Sananda – Continue this walk wholeheartedly

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!

This week, let’s start with one more stage of this Walk of Evolution. This week will be a bit different; we won’t be provoking anything else to be shown, to be lived for each of you. Don’t understand that you will only have to treat what you have seen. Let’s say they are important points. But everything will surface on its way and time. It may be that it doesn’t even come now, it will come later; don’t worry about it. There is no time and space. Everything will arrive at the right moment during your walks.

So, don’t worry about thinking that what you saw was everything you will have to deal with. And as it was already said: We will make a sequence of actions and exercises, precisely so you can increasingly get rid of all this. Just keep up. Let yourselves be taken each day to another experience. Now, an important point: Don’t do it out of obligation. Don’t do it for fear of what we will think.

Everything has to be done from the heart, with love. Otherwise, all this walk and the ones that will come won’t do any good. You need to change yourselves, see yourselves truly as you are. It may be that the image isn’t much beautiful, but you may still find out a lot to treat and have a lot to walk. And what is the problem? I don’t see any problem at all.

If we are precisely provoking all this mess, all these bad habits and uses to surface and put themselves in front of you, how would we judge you? It would be quite incoherent. What we see here are souls, souls that really want its evolution. For that evolution to happen, it’s necessary to solve each point that can’t be left behind since each point left behind will come back stronger and more complex.

So there is no point trying to cheat yourselves, saying that you have solved that point if it is not solved. It will disappear at that moment, but it will appear much bigger and burdensome. And I say to you, not furthermore because everything is more accelerated. You are into an ascension process. So the problems come to the surface quickly. It won’t be in future incarnations, nor will it be in millennia. I could even say that in hours, it will return.

But I insist again that this walk be done with great love. Many of you see so many problems that you think about giving up. As I said: Seeing the truth about yourself is not easy. The ego makes you know that you are perfect, that there is nothing to improve and nothing to change. But, when you see yourselves “face to face” with each of the problems to be treated, you get frightened and tend to retreat and give up.

I would only say the following: if you are going to give up, give up on everything, because from now on, there won’t be only teachings, but always something new to do. So if you want to give up, stop now with everything because you won’t have a place to stay and just listen. So either you participate entirely or give up everything and move on your way to the Third Dimension. I didn’t say it wrong: you will move on to your way to the Third Dimension. There is no other way for you.

We are giving you the tools to raise your vibrations. Now the ones who don’t want, don’t cheat yourselves because you won’t get anything. Have you forgotten the decision we had to take? It seems to me that some did. We won’t treat your mind no more, won’t stay here anymore bringing only teachings for you to think it’s cute and don’t do anything. The path now is different. It is about change and cleaning. So, that is what you will have. If it disturbs, if it is not good, stop everything, because you won’t find those cute videos anymore, as we previously said.

Our goal now is to raise your souls. And if your minds are ready to move on with your souls, fantastic, that’s what we want. But if the minds are not prepared, so make your choice, here you will have only this. You won’t have those crutches anymore, those ones we used to give you to walk as you wished. There are only transformations of souls here, and it is what we will do. So, if you don’t feel well, if you are doing only to do, not from the heart, I tell you: Keep on your way to the Third Dimension, and it will be very enlightening because you can’t see who you are. So, keep on your trek of deception and torpor of your thoughts and your attitudes.

But returning to those that are here from the heart and want to move on. The walk will be long and won’t finish here. Every week you will have more things to do. There is no way to give you a break or to go slow. The process speeds up, and we need to speed you up. So, this week will be very light for the ones making this walk from heart. Let’s say that “we have shaken you a lot;” now you have many things in front of you to look and care about.

We will give some ‘injections’ of encouragement, determination, and love for you to feel strong, brave, and ready to catch those burdens, open up, unravel, understand them, and they will disappear, instantaneously, from your hands. So it will be a very light week.

For those who have not seen or have not arrived where it was necessary, I would say: Don’t try anymore. That step is over. Join this step and arm yourselves with all the strength that you can. There are still so many other opportunities for these changes. Nothing is over; we are just beginning.

So, let yourselves be carried in this boat this week with too much Light and Love, and fill yourself with braveness and strength to face the next steps. I leave all my Love with each of you. Stand by me always, to be by at your side, helping you and guiding you in whatever is necessary.

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