Dear Brothers and Sisters of Planet Earth, I AM SANANDA!
Once again, it is with great joy and gratitude that I thank Father/Mother God for allowing me to have a voice and speak to you. It’s no use worrying about what’s ahead; the timeline is formed from emanations. What you call the future, we call results. It’s the return of everything that emanated at a particular time in the universe. Is there any way to escape this timeline? I would say no. What emanated generated a result, and the result always comes. The only thing that can be done is to vibrate very high, totally disconnected from what is going on out there. Let’s put it this way:
A fortress, a great castle with high, firm, oversized, and heavy walls, can withstand any force coming from outside. Create this image in your mind. Now, enter this fortress. What’s inside doesn’t matter much; whether it will be a house, whether it will be a castle, or whether it will be nothing, an empty space, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that you are protected when you go through these gates and stand inside this grand fortress. An avalanche, fireballs, and uncontrolled animals may come, but your fortress is indestructible.
But how to build this indestructible fortress? with faith and belief. Believing that you are Divine Sparks and possess powers, and with these powers, you can make whatever you want. Your mind creates this fortress. So if you don’t believe, are afraid, or create it because I am telling you to create it, it won’t be a fortress. It will be a weak wall susceptible to any knock that comes from the outside because you haven’t created it with Courage, Love, and Faith. Now, if you create it with the certainty that there is a solid, indestructible, impenetrable wall, so it will be. And all that is outside will remain outside; you will continue living your life normally inside the wall.
Then many may ask, “But wait a minute, how can I live inside the wall if nothing is inside?” Then I ask you: Is the wall physical? No, it is not. The wall is something you will create with your mind, so inside it, you don’t need to eat, you don’t need to drink, you don’t need to sleep, and you don’t need to be afraid. You create a wall around you—not an imaginary wall; you create an etheric wall of energy. So your life here in the Third Dimension goes on. You leave home, work, eat, sleep, and do all the usual things you do during the day.
But wherever you go, you will have a wall around you. You will have something that will protect you from anything—from negative energy, from violence, from evil—but you will continue your physical life. Because this wall also has a property, it emanates energy.
Then it removes everything incompatible with its energy from your walk. My sons and daughters believe that you have powers and can change, not the world, but the path that each of you takes. You can choose how the path will be; you have to protect yourselves, and whatever happens outside, energetically speaking, will not hit you. “Ah, but what about the physical world and people?” I repeat it: The wall emanates Love energy. So go there and push away anyone who comes with a different energy than that. They are still there in the world around you, but they won’t see you. They might even pass you by, but no, you won’t be seen.
This is a great purpose: you protect yourselves no matter what happens. Observe your world, stop navel-gazing, and look at what’s happening outside; odd things are happening. The strange things I speak of are behaviors that make it seem as if humanity is losing any trace of Love in their hearts. But then I ask you a question: Is all of humanity acting the same way? No, some representatives do. But we have tried to be very clear, so let me be clear one more time: whoever acts in this way is following the energy of the mass, is comparable with it, and is living the same vibration, the same frequency.
Are many becoming violent? No, they aren’t becoming violent; they’re being what they have always been inside their hearts; only now that they’re exposed and no longer have the discretion to hide, they’re acting as they really are. It is like a giant magnet; the negative mass is a great magnet that attracts those who vibrate in the same range, even if they’re camouflaged. So now there is no more camouflage; the camouflage is going away, and people are being truthful, as who they always were, but they used to hide, deny, and put on masks, not to show up exactly as they are.
So within your wall, you will be immune to all of this, and you will be able to stay away from this mass. Now let’s be very clear: creating the wall is not difficult. Keeping it up—that’s another interesting point. Let’s say you build this wall with lots of stones, stone upon stone, and lots of cement, which is what you know in your world, and you keep making wide, deep, solid walls. But then during your day, you accuse a brother, you judge, you point fingers, you take sides, you choose sides, the stones fall, the wall doesn’t stand, it dissolves very fast.
