Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
To be here is always a reason for great joy, especially during these days when you are under so many energetic influences. Don’t be frightened by anything, and don’t worry about your reactions. You still need to be 100% enlightened; you’ll still make many mistakes and wrong attitudes and decisions, but you must be aware that each one of them will lead to a lesson that you can learn or not. Problems mount up, and some become very heavy and difficult to bear. But there’s an analysis for every situation and something to be learned.
Don’t think that the universe is conspiring against you; remember, you are receiving something that you emanated back there. It didn’t matter when it was derived, and you are receiving it back. It’s as if everything your soul has done throughout your existence that has not yet been understood or learned is coming back, only at the same time. Throughout each soul’s journey on this planet, the lessons were distributed well in advance, so they did not overlap. You had time and future incarnations, so all learning was diluted between the subsequent incarnations.
So see now, like a big wall, that everything that comes back can no longer be thrown forward; everything comes back today. And everything is accumulating, several lessons at the same time. This is what you are going through now. The critical thing in this process is to try to look at everything with Love, to be sure that you are involved in that problem because there’s something to learn. It’s not to dwell on the issue, it’s not to join hands with the problem, it’s not to suffer for the problem. The solution is to look at it with Love, not with anger. By looking at it with Love, I can guarantee that you already eliminate half of its force. With this, you can easily find your way out.
It’s no use despairing, punching walls, blaming the world, or frowning. The time has come to look everything in the face, whatever it may be. Ask your Higher Self why all this is happening, ask. The answer may be so different from what you expect that you will be surprised. Nevertheless, you must be aware of what’s happening. Be sure there will come a time when nothing will be left to learn. But this will still take time. You are reaching that point on the wall where there are still many problems, many things to be learned, accumulated over a long period. So yes, there will be one problem after another.
But all with the sole purpose of evolution, learning, and understanding that you need to improve and change. And how do you act when problems affect you, but the focus is on the other?
You cannot simply ignore the rest and make decisions on your own. Some decisions need to be taken as a group, or more precisely, within the family, where you cannot simply impose your understanding. In these situations, what about the problems that arise? That you have a solution, but the other don’t. How to act? Impose your idea on the other, impose your way of thinking on the other? Remember, you are a family, and when there’s no balance of ideas, there is conflict. Because no one wants to let go, each one thinks their point of view is the right one. So, neither you give in to yours nor the other gives in to theirs, and the impasse is formed. How to act?
Remember that lessons are coming for everyone, not only those of you who are awake; everyone is receiving lessons. The wall is also full of problems for them to solve, and the worst thing is that they aren’t aware of this; you are, and they aren’t. So, what is the right attitude to adopt at this moment? I would say shut up, let it happen, because the lesson belongs to the other person, and they must go through it, and it may be that the result is what you expect. It’s no use trying to impose your idea or your thinking. You should give the other person time to understand the problem. And if they don’t understand, what should I do?
I repeat that you must wait for them to learn the lesson. First, however, you must understand that living in a community or group is challenging. Each soul has its customs and habits, brought from a long time ago, and when they come together in any way, each one always wants to impose what they think is correct. But the other soul doesn’t always see that as right. So, are you going to try to impose it? No, you cannot; imposing anything is an invasion of free will. So, you will have to wait until the other effectively learns, until they see that their thinking isn’t correct. But of course, everything has a limit because some will never give in, as you say, will never admit they were wrong, and will continue to stand by their decision.
Then it will be up to you to decide for yourself, leaving them aside; they won’t be included in your decision. You aren’t imposing but enforcing what you have always wanted. You gave them time to see and to analyze, but they didn’t want to; they didn’t want to analyze, and they didn’t want to change, out of stubbornness or whim or pride, for whatever reason. Then you will have every reason to make your decision without involving them. Remember that I’m talking here about adults. I’m not involving children in this matter of mine; these are decisions taken by adults. So you must always give time for the other person to see, learn and analyze.
“Ah, how long will that time be?” You’ll know because your soul will be attentive, up to the limit where it can wait. After all, there’s a lesson to be learned by the other. So at this moment, you will be part of the other’s lesson. You will put your decision and leave the other aside, no longer accepting childishness or tantrums, whatever it may be of the other person. These are difficult moments, my children, when tempers are all excited. Those who aren’t awake do not know how to deal with any of this, so you can never impose unilateral decisions. There must be time for the other, and I repeat: time; your soul will know what that time will be and when it ends, your soul will tell you: it is time to act, and you will act because you have given the other enough time to think, to analyze and to learn his lesson. Human coexistence is not easy, nor is it simple. In these times, it is even more difficult because everyone is being stirred up and shaken up to bring out precisely those points of view that are not good for the journey.
But everything has to have its time, everything has to follow in each one’s time, and it cannot be imposed. So be aware of this: knowing how to give in for a time. You will say nothing, do nothing, and observe during this time. And when your time is up, you will say: “I gave you time to learn the lesson, but you didn’t want to know it. So I am making my decision. And the other will understand that you respected their time but that now you have to make a decision, and you will make it independently of his opinion. You won’t reach an agreement by fighting, rebelling, or shouting. Everything must be done with respect and with Love.
Seeing those around you learning their own lessons is a difficult moment for you because you already know the answer. You already know the way, but they don’t; they are still learning in a much stronger and more intense way. So look at the others around you with Love, not with anger. Of course, you must respect their time to see that they are wrong, but at this moment, it will never cross their minds. For this to happen, you need to be within your heart. So you look at the whole situation from within your heart, not with your mind. Because if you look at the case with the mind, you will not give any time; you will want your decision to prevail and to hell with the rest; that is the mind’s thinking.
So think with your heart, not with your mind. You will see that by acting in this way, you will be helping those around you to learn, respect the other’s opinion, not only look at their own navel, and care for the other’s side. This is the most crucial lesson: see things this way and have patience and Love. This is what is needed at this time. Anything different from this will not be good. Think about it, think about it a lot, and you will undoubtedly succeed in finding the middle way. Only sometimes want your ideas to prevail; within a family, there must be consensus, but there will be a limit. And if you do everything with your heart, you will surely know this limit.