Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM HILARION!
It is with joy that, once more, I come here to participate in the Journey of Forgiveness. The Green Ray is the ray of cure and equilibrium. In this walk you are doing, many energies are being cleansed from your souls and, consequently, they reverberate on their physical bodies. The Green Ray is the ray that rebalances each point, bringing vital energy to each cell.
When you do something or something is done against you contrary to the Light, the energy is stored at that moment; it happened to the body at that time and incarnation. However, it also marks the soul. Therefore, the old Souls are excessively deformed. Why deformed. Because we barely can see the brilliant and clean soul as it was created.
So many obstacles and blocks are stored along time that the soul loses its form and essence. It is as if you had a dummy with which your kids play, and they create several balls of clay and glued them around the dummy. At some point, the dummy cannot appear anymore, just a shapeless and weird ball of mud.
So, take the image above to your soul. Most are souls that lose their identity, the original form. The number of moments, blocks and negative energies they carry are such that we cannot see the essence of that soul anymore. So, this is another part of this work.
Each forgiveness or forgiving energy in which we act, the point where that energy was stored is cleansed. So, imagine that it is not easy for us or your souls to get rid of this process. The years and eras are many, even thousands of years where this energy was entrenched, glued, petrified. But, cleansing this energy means taking this burden off the soul, which will not carry that burden anymore and will become gradually lighter and cleanser.
Now let’s go back to that dummy. If you try to clean the dummy, sometime after the mud had solidified, not with water, it would be easy, but taking bits of that mud risks hurting the dummy. Mud is so entrenched in the dummy that when you pull a bit, a part of the dummy comes with that bit.
So, the action of the Green Ray is to regenerate that point of the soul. It is not enough that we go there and remove the energy; regeneration is necessary. That point must be established again, and the soul can start finding its equilibrium and original beauty. So, presently and with each round, the Green Ray acts on you to regenerate your souls. We can also say that on the physical level because many feelings your souls live today reflect in your physical body.
Many things you feel or habits you have are not from this life. They come from your souls. Such unbalance must also be corrected in the physical body. It wouldn’t help clean the soul, leaving the physical body sick. So, this is the role of Green Ray. It balances each cell and cleanses each DNA of your body to prevent it all reverberating in the following cells to be born. Your cells are constantly regenerated, and new cells are created. Still, if we don’t change the original DNA, new cells will continue coming with the same unbalance.
Therefore, this is the work of Green Ray. Obviously, we will also clean your souls, the journey has this purpose, but the action of the Green Ray is in this sense. So, note that the process is slow. Each tiny bit we take from your souls corresponds to one person or many persons to whom you provoked this. But don’t be discouraged. The work is done with much willingness, and we have successfully cleansed many things from your souls.
Returning to the image of a dummy, we are in the outer part, and many already see not-so-beautiful scenes. Most see only persons. They cannot know what they did or what was done against them. Some see the scenes, and they are not easy. Again, we are still in the outer part of the soul, the most external layer. Most internal layers will be immensely more difficult to be dissolved. However, this is our purpose, and yours is just to allow. How do you permit it? Making the Journey of Forgiveness.
At each round, we will increasingly deepen the cleaning. So, in the third round, we can say that we are in the third layer from the inside out. The deepest this layer more petrified and rooted your soul is. Let’s go slowly. We have already successfully cleaned most external layers. The third layer is good too. I would say that up to the fifth layer, you won’t feel so much. You will continue as today. However, the last rounds will be challenging. Don’t be afraid; you will feel stronger because all the power of your souls is returning. The souls are feeling stronger because they feel alive, living again as they were created.
All that experience and negative moments are going away. However, you won’t want to give up in the middle of the way. I am sure you will go to the end, and this will be fundamental for those who intend to ascend with Gaia. I am always here to heal each of you. Don’t forget the Green crystal I gave you the other round. Put the crystal between your hands whenever you need it and ask for equilibrium and healing. Also, you must do your part.
For example, it is useless if you ask me to cure you of vice if you continue living that vice. So, I will do my part, and you will do yours, and together we will reach your healing. Be ready for this cleansing, another part of this third layer that goes away. Believe me, you will feel more and more Light and, particularly, more confident.