Kwan Yin – Be a Messenger of Light

Dear brothers of the planet Earth! I AM KWAN YIN!

To be here again today, bringing my energy and all my Love, is always a moment of great joy for my heart. Today I want to speak only of Love; unconditional Love is to look at each production of Father/Mother God with admiration. Look at the beauty of each flower, tree, and animal and the balance of each animal and plant species. They all coexist in harmony, keeping the planet running, the flowers born, the fruits sprouting, and the rivers constantly fed by rain.

To love is to look at it all with bewilderment, at how big everything is, and all so well orchestrated and maintained by the energy of Father/Mother God. To love is to look at the sky and see the stars, which, because they are so distant, all seem like stars. But there are very remote orbs, planets, and energies whose Light arrives here thousands of years later.

To love is to see the balance of nature, the Universe, and the balance of your own planet. The days, nights, seasons, and temperature changes are very well planned, all with a beginning, middle, and end. The seasons ending and preparing for the next, the animals preparing to hibernate or to be reborn, everything in balance, no animal existing beyond what is needed. All have a function (whether minor or significant), all were created by Father/Mother God with their missions, to keep the planet in balance, to keep the air pure, and to keep protection from the sun’s rays.

When this planet was created, all of this existed. Men knew how to maintain this balance for a long time because they loved the Earth they walked on, the air they breathed, and the water they drank. Who created all this? God Father/Mother? No.

God Father/Mother, created the balance to make it easy to be on this planet, with every microorganism ideally in harmony with the others. And then came man, but the man with an evil conscience, with the conscience to destroy, to generate fear (because fear is what evil feeds on). The animals changed their behavior, and new animals were created, poisonous ones, to infest their homes and bring negative energy into them. Everything was designed to be out of balance.

The balance created by Father/Mother God is gone. You have deforested the planet and continue to deforest, thinking that a tree is nothing; it’s getting in the way of your business plans. It is worth more to put a bunch of animals eating grass so that your pockets can be stuffed with money at the expense of that animal’s suffering than to keep a tree standing. And then you complain about the climate; you complain about everything that happens on the planet today. You blame Father/Mother God; many think it is his punishment, No. You are reaping what you have sown; you are reaping the imbalance.

It is like a chemical reaction; it is almost impossible to stop once it starts. It will go all the way as long as there are particles to interact with. So today, the planet is in an imbalance such that it will not get better and will only get worse if nothing is done urgently. So the powerful continue to destroy the planet because this has always been their idea, to destroy everything so that man can kill himself.

Many are standing up for the planet and creating practices and models that help Gaia regain balance. They are the Messengers of Light. They do their best so that the suffering of their brothers and sisters is lessened. Yet, the response comes in the same intensity with every significant imbalance. And you cry to the heavens, “Why am I going through this?” Everything is out of balance on the planet: the waters, air, and Earth, and contaminated; nothing is pure anymore; man made it so. What do you want to get back, flowers?

Nature resists, and the planet resists, but this resistance is not enough to stop future processes. You are reaping the end of the journey, the imbalance of thousands of years. It can’t be avoided. There would need to be a significant global shift in thinking to refill the planet with trees, bringing balance back to its waters. But this would require the powerful to admit their mistakes, which will be very difficult.

I leave this message for the Messengers of Light. Those who today care about the planet and plan actions in favor of the Earth and the human being. Because the imbalance doesn’t just happen on the planet because many go hungry. After all, there is no balance. So, for the Messengers of Light, I leave this message:

Continue your tasks, ideas, and projects; don’t stop for anything. Difficulties and obstacles will come, but those with the Light will always find a way to overcome them. Have our help, ask for our assistance, and in every action, we will potentialize every achievement you perform.

You will not be able to save the planet, certainly not, because it is millennia of destruction. But you will be able to ease the suffering of many. You will even be able to eliminate your karma about all of this. You will not be able to save the planet, certainly not, because it is millennia of destruction. But you will be able to ease the suffering of many; you will even be able to eliminate your own karma about all of this. So, is it worth it? Of course, it is. Continue your actions, care for the planet, your brothers and sisters, and the animals (they suffer a lot, they can’t talk), then they are disposable, despicable.

But they are all a piece of Father/Mother God; they are living beings with living metabolism happening in them. And although many think that they don’t suffer nor feel pain, they do suffer, and a lot. But the liberation of all is near. There will be a significant change on this planet concerning animals. And then, we will want to see how the powerful will stand up and what they will do about it? Then, the animals will be liberated, no longer enslaved, and no longer killed by greed.

There is enough food on the planet for you not to consume animals, so it will be up to humanity to learn a New Age, to learn a new way of eating. But, of course, all this will be gradual but intense. It will not take millennia to happen; everything is very fast because there are no more millennia to happen, a decade at most.

So do your actions, continue your projects, and continue acting in favor of all, of the whole. And each one of you who gives yourselves to all of this from the heart will be doing good, not for yourselves, but for the whole, for the planet, for humanity, for the animals. Begin to live true Love, and true Love is not just for another brother; true Love is for the being that lives with you and that gives you so much joy, that are your animals, that bring you so many lessons and that are often your guardians. Look after the planet, love the planet, and of course, love your brothers; look at everyone equally, as if they were truly your brothers.

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