Journey of Forgiveness – Seraphis Bey – Round One – Meditation 4

You should be seated to do this meditation.

Put your feet on the ground, wherever you are but do not wear any type of shoes.

Breath profoundly, and at each inhalation, see yourself involved by a bubble of White Light. At each exhalation, expel all bad feelings that you might be feeling now.

At each breath, the bubble of White Light dissipates; it is as if you were inhaling all that energy, and when you exhale, no matter the color that leaves, you will throw away all that is bothering you now.

Repeat this breathing three times. Now, the White Light you inhaled fill all your body interior.

Feel that energy acting in each cell of your body.

Do not let your mind wander through your thoughts.

Become a little ship and see yourself walking inside your body, beginning with your brain.

See your brain synapse happening.

See the energy vibrating in your brain.

Now go down.

Direct your ship down.

See a vast luminosity entering your mouth and continue going down. Now you are close to your heart.

See your heart beating, pulsating the blood within.

Continue going down.

Do a walk throughout your abdomen, stomach, liver, and intestine.

You don’t need to run through the entire intestine. Just see its dimension.

You made a little tour inside your body.

Now, put the little ship inside your spiritual heart, located at the center of your upper body.

Create this space as you wish. A cavern, a room, a place in Nature.

Just land your ship on this place.

Leave the ship.

Admire this place you have just created. It brings you peace, harmony, and equilibrium, and you feel strong, reinvigorated, and fully balanced. I will be there in front of you. It doesn’t matter whether you see me or not.

Extend your hands with your palms up.

I am putting a luminous ball of White Light in your hands.

The ball is not significant. It has the size of an apple.

Now, take this ball and put it inside your spiritual heart, within your body, there at that place you chose.

When putting the ball inside your spiritual heart, you will see all your body shining.

At that time, I won’t be there anymore.

Take your ship and return.

Remember this place you created.

Leave and return to your brain.

You see an intense light within your brain; it is your pineal gland.

Land your ship and leave it.

Put your hand within your body and remove the ball you put in your heart there at that place you created.

Put this ball on your pineal.

You will see the shine that your pineal will show.

It is such an intense shine that you have to close your eyes.

When closing your eyes, you will be brought to your reality. First, however, your body will be treated by that intense light that leaves your pineal.

You are ready to start the Journey of Forgiveness.

Your pineal is illuminating your entire body.

I am in front of you again and put my hands on your head.

It doesn’t matter what you will see, hear, feel, or anything.

You will be in this position for two minutes.

If you see, hear or feel something, now is the time to ask for forgiveness or forgive.

If you didn’t see anything, make a reflection on your current life, and let us treat your soul, allowing the freedom of some actions.

Stay in this state for five minutes.

I am not in front of you anymore, and my hands are on your head.

You shine intensively in a White Light.

Notice that this White Light becomes a bubble that will follow you in the next twenty-four hours until the next ray.

What you saw, heard, or felt must be forgotten.

If you haven’t seen, heard, or felt anything, remember the reflexions you made and all you must change in your mental walk in the Third Dimension.

Breath deeply and slowly come back to your consciousness and world.

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