Dear children of planet Earth! I AM MARY!
It’s with great joy and gratitude that I come to you today. As I always like to bring gifts, I like to bring peace, balance and joy to your hearts. Many hearts are tight, suffering, discouraged, exhausted from the journey. I would say that of you today find yourself in a great desert, where it is said that somewhere there is an oasis, a perfect world. But you don’t know the direction, you don’t know the distance, you don’t know the time you still will need to travel to get there. And every day your hearts become more and more tired and discouraged. I wouldn’t say that hope and faith are gone, no, they’re on the inside, but even they are tired, even they are waning day by day.
Change, transformation, evolution is not an easy process. Every day, every minute, you find yourself fighting against your own fears, the results of your own creations and It seems that all this will never end, on the contrary, it seems to increase every day. So I’m going to give you another vision. You’ve never really seen yourself as you are. You have been by the ego, which has been fed and has never let you really see who you are. A evolution, the increase in consciousness, causes this egoic cover to fall away and you see yourself as you really are. Then it’s that feeling that everything gets worse every day, that it seems that the more you walk in that desert, the more hills you have to climb and that oasis never arrives. It seems that everything conspires to make the journey more and more difficult.
So I’ll give you another idea: when the egoic cover falls off, there are many layers. How many lives have you incarnated? How many places, how many experiences, how much learning? Dozens, hundreds, thousands… these all form layers. It’s as if you were starting from a small ball, and every day you put a bit of cement in that little ball, you create a layer. The next day, that layer isn’t quite dry yet, but you add another layer. And so on and so you keep increasing that little ball. Interpret this ball as you and that cement as the experiences of each incarnation.
So the outer layers are easier to break because they’re more recent This cement is a bit magical, it doesn’t harden so quickly, it hardens over millennia. So with each outer layer, it’s always easier to break down, because it’s precisely because it’s more recent. And with each layer that is broken, a new one appears and the difficulty of breaking it increases as you go deeper with the intention of reaching just that little ball. That’s why everything becomes more difficult every day.
The Humanity or any people in the universe is moving forwards, it’s the path of evolution. What changes is the speed, some go faster, others slower. But distant times were times of great pain, magic, violence and death. It was a lawless time; few divine laws, I would say. With the passage of time, humanity grew, evolved and some values were cultivated, values of the good; and those values that were not so good were being fought.
So the most external layers, the evolved layers, are easy to break down. As you reach the inner layers, which correspond to those lawless times, those times of pain, these are more difficult times, those times of pain, these are more difficult, because the burden to be transmuted is very heavy. That’s why there’s this feeling that you’re striving, changing, increasing your consciousness, but it seems that everything becomes more and more difficult. It’s because you’re reaching those layers full of pain, blood and violence.
And every energy that comes out of these layers to be transmuted causes in your actual path imbalance, pain, suffering, difficulty, because each energy needs to be transmuted into the same quantum of opposing energy so that it can be combated. Then the teachings become heavier; the load seems to get heavier. “But how? I know that I’m evolving, why my path is more heavier?” It’s as I explained: You are transmuting now very dense energies from the distant past, and these energies can only be transmuted with one feeling: love. It’s the only element capable of reducing the load, reduce the pain, reduce the burden.
So look at all these difficulties with love, not anger, not despair, not with imbalance. Look each one of them in the face, and emanate all your love toward that problem , and you’ll see how suddenly, as if by magic, the burden is lifted. Look at everything with love, accept everything with love, receive everything with love, and no matter how much that you start to jump because you are so light, and you will be able to cross them easily. What you must never do is lose faith and trust that the oasis exists and is somewhere in the desert, and that you are being guided to it, by your evolution, by your path to ascension.
So accept your loads, your burdens, with love, because if you’re going through this now, it’s a sign that you’re reaching the deepest layers. now, it’s a sign that you’re reaching the deepest layers, and the more you get that little ball that is your soul, maybe there’s still a lot of difficulty, but at least you know you’re getting close. The more difficult , the heavier it is a sign that the layers are deep and that you are getting very close to your soul.
And on the day that this happens you will find that oasis; as if by magic it will appear in front of you. What you can’t do is give up; what you can’t do is not have persistence, perseverance, confidence, because if you lose that, that oasis becomes more and more distant. So keep going, look at everything with love and you’ll realise how that immense, heavy burden will become light and easy to carry.
Translation by Virginia Leite