Do this meditation lying down.
Relax deeply.
Breathe in until you fully fill your lungs.
Now exhale and release everything you want to get rid of this day.
Breathe deeply and let go of all your anxieties, fears, disappointments, and sorrows. Then, take another deep breath and let go of any fear or doubt in your heart.
Keep your eyes closed.
I am with you.
You are no longer lying where you were.
You are lying in a beautiful cave, extremely bright with sparkling crystals on its walls.
Open your eyes in the cave.
You won’t see me, but I’m building this whole world around you. Take a look at the crystals surrounding you on the cave walls.
Feel all the energy they transmit to you in small golden yellow light rays.
It is as if each crystal projects a small beam of Light onto you, and you find yourself totally covered by rays of Golden Yellow Light.
These rays will penetrate your body and soul, cleansing everything that can be cleaned or showing you what needs to be shown.
I’ll anchor this environment around you for 15 minutes.
You may close your eyes in the cavern or keep them open.
After all this time of receiving this Golden Yellow Light, your body and soul are thoroughly infused with a great deal of Light and wisdom. Therefore, if you fall asleep, there is no need to repeat the meditation. What had to be done has been done.
Now I’ll start dispelling that environment I created, and you’ll go back to where you started.
Keep your eyes closed.
I stand beside you and simply place my hand upon your heart. Then, I alter the Light of that crystal set earlier to a Golden Yellow Light, which will keep emanating all this energy until the next ray.
Feel the whole vibration of this Light, and stay tuned for all the wisdom that I will show you throughout this time.
And believe me, when you get ready for the next ray, be assured that you will be much wiser and much more balanced.
Take a few deep breaths.
I am no longer beside you.
Stay in this energy for as long as you want.
And whenever you feel like it, gradually open your eyes and return to your conscience.