So to keep the wall up, you need your mind, actions, and words to be compatible with the protection. So let everything about you be a Fifth Dimensional purpose, not a Third Dimensional purpose. Many people think that when we say certain things here, “Oh, that’s too easy, I’ll do it.” And nothing works. “Gee, I’ve done it, but I don’t feel like it works. “Ah, that’s too easy; I’ll do it.” And nothing works. “Well, I’ve done it, but I don’t feel it works.” But you cannot look at your own actions, thoughts, and words because the ego won’t let you. The ego is still active and holding the cards in your life. So your protections are worthless until you appease the ego and put it in the proper position. And I’ll tell you something else: with each attitude like this, you get closer and closer to this mass because this is what it is condemning, judgmental, discriminating, separating, and all of that. Everything that is contrary to the Fifth Dimension is in that mass. So those who act this way are getting closer and closer to it, and many don’t realize it.
Many think that thoughts have no consequence, and many believe that words have no consequence, only actions. I would say that thoughts are the most powerful because they come from the mind; words depend on how you speak, with the mind or with the heart; each has a weight and is as powerful as a giant bomb. So my sons and daughters choose to have this wall around you. But for it to stand upright and not dissolve easily with a single word, pay attention to your thoughts, speech, and actions. The moment is very delicate because everything that is happening around you is being fed.
Because everyone who vibrates together with this mass is joining it, everything seems stronger, and everything seems to happen more often. And it is not an illusion; it is a pure truth. So now it’s up to you to create the wall, stay protected, and walk among people who vibrate this mass without being seen. That’s what we want, and you will not be attracted to it because you vibrate in the opposite direction. You vibrate Light, Love, compassion, and all the other feelings pertinent to the Fifth Dimension. So you create your wall the way you want to, and I make just one caveat: There is no point in creating a wall many feet high. No, that is not where the fortress has to be.
Fortitude has to be in the walls, not in height. The walls need to be wide, and to create them, you have to think with Love, belief, and a will. And this wall will be erected with all your might; don’t forget to enter it. You cannot build the wall from the inside out; it is built from the outside in, and then you will open the gates and enter inside. And you don’t need powerful keys to keep the gates closed either, because the wall makes that gate impenetrable. Who will create a wall? Which one of you can create this wall and keep it up?
This will be a great exercise. And those who do it with a lot of belief and faith will hear the stones falling every time they make a slip because it will have my energy, and I will show everybody, “Look, you’re destroying your wall!” Yes, I will take care of everyone’s wall. And yes, of course, when you start building your wall, you can call me, and I’ll be carrying every stone; I’ll help you build your wall.
And it will have my energy and obviously yours too. Because it won’t be my energy that will keep it upright, my energy will be, let’s say, the watchman, where every wrong step you take, I will make you hear the stones falling, and you will know that you need to reassemble your wall. Who wants to play this game with me? Because it is a game that you will take a long time to win because nobody will keep this wall up for 24 hours. You will create, and quickly the stones will fall because you still have a lot to learn. But I am there as a lookout, showing you, “Hey, you dropped your stone!” And you will be aware of the activities you have committed.
And so, little by little, as time goes on, you will manage to make this wall stronger and stronger. And in talking about the timeline again, you can only change the timeline if we intercede. So if you all come together with your walls and become powerful, the energy generated by everyone changes the timeline. We are making things easier and less traumatic for you and the Whole. So realize that action is not only for you but for the Whole. So let’s each do our part; let’s change the timeline with actions, thoughts, and words.
Come on; this is an invitation that I made. And don’t forget to build the wall, each one in your own way; there is no prayer, no meditation, nothing. Everyone will build the wall with their own stones. If you invite me, I’ll be with you, and I’ll be your watchman; I will inform you, “Look, your walls are falling down.” And I will make you see it, hear it, and feel it. So there’s the invitation; let each one make his choice.