It’ll be up to me to conclude this Evolution Walk.
I can tell you that I liked it very much and I’m delighted with the results.
Today ends. Next week will be a light week, a week of little teachings to help you stay balanced. We will give you time to pull yourself together to really act on what has been shown to you.
There’s no point in getting everything out in one fell swoop.
Everything will be properly measured so that you will be able to effectively mold and change yourself. So much has been said here about quitting. I hope you have understood. The journey is not easy. Ascension is not easy; I never said it would be. You don’t want to go through all that while lying in the hammock, drinking juice and getting the sea breeze; that would be amazing, wouldn’t it? But, unfortunately, it can’t be like that.
You need to be cleansed, you need to learn many things, and I would say that you are in the Soul learning phase. It’ll still lack the learning of the Whole, which will come soon. Then you will be well enough with your own souls to experience the next great stage. We need you to enlighten yourselves.
Yes, it depends on you. There is nothing we can do to speed things up. Therefore, it is necessary that humanity, or at least those aware, actively participate in this Grand Awakening. Once again, I will repeat: The result of this walk for us was beautiful. You have given back what we wanted. Of course, there are always those who object, who don’t accept, who complain, who disagree, and that’s fine; everyone makes the choice they want. Each one follows the path they want, but the great majority accepted the challenge and followed it. That was really wonderful.
So now we’ll give it a rest. For two weeks, you will receive only gifts; no cleansings, no deep things to be experienced; only gifts. So that you begin to gain confidence for the next stage. It is necessary that you accept yourselves as you are. It is necessary that you understand that there’s no way to change your Souls by what they have done; they are what they are. You are part of them.
So, it is necessary that you love your Souls; love everything they have done without judgment. Only then will you be ready for the next stage. So, this will be a light phase, the recovery phase, so that you can adjust yourselves, empower yourselves, and get to the next phase more energized and more confident.
There’s not much else to say. Choices are being made. Path choices, life choices, which are totally consistent with the path to ascension. Freedom, new courses, significant decisions; this is wonderful. This is what we want, that you untie yourself, and let go of everything that doesn’t bring you happiness.
Your Souls are free. You are free, so set yourselves free, no matter how much it hurts. Each soul is free. It cannot cling to anyone else. That’s what you must learn. And wonderfully, the vast majority did. So, I’ll congratulate all of you who have come this far with changes, new paths, and new understandings.
Wonderful journey. You climbed the steps on that ladder, and your vibration increased. So now, stay on it. Be careful not to go down. The climb was challenging, so don’t waste everything you’ve been through. Keep going up with lots of faith and lots of strength. Believing: Yes, you can! You just have to want it.