Sananda – Fill Yourselves with Unconditional Love for the Times to Come

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!

It is with joy that I have permission to come to you again. Forget any connection with what is commemorated today concerning my person while I was incarnated. I won’t comment on this. Each follows the heart and its beliefs, and it’s all right.

The moments of change are close. Moments of joy for some, moments of sadness and despair for others. Unfortunately, we would like all to be happy with a fair, balanced, loving world, but, unfortunately, non-light was sown in some hearts, and these are the ones who rule the planet.

Many are in the same vibration range; they vibrate the same ideas and thoughts, repeat their actions, believe they are beings of Light and think about the whole as they should. Sadness will shake their hearts because many things will be revealed, and these will not be beautiful things to see or hear. Many of those who today have Angel’s face and behavior will be exposed, and this will cause sadness and revolt. We are trying to change the chaos daily and find the means and forms so this happens with more minor trauma possible.

Do not expect a “D” day or a day when everything will happen simultaneously. Had we decided this, we would have implemented it long ago. However, we want the human race to stay as equilibrated as possible. So, everything will happen gradually. You may not even know what is happening, and I say it is already happening.

We are strategically avoiding noise, acting quietly, and causing as much as little impact as possible, but the moment will come when there will be no way to hide or lie, as many think, about what happens on your planet. Everything will surface but be sure that we will control everything you hear.

I ask each heart, each of you, to maintain yourselves within the sphere of Unconditional Love. Do not judge or crucify anyone. Today, you are sure that my crucifixion resulted from the interests of that time’s governments. Don’t do the same and crucify anyone. Each being with a black heart that today governs any point of this planet will be taken to Universal Laws. You are not the ones to judge them.

We know what must be done, and we don’t want judgment. You don’t know anything about the Universal Laws because you were never allowed to know them, but you will soon. So, the moment is not for fear. Instead, fill your heart with Love. That’s all. Each Soul has already chosen whether in this life or another. Now, each Soul is reaping what is planted in this or other lives. And that’s all.

Don’t feel sorry or flatter anyone because you don’t know who that Soul is. So many seem to be good, but they abuse, despise, discriminate, they perform all actions contrary to Light. You don’t see, you only see what is in the exterior, not internally, but we do.

So, the moment is not for judgment. Instead, you must accept what will be said. The moment has come when you must trust what we say. Otherwise, you will have trouble staying in that aura above the rest. If you doubt and object, you will mix yourself with that low vibration, and I guarantee it will be challenging to escape from there.

The moment is close. The most precise moment is getting close because we are working. We have done a lot, and you will know only when it is done. So just fill yourselves with much Unconditional Love. Love yourselves first, your brothers, and those who are close to you and your family; love without judgment or criticism. Each person is what he is and forged the Soul as he wanted to arrive up to this moment.

So, you are not the ones to judge or praise them; their walk will do it. Just trust that everything you do open-hearted and will love will bring results. You often see the results up ahead, but you want more. You are never satisfied, always thinking you deserve more. Be careful! Always be grateful for the present moment, what you are living; even if this is not as you wish, even if it is challenging to live, you should be grateful. Your Soul brought you here, to this time, where it is allowed to evolve or not; it’s up to your Soul to decide.

Be grateful for the opportunity to be here now, and tomorrow tell your descendants all you lived on this planet during the ascension. So many in the Universe do not know what it is, but you will disclose it to others. I think that in itself, this is already a great reason for gratitude. Be grateful to God Father/Mother for allowing you to be part of this process.

So, fill your heart with Love. Fill your heart with Light and don’t judge or criticize anybody. Eliminate this from your vocabulary. Each one is what it is. Each arrived here as it had to be. You won’t change that person by judging or criticizing. On the contrary, doing this adds more negative energy to that person and you. So, don’t commit these errors anymore. Just emanate Love.

If you cannot emanate Love, abstain from emanating anything but never anger, criticism, or judgment. Just involve that Soul with Light and ask the Beings of Light to take care of that Soul. And that’s what we will do. You should not judge; this is up to the Divine Laws.

Finally, let’s clarify that you should not judge us either. We will do things you may disagree with, which you won’t understand at first, but I ask you: “Who are you to judge us? Do you know the Divine Laws? No, you don’t. You know the laws of men and those supposedly passed to you by the Divine, not the Divine Laws themselves.

So, under no circumstance judge or condemn. This will be a new way for those who really want the ascension; no judgment or criticism, whatever may happen. This is the only way for you to be ready for the New World. You must understand that each soul heaps exactly what planted as each of you is doing right now.

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