Rowena – Journey of Forgiveness – Third Round

Dear brothers and sisters of this beautiful planet! I AM ROWENA!

With great joy, I am here again, bringing all the unconditional Love I have in my heart to spread in all of you. One more round of the Journey of Forgiveness. An exciting ride where people and facts are being presented to you to ask for forgiveness and to forgive. Try not to get focused on the images that you see. We recognize that they may be strong images that disturb you but don’t get attached to them.

It is difficult to forget certain scenes because that soul has not yet forgiven you. The action committed was extremely strong for that other soul. But this treatment is a two-way street. It is not only you who are released from these energies. The other soul, or other souls, are too. But sometimes, it takes a bit longer because they need more strength to forgive you than you do to ask for forgiveness.

Forgiving is always more complicated. Asking for forgiveness is not easy, but it is lighter because there is the recognition of a wrongful act committed deceitfully in a moment of imbalance and anger. It is not that easy for the one who commits the act, but the request for forgiveness becomes simpler. However, it is not so simple for those who receive the request for forgiveness.

Put yourself in the opposite position of the person who received the action you did for a while. Would it be easy to forgive? Perhaps not. You are being put on both sides: when you committed and suffered the act. The work must be done in full, not just one way; it’s a two-way street, and all other people involved are taken care of. It is as if you were rescuing these souls so they, too, can be liberated.

So you are not only healing yourselves, you are helping other souls, those souls who have walked your path, to heal themselves. So realize that it’s not such a selfish job. It’s a tremendous job. How many souls will be treated there if you have committed something against a crowd, and how many will be introduced to forgiveness? And be sure, many forgive because they want to be free from the feeling. But, of course, unfortunately, not all souls accept to forgive. Many have already entered the path of evil, of unlove. On the contrary, they keep that energy alive, as if keeping you stuck to them. But be assured that you are being released from those bonds in this work of the Journey of Forgiveness.

The energy stays on the other side until one day that soul sees the Light and feels Love in its heart again. But breaking that act happens because you asked for forgiveness, and you did it from the heart. To realize how important this process is, it is not an isolated process where you just look out for yourselves, for your souls. It is a process that many souls are involved in. You have been generals and commanders and ordered the death of many. How many deaths do you have on your back? Then each soul who died on your orders is brought to forgive you, is brought to us, to forgive you, so that soul can also find peace in the heart.

So, realize that it is not a simple work, an easy thing, as many may think that all you have to do is the meditation and everything is over. No, it is not like that. In fact, if you do the meditations just for doing, nothing happens, we do nothing, and we act in nothing. There has to be a genuine will to forgive and ask for forgiveness; to ask for sincere forgiveness from each one of those souls you have hurt. Many have short journeys on this planet, but what about the others and their previous lives?

So everything is being taken care of, whether on this planet or another. The process is immense, and you have no idea how much it raises the planet’s energy. Because when there is not this energy of pain, hatred, or revenge in the hearts of those souls still living on this planet or on others, the energy rises because Love wins. Do not think these souls are not incarnated. The vast majority are still here, and many of you live until today without knowing it.

So it is a work that is helping not only the souls but the planet itself. So do this whole process with much Love in your hearts, so the process works. And as has been said, I will also restate; that we are enjoying the results. You are engaging this process with much Love. So all this energy is being transmuted into more Love on the planet.

This is the moment; to emanate each time more Love. United to that great wave of Love that is around the planet and that has been generated. Each moment of Love, each attitude of Love, you feed this great mass of Pink Ray around the planet, suffocating more and more the energies of low vibration. But it is exciting, and it is necessary that you continue, that you throw yourselves into this process with much strength and much Love. You will see very, very soon the result of all this.

Keep going, my brothers, ask for our help. If a scene does not leave your mind, ask for our help, and we will intercede with that soul so that the energy will be totally disconnected from you if the soul does not forgive you. Ask for our help.

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