Rowena – The Time is to Look Inward

Dear Friends from Planet Earth, I AM ROWENA!

Being here and bringing a little Love and joy to each of you is always a great pleasure for me and all of us. Light comes forth intensively, firmly, and transforming. You can’t notice or see it, and even those who have the gift of clairvoyance can’t see this Light because it is from a very high dimension, and you are not yet ready to see it. What Light am I referring to? The Light, from Alcyon’s central Sun.

Solar Beings are working intensively on this planet, modifying structures and cells, and bringing about evolution. Many ask, even if you don’t notice, Is my body changing? But I see nothing; I feel nothing.” And you won’t see it because this transformation occurs at a much higher frequency than the one you live in today. So don’t expect to take a picture of your body and see a bunch of crystals. That’s not how it works. You need to be sure and aware that everything is being changed.

All the organisms on this planet are undergoing modification without exception. Change and evolution happen to all of us. This change and evolution bring positivity and negativity. The negatives are precisely the ones that need to be examined, dealt with, and eliminated.

Nothing can be left out because anything left behind will grow frighteningly, and the moment will come when it will swallow up your path, and you will no longer have any way to leave it aside. For it will become a great wall before you, and you will not move until you demolish it. And how do you do that? With much Love, forgiveness, wisdom, and learning.

It is important, my brothers and sisters, that new postures occur on each of your journeys. Changing in thought, acting, talking, eating… Many changes are needed but don’t understand that you must do it all at once. You must be aware that you have to change and insist on changing; it is neither easy nor simple. You tend to give up because it’s complex; we know that, but it’s a necessity. So have willpower, a goal, and focus on each change you decide to make.

Behavior is essential because thoughts lead to actions, words, and feelings. So therein lies the biggest problem. New ways of thinking, new ways of behaving, and new ways of speaking must be embraced. A more Loving speech, a slower walk, the execution of your tasks with Love and always finishing, never leaving for tomorrow what can be done today, start and finish every task. If you know you can’t complete today, if possible, don’t start it today; instead, do the small tasks that you know you will start and finish today.

This is important because small tasks, taken together, become problems or significant obstacles. So if you complete each of the smaller tasks, the chaotic and confused basket begins to empty, leaving only those tasks that can’t be accomplished in a single day but you are aware of and have under control. So it’s no use for you to start with the most complicated ones; always begin with the simplest tasks, the ones you will accomplish. And you’ll gradually realize that you can do so much at the end of the day that you’ll be surprised because you started and finished; nothing was left for tomorrow.

This is the time to remember everything you left behind, to do soul searching—things that you love but never did or that you once did and stopped. It is time to bring happiness and joy back into your life. Find time for yourself in every task you must do—a minute, ten, half an hour, an hour— or whatever. Choose something that pleases you, find your moment, and slowly make everybody around you respect that. Then, they will know they can’t interrupt you as you are in your moment, and you will respect theirs too.

That moment will come when everyone will face their inner self, maybe through meditation or doing what pleases them, that’s all. Only with yourself, only with your soul, only with your Divine Presence.. in this moment of solitude, you find answers, exits, and solutions because you focus on yourself and not on the surroundings. It can be hard to start long periods, so start short periods, such as five minutes. Don’t you all lock yourselves up in the shower to do something that is purely yours? So shut yourselves up for five minutes and look within, into your souls. Talk to your souls. Talk to the Divine Presence.

It may be that, at first, you get nothing and don’t have any answers, but your insistence and constancy will cause this to happen. And with time, you will be able to extend this time gradually, where everyone will know that at that time, you can’t be interrupted because you are meditating and looking inside. Whatever you do is of no concern to those around you; the major goal you are accomplishing is to spend time with yourself. It would be best if you had this time, this solitude, and this action.

Remember, now is the time to look inward, not outward. Your process must be cleaned up, analyzed, and dealt with, not the others. Everyone will do this in their own time since everyone is becoming aware, and they will know that they must do a soul search within themselves in their own time and manner. Don’t wait for the other one, “Oh, I’ll do it when everyone else does it.” No, you do it today, now, because this is your time and moment, or you wouldn’t be here listening to me.

Look inside you, noting the necessary changes you need to ascend, understanding that by bringing all this to your conscience, you can make changes because your mind is in charge, but right now, it’s the heart that rules. It’s because it will be enlightened and serene, and your mind will obey. So try to do this, have time to yourself so that you can effectively find your own path, changes, and the correct path towards the Light.

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