Dear brothers and sisters of the planet Earth, I AM KALIGHAL, Commander of the Pleiadian Spaceship!
It’s with great joy that I come here today to give you new guidance. We’re all celebrating and very, very happy about the victory of the Light. What victory? You have no idea; you must believe that the Light has won. This world can no longer be ruled by the shadows, by those who once came here and changed the entire route of what had been planned for you. Your planet is practically at the top of its orbit, bringing it closer and closer to the Central Sun of Alcyon. You are all experiencing the immense intensity of the Light, each in its own way.
Some feel a little off, and others have strange pains in various parts of their bodies that are not identified by their doctors. Others feel heat or vibrations, and each body receives this Light in its own way. But the Light will never bring harm to any of you. The transformation to the crystalline body is happening in everyone; even those who may not be able to evolve to the Fifth Dimension are also affected. They might not enter the fifth dimension now but have already been immersed in this incredible energy of evolution. Therefore, they will not leave the planet as they were before. However, the process of evolution has been implemented, so I can say that many will quickly evolve.
But that’s another matter. At the moment, there’s still a negative mass trying to manipulate your planet and control weak minds, the minds that only see what they want to see. But there is an end to everything and this mass is being dissolved, little by little, by the Light. So until the moment comes, almost nothing harmful will be left on your planet. The minds that have worshiped negativity will have already been taken from here. So the moment is for celebration. The moment is for joy. Don’t allow yourself to be surprised or frightened by what’s happening.
These are the last breaths of a mass that doesn’t accept losing. It knows it has already lost but needs to make its mark, creates turmoil, increases violence, and tries to aggregate more and more minds through fear. Don’t get into this game. This game isn’t for you. This game is only for those who don’t want and don’t accept the truth and new paths. They want to remain stuck in their own beliefs and decisions, and that is that! Don’t think that this mass will dissolve overnight; it’s powerful, but it’s being destroyed, and little by little, the great leaders will be changed, those who encourage this mass.
But all will happen in its own time. Neither before nor after, at the exact time, the great leaders of the Light know which it will be. But I don’t want to bring sadness here; I want joy because this feeling is felt in all the Ships around your planet. The pleasure of seeing this planet lit and totally covered by the Light. There are no more black spots around the Earth. And increasingly, the Light arrives and suffocates the negative energies until there comes a time when the Light will reach the center of the planet. On that day, the planet will ascend.
Today, we’re close to the surface; indeed, some even see us. We’ve been showing up a lot. And the great moment to show ourselves off is very near. We feel it in our hearts, and we want to bring all the joy we are feeling to each of you. The thrill of the Victory of the Light! The joy of well-done duty! The joy of mission accomplished!
Please don’t bother with this negative mass. It will be destroyed little by little. But, first, we must gradually eliminate from the midst of these tares those that could be wheat, which is what is being done now. Then, finally, only those who want to keep their hearts dark will be left, and that will be the moment for them to be removed from the planet. But this still takes time. You aren’t tens; you are billions, so this removal and cleansing take some time. And we are doing everything to prevent those who still have the power to do it from hurting you. They want to show you that we can’t do anything because the weapons are still in their hands.
I can say nothing about this because we act according to higher orders. So, as has been said: Stay out of this mass, and nothing will happen to you. Do not enter it, don’t spread its energy, don’t comment on it, don’t share it, don’t do anything. Ignore what happens out there. What happens is out there. So put on your fortresses and protections, and forget what’s outside. Stay away from this great mass. It’s a powerful mass; we can’t take away its credit, they’re capable of manipulating minds with lies and falsehoods, and the great majority still believes them. But all will have their own time to understand and see the truth. There’s nothing you can do.
Just protect yourselves; stay out of it. Please don’t enter this mass; it will be destroyed little by little. And rest assured that we are ready for anything; we aren’t watching TV, playing video games, or neglecting your planet. We monitor every step in every second and know what’s happening at every corner of the Earth. Because your whole world is being watched, nothing goes unnoticed. We’ll be ready for any action as soon as the superiors ask us to. But I repeat once more: I want to spread joy here today.
My party uniform is hung, tidy and beautiful because I want to present myself very handsomely. I want to show that I’m a handsome commander. I don’t know if, in your opinion, you’ll find me beautiful, but it isn’t this superficial beauty that you are used to but that of the heart. I want everyone who sees me immediately to notice my compassion and the Love that I radiate. That is what I hope for. And I hope that we all get hugs because this is a greeting we don’t know, and we certainly look forward to sharing this experience with you.
And we hope that you will be able to hug us without fear, disgust, or any feeling of unease. We are ready. We have spent a lot of time in chambers of low vibration, which correspond to the Third Dimension. So our bodies have already gotten used to it, and we’ll be able to stay for some time on your planet, talking and hugging you. And who knows, even celebrating and partying in your environment.
You like flashing lights, so we can promise you that we’ll have a big party and that each ship will shine a different color. Then, the colors will come from the sky. It will be a great party; everyone will toast the Victory, Light, and Love. This will really be a memorable moment throughout the Universe. We hope it will be like this, not only for us Pleiadians but for all those around you. We all want a big hug and a feeling of affection. You don’t have to emanate Love for us; we will be satisfied if you emanate respect and appreciation.
But we also know this won’t be easy to happen on your planet. You don’t like the “different” very much; you have repulsion for everything different, so we are ready for any feeling. And I can assure you that we won’t be sad because we have learned to respect everyone’s opinions and feelings. But those who effectively want to hug us, we will open our arms and receive and give this great hug. The embrace will begin a grand alliance, a great moment for you and the Universe, where all will learn to respect the newly ascended earthlings of the Fifth Dimension. Indeed, it will be a great day!
And for some, this day is very close, while it will take a little longer for the rest. But little by little, you will be transferred to the Fifth Dimension. The process takes a long time, but you won’t create roots. Continue your journey, continue your evolution, and little by little, you will have the merit of being in the Fifth Dimension. Gradually, you will go there, and you will come back; you will go there, and you will come back… And the day you go, we’ll be here, on this side, in a flock, welcoming you on each of our ships. If you wish, our doors will be open to receive each of you with much Love and Light.
I am Kalighal, Pleiadian ship Commander! And all those who answer my command feel what I have just said here. There’s no difference from one to another, and we are with you, helping you walk this journey of evolution, elevate yourselves, and find the Truth and the Light.