Meditation – Walk of Evolution – Day 11 – Hilarion

You can do this meditation laid down.

Lie down comfortably wherever you wish.

Feel relaxed.

Breath deeply and align your body.

Do whatever leaves you relaxed but not so comfortable to sleep.

Say to your minds: “Relax my body but maintain my alert state.”

After this relaxation period, see yourselves laid down in a beautiful clearing with gorgeous trees and a great blue sky above.

The trees are not tall. You can see the mountains and birds flying in the sky.

Far away, you hear the sound of a small stream.

Integrate yourself with nature.

Feel the energy coming from the soil of Gaia on the place you lay down.

No matter how it is, a substance now appears from the ground and covers your entire body.

Don’t worry. You can breathe within the substance.

Keep your eyes closed and feel this energy invading your entire body. It is as if you were inside a cocoon of Green Light.

This energy can penetrate your body.

You feel the energy entering your cells.

Note this movement inside your body.

Continue with your eyes closed, focusing just on the energy in your body.

You will remain in this position for 1 minute.

All the energy that penetrates your body is inside it to heal each point and memory of your cells that need healing. Now, you are not inside that cocoon anymore.

You can open your eyes to that clearing and see that everything is the same as before.

Don’t move your body.

Your bodies are fully entrenched on the surface of Gaia, releasing to Gaia everything that the Green Light cleansed. So now your roots start disappearing.

Your body is clean, but your consciousness now has everything you had to see, analyze, and close.

Observe your feelings, thoughts, and ideas and try to solve each that comes to your mind.

Sit down in the clearing. Your physical body remains laid down.

Look at your hands. They have a different glow.

Your entire body glows with a Green Light.

The energy of healing, balance, and truth will remain inside your body up to the end of this walk step. It will help you find the solutions, ways, and answers you are eager to discover.

Now breathe profoundly.

Lay down in the clearing again.

Be grateful for the energy you received and come back to your consciousness slowly at your pace.

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