Dear brothers of the planet Earth! I AM METATRON!
It is with great joy that I can be here with you for a while. We perceive that your world is anxious, discouraged, and tired simultaneously. I could go on and on about several feelings and emotions you are experiencing now. What to say about it? You should focus on what you believe in on what you are striving to achieve. If that commitment leads you to the path of ascension, you must reverberate all the feelings necessary for that.
Forget the rest of the planet and anything you hear and see. Everything is strange. Many things you are not used to are now showing up. But I can state and guarantee: Nothing is new. Everything is simply showing itself and becoming more precise in some way.
Now is a time of pure seclusion. It is that moment when you need to seek deep into yourselves the learning you’ve acquired over time. The behavior, the thoughts, the words, everything that is necessary to maintain your high energy. It doesn’t matter if the Great Awakening is tomorrow or today; it makes no difference because you will always have to be ready. It is not starting tomorrow but now, this walk of equilibrium and confidence in what is to be. You can’t be afraid or scared; everything will happen according to each one’s path. It will not be the same for everybody.
You must be conscious of your paths, your choices, and where you are going. It doesn’t matter if the one next to you is in another direction. It’s their way and soul walk. Worry about yours. Soon you will have plenty of time to help those who need it. The time now is for you to be very self-absorbed, looking exclusively at yourself and gathering as much high vibration energies.
We are here, each one of us. If you choose just one of us, it’s all right. If you choose two, three, or four, that’s okay too. If you pick all of us, that’s also fine. So as you can see, there is no recipe, no single path to get to evolution. You will all get there the way you think is the best. If you want to have everybody around you, just call everybody. If you want to have only one, just call one. That one will be able to provide you with all the necessary energy that anyone else would.
So there is no need to worry about whom you will ask for help, with whom you can count. You can count on all of us; you may pick one or all of us. It’s up to you, not somebody else telling you: “Call this one, or call that one.” Your heart will pick the one or those who resonate most with you. It makes no difference. We are ready to lend a hand to each who asks for help. The most significant in all this is not vain and empty assistance, but one where a necessity exists.
You are powerful. We sincerely hope that you have learned that each of you has your own strength and doesn’t need ours to feel strong and brave. You have to trust you are elevated and prepared. Ask for our help at any time, but when it is really needed. We have been busy, but whenever there is a demand for support, we break through and get there. However, we would appreciate it if those requests were for real help, not for an empty one, “I have nothing to do, I’ll call a master to be by my side.” We will be there, but realize that you are not doing good for yourself because you just called for nothing. You didn’t need to have called.
Believe us, we want you to believe that you are powerful, that you are little sparks of Father-Mother God, and therefore you have powers too. They obviously have less intensity, but for sure, they are powers, and you can use them as long as it is for good. Nobody uses the powers of Father-Mother God to do evil. Those who do, use the forces of evil, never of the Father-Mother God.
Therefore, be careful when you ask for help. Do it when you have run out of possibilities to find your own way. It is necessary, required, and essential that each one of you empower yourself. You must place yourself as a Pillar of Light, a Ball of Light, or a Bubble of Light, no matter what shape. The important thing is that you believe in what you are.
The work done with you is to bring you this confidence of how powerful you are. Believe me, we are not doing all this work for you to remain dependent on us. You can already walk your own paths very strong and safe. So ask for help only when it is strictly to be needed to increase and increase your confidence in yourself.
Again: At every call, we answer, no matter if it is urgent or not. However, what we want is that you don’t depend on us; that you trust in your strength. But we are always here, at any request, and we will be with you instantly, even if it is just to say hello and go away. Exactly, we don’t stay around those who don’t need help. We have many brothers to attend to who need support to find their way and overcome their doubts. You are ready; you don’t need us.
In such instances, we make that quick stop, say we’re here, and leave again to help those who really need it. So, don’t keep calling us all the time for anything. Understand, it’s not because we don’t want to answer, but we want you to believe that you are strong enough to solve your own problems. You are on a learning, cleansing, and evolutionary journey, so you must live in your power and force without depending on us.
You will always have our protection, for this is something else. Protection is not a rescue. Protection is protection. Each soul master of yours has a mission to protect you, and you don’t have to ask; it is their mission to take care of your soul. Now, assistance, we effectively help those who need it.
Learn to walk alone and not depend on anybody, on us, or on anybody else. Find your own beliefs. Use your own amulets, do your own decrees, your own protective images that will lead you to accomplish something.
You can create, attract, so do it, create beautiful, clean, smooth, and unobstructed pathways. And you will attract that in return. In opposite, if you keep creating complaints, heavy paths, paths full of obstacles, that is what you will attract. This is already a power that you have. What you grow now, you will pick up right there in front of you. That is why so many wonders why nothing gets better. Because you keep creating the wrong path.
You need to believe that you can change your future, which is an illusion. Tomorrow is the product of what you are doing now. So create beautiful paths, even if you know you have a mountain to overcome in your life. Then, on your way, destroy that mountain and build a blooming and illuminated road without it. You will see, by magic, that mountain disappears from your sight. However, if you look at that mountain and complain about it, you are clamoring for it to stay there.
Speak positive things, the things that will destroy the mountain, not cause it to stand or grow. Complaining is one of them; every complaint makes the mountain bigger because you are clamoring for the same thing. So look at it and destroy it; just that. See a different road flowerful, open, and beautiful one, and you will surely start to believe in your capacities in what you are good at attracting into your lives.
There are so many amazing things, so much in harmony and balance. But to have this, you must stop looking at the error and the problem. Instead, look at it as if it doesn’t exist and has already been solved or destroyed. Then you will see, as if by magic, your lives getting much better in the future. And then you will see yourselves as the powerful, divine beings you are.