Kwan Yin – There is no Religion to Reach God the Father/Mother

Dear siblings from this beautiful planet Earth! I AM KWAN YIN!

Being here imparting some more teachings is a moment of great joy and peace in my heart. Today I will talk a little about beliefs and everything that was and has been put to you over time. I would say that today you should close the book. What book? The book of all that has been taught by your religions. Close this book with Love. It has served you for so long. So, get to the last page, be grateful for all the teachings, and put it in place of difficult access. This is how you begin to let go of everything taught there.

It doesn’t matter which religion you belong to. It doesn’t matter which book you dedicate yourself to. The time has come to close it and keep it with a lot of gratitude and a lot of Love. We cannot say that these books have not brought good things to you; yes, they have brought good ideas, but they have also brought many wrong beliefs. So put them away and don’t read them anymore because you are now reaching a new level, teachings and ideas. From a specific time on, you will be taught that only one God exists. This God created the whole Universe, every microorganism, every stone, and every empty space in the Universe. Every orb was created with its purpose; nothing is made for fun or simply to exist. Many wonder why there are so many stars in the sky. Each star has a function: the function of balance. If you create a huge mass in the Universe, you must keep the balance on the other side. Everything has to be in harmony. It is as if the Universe was a big ball, and if you create something too heavy on one side, it will tip over to that side. So you have to put something on the other side, so everything stays on level.

Of course, it is not like that, but it is easy for you to understand why there are so many elements in the skies, which, according to your idea, is no purpose. Father/Mother God does nothing for fun, nor without purpose. Everything has a sense, and everything has a reason. So when we talk about planet Earth and your beliefs, where did they come from, where did the first divine words come from that many today believe is the North where you need to go?

As I said in the beginning, take your religious books, close them with much gratitude and Love, and put them in a place where they will no longer be accessed. The truths and the new beliefs will replace every line of those books. But they will mainly bring the truth; they will bring light to many questions that many ask themselves, and today cannot get the answers because the books do not carry these answers.

The knowledge of everything in the Universe was passed on to you gradually by enlightened beings who have incarnated here. But even they, within those times, could not go profound. Many were already persecuted. Imagine if they came with the truths you will know today, they wouldn’t even have the right to speak. So, the Universal Laws are not known by you. You created the laws of men, many of them for your own benefit. They created religions and shaped them so that everything would happen for their own benefit: the great representatives of the religions.

Many Avatars have already been on Earth preaching pure Love, preaching Unconditional Love. Buddha was one of them, Christ was another, and many others came here and did not have so many repercussions but caused changes in the places and times they lived in. Yet, they all brought Love, a feeling that has been distorted, modified, and succumbed to many other negative emotions. So that today, few of you truly know what this feeling is. You use it the way you learned it, but it is not the way that this word represents: Love.

This word was not born here on Earth, it exists all over the Universe, and the whole Universe echoes this word because it has such a powerful energy. But what it represents, many of you don’t know what it is. The vast majority of your planet understands Love totally wrong. It is something that judges; it is something that enslaves; it is something that asks; it is something that begs; it is something that dominates. It is not something that you simply feel without asking anything in return.

So I would say to each of you today: Open your hearts to new truths and books. No, we are not writing new religious books. Our word will suffice. We don’t need to register. Why? Because they are simple words, short words, and teachings that don’t need to be in a book. We can say that the only purpose of our words is to live Love in all its forms, in all its ways. To love is not to look at the other by their appearance. It is to look at their soul, to love their soul, not their appearance. This is not Love; this is carnal desire, something you have not yet learned to separate from the feeling of Love.

I would say that many truths will come, and you will be amazed at how you have been deceived for so long by those who call themselves great religious leaders. You will see that every word they said over time, and changed and put into the mouths of the actual avatars who have come here with this feeling of Love, has been for their own benefit. For the use of their own walks, for the benefit of enrichment, for the benefit of manipulating humanity.

I could even say that we will begin a time without religion. The only existing religion will be God the Father/Mother, and how to live it? With Unconditional Love. That is all. There is not much to be said. Everything that leads to the exercise of Unconditional Love is inside this little religion. Anything contrary to this Unconditional Love is outside, not part of it.

