You can do this meditation while sitting or laying down, whatever is most comfortable for you. However, remember that if you sleep, you must repeat this meditation.
Stay peaceful in the position chosen.
I am beside you and put my right hand on your chest and my left hand on your Crown Chakra.
My right hand activates the crystal in your heart to emanate the Red Ray.
Your entire body is filled up with Red Light, and externally I involve you in a giant bubble of Red Light.
Breathe deeply in this Red Light and remember to mentalize everything you want to leave your body and life when exhaling, so you can find equilibrium and happiness.
Inhale and exhale as above three times.
Now that you are fully balanced and completely filled up by my Red Light, repeat with me:
I ask my Higher Self to rupture all energetic links between my soul and ancestors who are in the generation previous to mine and the same generation as I. I am grateful for everything we have lived through to this point. Still, from now on, we will follow our individual paths to the Fifth Dimension with much love and gratitude.
You will stay inside the Red Ray for 10 minutes.
Breathe deeply once more and gradually return to your consciousness.
Breathe softly several times.
Return to your consciousness little by little until you feel you are conscious again.
The Red Ray will stay with you until the next ray to give you strength and energy. Remember that this round does not have a prayer.