Adama – Telos III – Chapter 16 – by Adama

Dear brothers and Sisters! I AM ADAMA!

Today we’re going to comment on chapter 16 of book III of Telos. This journey is almost over. And as I said earlier, it won’t be the end of our meetings, they will continue, but not in this way. But at our next meeting I’ll explain how we’ll do it.

The subject today is the Flame of Resurrection , whose Chohans are Sananda and Nada. As I have been doing, I’m not going to explain all the teachings in the book here. It’s important that you read it, but read it carefully.

I’d like to emphasize a subject that has been repeated for a long time, but many still don’t understand. How does everything begin? When we say that you create, that we create, or whoever co-creates something, how does it happen? The force of God the Father/Mother, intelligence, consciousness, starts from an electron. It doesn’t matter what it looks like. Many people try to imagine, try to understand and end up getting lost on this unnecessary path.

It’s a small particle that contains Divine Consciousness, you just need to know that. This particle, being Divine Consciousness, unfolds into whatever it is directed towards. So everything that exists in the universe, more particularly on this planet, was created in this way. Every flower, every animal, every plant and you; everything is created from this single particle.

Understand it as if it were a particle with great power, but it responds to what is asked of it. So when you desire something, with great intensity, with an open heart, full of Love, this particle begins to attract others, and that desire, if intense, if good for your journey, will come true. Because you put Love into it, there are no negative feelings involved.

But there is the other side. If you put out a negative feeling, that particle also multiplies, it also attracts other particles to do the same thing. What’s important now is that everything created by each soul in this universe belongs to it, it has its electronic signature engraved on that electron, or rather, on those electrons. So if you create, attract, good things, it will all come back to you in the same way. If you create bad things, it will also come back to you, because that energy is yours, you created it.

What is very difficult for many of you to understand is that nobody does anything against you. Nobody is responsible for any suffering, for anything that happens to you. People are like instruments of that energy that you once emanated. It’s as if those people contained the same energy, but at the moment it’s coming back to you. Do you understand that? Nobody does anything against you. You attract everything that happens to you.

You have to be careful with every step you take, with every energy you emanate, because it will come back. If it’s positive, congratulations, it will come back in the same way, but if it’s not, unfortunately it will also come back, because you created it, and if you created it you will receive it, it’s a gift from you. No one created it for you. Nobody creates the problems in your path. Problems appear because you once created this energy, and now it’s coming back to you. The universe is giving it back to you. And what is your role?

Taking this energy and increasing its negativity, not wanting to learn, not wanting to understand, judging others and blaming others? Very well, you gave it a good charge and it went back into the universe, but it will come back even stronger, because instead of looking at it with Love and as a lesson, as a result of something you caused, you decided to blame others, judge others, think that everyone is against you, and amplified that energy with more negative energy. Expect it to return, even more intensely.

This is a concept that many of you find hard to understand, or rather don’t want to understand. You find it simpler, easier, to think that the whole world is against you, to think that those around you are the ones making you suffer, those around you are the ones hurting you. So look at each person you think is harming you as just the materialization of that energy you emanated. It has to come back somehow.

As an energy, you won’t understand it, so it has to come in the guise of someone else. And that’s why that person brings you this imbalance, so that you can look at it. They didn’t mean to do it, they did it to show you a lesson. It sounds a bit complex, and it is. But in general terms, this is what happens.

Each one of you ends up becoming an instrument for teaching someone a lesson. And the moment you become a lesson for someone, you also have that energy to be healed. Understand that. You are not just instruments. You provoke that energy and it will also come back to you. Understand that. It’s a cycle, which doesn’t end, it only ends when the lesson is learned.

If you are a balanced person, totally balanced, and Loving, 100% in balance, you won’t be anyone’s instrument. Understand? If you’re that instrument to make the lesson reach someone, it’s because you also need to understand what you’re doing. Nothing is by chance, and no one is used. Everyone goes through lessons.

So learn to look at yourself with affection, not judgment. Don’t come in now and say: “Oh, so I give up. I’m hopeless!” There’s no such thing. What you need to do is stop judging yourselves, and try to solve every problem that comes up. But don’t solve it with anger, solve it with Love. And as it says in this great chapter, use the Flame of Resurrection. Use it and abuse it.

So I’m going to explain here a point that is causing a bit of confusion in your minds. Meditations are quite strong processes to go through. So these, I’ve advised you to do once a week, a maximum of 2. Now using the flames has no limit. You can use the flames as much as you like. Of course, for every action there is a reaction. Using the flames is saying to the universe: “Send the lessons and I’ll deal with them one by one.” And the lessons will come. The more intensely you use them, the more intensely they will arrive.

So know how to have common sense. Know how to keep an eye on yourselves, realizing to what extent you are able to bear or not bear what is coming. This is what the Resurrection Flame is for, to correct many of these energies. But be ready to look everything in the face. There’s no point in using the flame and getting angry at what you see, it won’t do any good.

You tend to say that we’re pointing fingers at you. It’s not like that. We’re just showing you where you went wrong, what you need to learn. That’s all. So use and abuse the flames, but do it within what you can bear to look at. Otherwise, there will be so many points to deal with at once that you’ll lose your way

Everything has to be common sense, and everything has to listen to the heart. So deal with one point at a time. Deal with it until you’ve eliminated it. Eliminated? Start another one. Don’t do too many at once, because the return will come and you’ll have several plates to hold at the same time. Use the flames, for sure, but use them sensibly, and learn to see the responses you’ll get, otherwise it won’t do any good, everything will have been in vain.

Understand my brothers and sisters, everything is there to help you. The 7 Sacred Flames are there to help each and every one of you. Now  have common sense. It’s as if you had 7 lakes to dive into. You dive in one at a time. You can’t be in all 7 at the same time. Now you can dive into one, get out, dive into the other, get out, dive into the other, get out. Now the return will come, intense in the same way and with the same intensity as you are doing.

So have common sense and learn to look at the answers that will come. I understand that you have many incarnations to correct, but you won’t succeed with despair. Because you’ll see so many things to correct and you won’t be able to correct any of them. So learn to look at each one at a time. Go into a single lake and ask for something to be fixed. Insist on it until what you need to treat appears. It appears, you’ve treated it, choose another lake, another flame. Then you’ll be making progress.

There’s no point in wanting to do everything at once. You won’t be able to cope. Learn to take a little care of yourselves. The Flame of Resurrection is powerful, but don’t use it with bad intentions. “Oh, I just want to become immortal” Careful!” You need to heal yourself for that. Immortality is not a gift, it is the consequence of a pure soul.

So know how to use this flame. It is extremely powerful. And it’s worth remembering again: Everything you do without a heart activates that electron, which is there ready to receive an order. And be sure, later on it will return with everything you’ve emanated, to you again.

Translated by: Ivana Bueno

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