So you need to open your hearts but open them with Love, to listen to all that will be said. So many things that you learn, you still find it very difficult to live them because it has been a long time since your souls have known precisely the opposite. And today, to forget all that and start living another way is not simple or easy. But you are capable. You can mold yourselves to this New World and philosophy of life where there is no rich and poor. There is no superior and inferior, beautiful and ugly, where there is no more intelligent and less intelligent. There are human beings, each one in his own way and form, and each has importance and function on the planet.

Nobody is born on the planet to do anything. Many think that they incarnate and represent nothing in this world. And here, I will again cite the example of balance: Everything is in balance. Many are born to balance great energies on another point of the planet. Nothing is done without attention. Every soul that incarnates is very well planned and very well guided by the Karmic Council. The problem is that you arrive on the planet’s surface, forget everything, and start acting as if you have not been guided.

So the great purpose today is to learn to live within Unconditional Love, these precepts and the Universal Laws that you do not yet know fully but will learn. These are the ones you need to live by. The laws of men created here have little to do with the Universal Laws because we don’t judge. There is no judgment. There is a reaction to an action done but no judgment.

There is an analysis of these reactions to the extent that they harm the balance of the Whole. It is different from judgment. When judging, you condemn, and that’s it. We charge and take action to inhibit the problem or help that soul redeem itself. This is not judgment; this is action within the Universal Laws. So you are moving very fast into these new laws, into the great truths, so live within Unconditional Love. It is not for you to judge; it is not for you to criticize; it is not for you to hate, anger, or rage.

You are on a journey to the Fifth Dimension; you cannot have those feelings. You must fill yourselves with Love. Every brother on the planet, even those who serve the non-light, is a soul of Father/Mother God, is a spark of Father/Mother God. Within the Universe, he is a brother to you, and within this planet, even more, he is also a brother to you. It is part of the same planet as you, so you can’t just take a stamp and judge it guilty. That soul has made bad choices, and be sure, it will reap those bad choices. But, it is not you who will judge it; you will wish it dead or suffer for so many lies before you.

Here is a little addendum: You will try to judge by saying that you have been deceived, but you have free will; nobody forces you to do anything. You accept it if your heart accepts it. As we have always said: Evil only enters when the door is open. So don’t lay the blame entirely on those who have done these things wrong on the planet. You enjoyed everything they presented, you lived, and some of you still live the pleasures they gave. So why judge them? If you are to have judgment, you are just as guilty as they are, so there is no reason to judge, or you will be judging yourself too. Because each of you, in a way, has participated in everything there today. You encouraged, propagated, and increased everything that they taught. So they are not totally to blame.

It’s like a big party; they put a delicious cake out to be eaten. Suppose everybody decides not to eat it because that cake is not good for their health. In that case, it’s too much sugar and fat, and if they don’t eat it, the cake will stay there; it won’t automatically go into their mouths. Now, if you look at the cake with desire, you will eat it. So realize it is your will that works there. Everything is presented to you, you resonate with that, and you follow if you want to; nothing is forced. Don’t put yourself in the role of a victim; ‘Oh, I was forced into this.” Nobody is forced to do anything. Everyone can stand up and try to liberate themselves; no matter how difficult, you can never give up freeing yourself.

So open your hearts to new beliefs, truths, and nonreligion. The only religion that will exist on the planet is Love for Father/Mother God and gratitude to Father/Mother God. All the other beings you know today, just be grateful for all they have taught you. It’s not religion; it’s gratitude for so many beautiful things, good things that they have taught you over time. But the only religion that should exist is Love for Father/Mother God.

Each people will come to God the Father/Mother by their heart, not through a book, not through someone claiming to be God’s representative, up front speaking. Each one reaches Father/Mother God in his or her own way and form, and He is open to all. Don’t forget, you are all a tiny spark of Him. So reaching him is very easy; it’s effortless. You don’t need a book or a specific religion to get to him.

The path to Father/Mother God is Love and Heart. If you find this path, there is no need for a book or religion.

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