Lanto – Journey of Forgiveness – Seventh Round

Dear brothers and sisters of the planet Earth! I AM LANTO!

We have come this far to the last round of the Journey of Forgiveness with great joy and satisfaction. It’s interesting to see how you have evolved and walked this journey. Some of you have your hearts so open and surrendered that you aren’t even aware the journey is ending. It’s a moment of pure surrender and much light, which only brings harmony and balance.

Some still have reservations about what’s being done; they still can’t reasonably perceive the effect of an energetic link being broken. They think it will totally break everything or not at all. They think that nothing will change or believe that this is all nonsense… so each mind, several minds, in fact, are wondering what’s being done. But the interesting thing is that they go on doing it. However much they don’t understand, don’t fit in, they go on with the journey.

Of course, I can’t say that those who take the journey with an open heart have the same results as those who take the journey with a doubting heart. The results are not the same. Whoever surrenders with an open heart effectively makes leaps in the journey. Those who do it, but don’t do it with a fully open heart or with awareness, continue taking steps and small steps but walk forward. Neither can I affirm that nothing happens.

So once again, everyone is reaping what they are sowing. Yes, the harvest is practically instantaneous because it happens during the journey. In the end, many will have made tremendous and powerful leaps on the seventh day of this seventh round. Others will have made smaller leaps, and others will continue walking. But I can say that all are on the way. For those who still have doubts and can’t understand what’s happening, I would say that you’ll realize by walking. Then, later on, you will fully understand what’s really happening.

So I can tell you that no one who has taken part in this journey will leave precisely the same as they entered. Going through the journey propels the soul forward, even if only by taking small steps. For those who have surrendered totally, the leaps will be visible. Just learn to observe their journeys, their lives. Observe the harmony, the peace, knots being untied, problems being solved, and everything happening smoothly and successfully.

So what can I say to you: Congratulations on getting this far. Today you close the seventh round of the Yellow Ray, and I can affirm that not only have your souls been liberated, but your souls have also grown in wisdom. Your souls have grown in behavior and understanding of what’s more correct or not so proper to continue. I’ll be with you always. This isn’t a journey we take together and, in the end, abandon you. On the contrary, it’s as if we have gained many of you around us, and we are now leading you along ever more enlightened paths.

There are 7 of us, yes, 7 of us, and each one of us will be taking care of a part of your journey, of different points on your journey. And by adding up the strength of all of us, imagine what your path will be like. So we are not breaking our links with you. On the contrary, with each step forward, we are closer and closer. We are so close that you would feel our breath if we were alive.

So the moment is for you to use our will, experience, wisdom, and evolution. Because we went through, not exactly as you’re going through, we also came from physical bodies and ascended. And at this time, we know what each of you is going through, and that’s why it’s so easy for us to help you whenever you need us. All you have to do is ask for help, nothing more.

You’re connected to us and will remain so for a long time until you get here… Yes, we will be waiting for you here in the 5th Dimension, and you can be with us one by one and thank us personally if you want all this help. We are all anxious for you to get here soon. Don’t forget, we are just a thought away from you. You just have to choose that we can effectively help you on this long journey.

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