have a voice, but many of you think that everything they say is nonsense. This nonsense can hide many things you should know if you just paid attention. Respect your children because they are children. Many come with a much higher soul suitcase than the souls here, even the evolved ones, because they will take care of the next world at the right time.
So don’t desire to impose old, broken, meaningless rules on your children. They know it doesn’t work, and they won’t accept it. Conversation and argument are the best way, not violence, not a mere imposition. “You do this because I want.” This doesn´t work for them. You have to explain why you want her to do it, what is its purpose, and what does she get out of it?
So if you argue, the child will understand and do it. But, usually, those who can’t discuss it are the dictators: “You have to do it because I want you to do it.” And they end up creating violent and highly unpleasant children for the world because they become annoying children. Why? Because you force them to do what they don’t want to do, or at least to do what they don’t understand why they have to do it.
Ninety percent of children born now are highly evolved souls with an immense Unconditional Love. Pull in that Unconditional Love, and learn how to talk to them. I repeat: Talk. Not mandating, yelling, and using aggression but instead talking; and by talking, you will have many surprises. And I’ll tell you something else. They will have much to teach you. You need to open your hearts and listen to what they say.
Don’t think about them merely like children who talk nonsense. Why 90%? Because the Light does not beget 10%, they already are born with a path: “Non-Light.” So they will remain in the Third Dimension for quite a while, yet, they will not have the chance to evolve.
To conclude this message, respect the other, whether an adult or a child. Never try to impose your ideas. Ideas are to be put forth, appreciated, demonstrated, and never set. Each soul has already made its choice. Each one is ready to learn or doesn’t want to know; there is no way for you to change that. Therefore, accept each soul as they are. If this makes you suffer, ask for our help, and we will ease your suffering, but we can do nothing about that soul because we respect its free will.
The keyword is Unconditional Love. An excellent way to reach Unconditional Love is respect, understanding, and acceptance. You are expanding your consciousness. These are the first steps for you to follow every second.
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