Sananda – React to Problems With Love

Dear sons and daughters of the planet Earth! I AM SANANDA

It is with great joy in my heart that I come here once again. Do not expect me to comment on the events of your world. This is all part of the process happening right now. You will see much more. It simply shows (to those who see nothing and perceive nothing) that we are not standing still. Despite this, some people will think that nothing is happening, that the planet is as before. Everything is happening as it always has, just because they refuse to see the truth. But you will all see, at the right time, what we are trying to show you. So I won’t comment further.

Today, I still want to talk about our meeting. The movement is going terrific, but I still need to make a point. When something doesn’t go your way, you release the energy of frustration, discontent, and of course, anger. Right now, in the journey of this planet, this is reflected, not only on you, for it will come back to you, but on the Whole. Since things do not happen the way you want them to, you emanate such poor energy that reflects on all the brothers and sisters of the planet.

“Ah, but I am only one.” Look at a drop in a lake, it’s only a drop, but it produces many waves that, even unnoticed, spread over the lake. So nothing you do goes unnoticed. So let’s start emanating what you want instead of complaining about what you don’t have. You want something, you really do, ask with faith for your divine presence, the Higher Self in each of you, to provide it and help the Whole to move on to bring you the solution.

Don’t complain. Don’t be angry. Don’t curse, and don’t throw your irritation on others because it will come back to you in one way or another; you will have even more irritation. Instead, follow your path and learn to look at everything with love: “No, this is not good for me! I’m going to change it. Instead of complaining, swearing, or issuing a wave of anger, utter what you desire. At that point, based on the amount of love you put into it, the Universe will turn around and make it happen. That’s how you get things done, not by complaining about things not going your way.

So, for those in this big group, you are arranging and looking for the means to come. Many of you are not finding that means. Stop complaining and cursing that you are not getting what you want. Start emanating what you want but with love. Love is that magic spark that makes everything happen; it’s love that brings the big solutions; it’s love that brings the surprises, the things you don’t expect. No anger, no profanity, no irritability.

Look at everything with love, whatever it is. That thing you don’t like, look at it and ask yourself, “Why did I attract this? Everything that happens to you, at some point, you created it, and the Universe gives it back to you. So ask yourself, “Why am I receiving this? When did I emanate this?” If you search with love, you will find the answer. Don’t think that the Universe is against you, don’t think that you can’t do anything, that no one is willing or able to do anything good because you didn’t love. Think that everyone has their own way of being and that the people who try so lovingly to organize everything are not perfect. They are as human and make mistakes like you. So, express your love and gratitude for them, not anger, not dissatisfaction.

My sons and daughters, you still have much to learn. You think you are ready for the Fifth Dimension, and it only takes an event like this to show you that you still have a long way to go. But this is all part of the learning process. It is helpful for you to realize that you are not quite ready and need to start improving your emanations and thoughts. Consider the Whole and not just yourself. The Whole must be constantly engaged. Do not make one person responsible for everything. Everyone is trying to do their best. And if it is not so good for you and you have a valuable suggestion, just give it. Make your contribution, and suddenly you will be able to improve your situation and that of others. There is no point in complaining, getting upset, and doing nothing.

As previously stated, the program for the day will not be announced. You just have to be ready, on time, to start. One note worth mentioning: the start time is just a suggestion, you don’t necessarily have to start at seven in the morning, because every situation is different. A few people are doing an action, almost on their own doorstep. So why get up so early? There is no need. It is just a step. I would say that, for the Universe, the meeting starts at 7:00 a.m. and ends at 6:00 p.m. You will be enveloped in a great egregore of Light from this time on. Now you do not necessarily have to start at 7:00 a.m.

“Ah, but I’d rather do it earlier.” Fine, then do it early. For some people, that time may be a problem. No one is going to have a whole morning’s action. Instead, I would say that you will have time to talk, to get to know each other, so that in the afternoon, during the meeting, you will be focused on the programming that will take place. So, I repeat: The schedule will be from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., but everyone will start at whatever time they want. Only the meeting for those who are physically present will begin at noon. There will be a lunch period, and after a given time, the transmission will begin.

Therefore, everyone will have time to have lunch peacefully, without any problems. We will notify you of the time when we will start the transmission. So let me be clear, call whoever you want, not just existing groups. This is an action for the planet and anyone present at the meeting. Whoever wants to come will have to fulfill all the requirements.

So please, my sons and daughters, let love and friendship fill your hearts. Let us think of the Whole, not just ourselves. Let us help our brothers and sisters who need support. I feel this is the time for solidarity. It is good to start practicing this feeling, so everything will work out. So call me or Michael or Mary or all the beings of Light to help you make the decisions, to do your research, to guide you and lead you to the best for the Whole, and we will do it.

Try to see how easy everything will be, but you must have lots of love in your hearts. It will be the driving force of the new world. So start using it indiscriminately.

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