Archangel Michael Live 01-02-23


I won’t comment anything about that matter. I agree with everything that was talked about. There is a walk, my brothers. And the walk is lonesome. You must learn how to solve your problems individually. You must know how to look at your issues with Love. Everything will be the same while you face your concerns with your minds. You won’t evolve. You must look at each obstacle with Love and consider that it is a step ahead or above in your evolution because you don’t learn anything when you examine an obstacle with disdain and fear or decide you won’t think about it or, even worse, when you take the problem and throw it on others’ hands. You are denying that point of evolution. Each issue and obstacle is a point in your evolution path. You learn wisdom, responsibility, and consciousness from each situation to avoid repeating the same error. You need Love and must Love to make it happen. You must find out what you must do and feel you can do it.

What do you think God Father/Mother will put on your way? A problem you can’t solve? Is that what you think? Is God Father/Mother that cruel? Is He an executioner that makes this with His sons and daughters? “Ah, I will send a huge obstacle because I know he will not overcome it!” And laughs at him. Is this God Father/Mother? No, never! Each of you has obstacles and problems compatible with your walk and wisdom level. You will find the solution when you understand, learn, know, and have consciousness about a situation. Then, your consciousness will expand concerning that problem. As a result, you are expected to avoid repeating it again. This is consciousness expansion. This is evolution!

In distant times, the caveman created a square wheel so things could be done more quickly. Obviously, it doesn’t work at first. The strength necessary to turn the wheel was enormous, but the caveman perceived that the wheel moved. Somebody had the idea to cut the edges of that square wheel and saw it start spinning quickly. How would humankind be if those men looked at that square wheel and remained seated down crying? No, somebody thought, studied, and found a solution. And humanity evolved into the round wheel, making transporting objects easier, locomotion, and so on. Each difficulty is a point that comes your way to help evolution. You don’t have to be angry at it. Look at it with much Love, knowing that point will bring something good, an expansion of your consciousness.

My brothers, the path is increasingly lonely because many of you cannot reasonably converse with others. It is getting difficult to maintain some friendships and even the family itself. Most interestingly, some think the process is malignant because it dissolves and separates families. Those who don’t want to see the truth have this conception and always want to manipulate and control everything. So, losing control of people is impossible; they must continue holding everybody, but nobody wants to be controlled anymore. And then that person feels lonely. The Light has dissolved his family. He is not wrong! It is the Light that came and dissolved his family. It takes work to look at their own mistakes. It is easier to keep everybody under control, ignoring their ideas and opinions, than seeing people getting free and giving their backs to you. This is what has been happening lately. Nobody wants to be dominated anymore. All are free and want to be free. They don’t want to be attached to old ideas and limiting beliefs that only make them suffer. So, they prefer to walk alone. Many will think: “dissolving families is not something that the Light would do!” I tell you: God, Father/Mother does not want hell within your home just because it is a family. He wants everybody to be happy, each on their way.

The rules were not imposed by God Father/Mother. You, humankind, did it through your religions that preach you must suffer before learning; they say it is beautiful to suffer, women must be submissive, and they can’t have a voice. Wasn’t this the teaching? However, women are reacting and beginning to have their voices. No, it cannot be! This is wrong. This is not Light. This is anything but Light. A woman cannot react; this is not Light.” It is interesting. This is interesting thinking. So, my brothers, the walk is increasingly lonely. The hypocrisy is ending. The truth is appearing. Perfect families are those where everybody respects each other, can talk, and accepts others’ opinions. This is an ideal family. Otherwise, there is no perfection at all but suffering and pain. This is not Light. The Light does not require suffering from anybody. Learning is not suffering but instead the expansion of consciousness. It is to be conscious of a wrong act and avoid repeating it. This is evolution. This is Light. Not suffering. Let’s stop thinking you must suffer so God will look at you. God Father/Mother does not want any son or daughter to suffer. He wants you to be happy, abundant, joyful, smiling, and friends. Not what many defend in the name of God.

So, my brothers, look at your walks. What are you doing with them? Are you breaking the bonds, or do you continue under control? How is your walk? I have been telling and will repeat it constantly: attention to time. It can be too short for you to free yourself because you postpone: “ah, tomorrow I’ll solve this! And that tomorrow never comes. Then, a day will come when you say: “I will solve it today!” Too late. There is no time anymore. You don’t have time and lose your walk. So, my brothers, the walk is solitaire and happens from your heart, not the mind. Lately, the mind has been quiet. The heart is ruling now. The Christic energy is acting on each of you, bringing unconditional Love and not ego, which must be there silent in its corner. So, what are you doing with your walks? How do you want to arrive at the Fifth Dimension? How can you evolve if you do nothing that we tell you? On the contrary, you act oppositely.

I would like you to look at yourselves in the mirror. In fact, I said this to you some days ago: look yourselves in the mirror (I remember this) with Love. Love yourselves. Love the body you have. “Ah, but my body is ugly.” Who said that? Who has to look at you and tell whether you are beautiful? This is ego because your beauty is in your being, how you are, and how you treat and look at a brother. Your beauty is in your way to help a brother; how you talk to a brother. There is your beauty. What is the use of having that perfect beauty that everybody wants, but when you open your mouth, you have nothing important to say? You are just a futile body and mind. However, you cultivate beauty and ego. So, looking at yourself with Love is to search inside of you everything you like and repeat: “Uau, I am this. I do think this and that way.” And creating your script of praise. No, this is not ego. Obviously, everything has a limit. And you must distinguish ego from what is not ego. Everything you see in yourself but don’t compare with anybody is not ego. Now, if you say something about yourself and compare it with others, this is ego.

So, begin loving and respecting yourselves. Stat evolving, without crutches or support. Walk with your own legs and hearts. Let your mind rest. Proceed with your heart; your walk will be marvelous, and you will be correct because those who walk using the heart are never wrong. They do what must be done. So, start looking at yourselves. Stop looking at the other. You must look to yourselves, virtues, kindness, and, why not, your errors too? So you can correct them without judgment, only acknowledging the mistakes. Forget others’ paths. Again, you can be supportive of any brother but don’t create any bond. This needs to be clarified in the head of many. So, for those who didn’t understand, put your hands on your hearts, both hands, call Sananda and ask: “Sananda, make me understand what I must understand.” If you ask with faith and Love, you will understand. The world needs solidarity. Yes, it does, but without faces or bonds. Help thousands of people, not only one. Do you want to help? Help ten, not only one person. Divide the help you would give to one person by ten. Make it extend to them. Someone other than you will distribute. This is good because you need to know who received your help. You won’t judge. And those who received need to find out who helped them. They will not judge too. This is the right way to help. Solidarity must be significant and for many people, not only one. Don’t tell me that you can’t afford to help many. Understand what I am saying: you will help with what today you give to one person, and you will give to someone who will distribute that amount to other people, many people. Did you understand? So, you will help many more people and not create a connection with anybody.

My brothers, you have no idea how many connections you have in your body because of what I have just explained. You have no idea. You look like hedgehogs walking around the planet. The difference is that the number of thorns of the hedgehog is limited, but not your lines because they connect throughout the earth and not only on this life. From other lives too. So, we are breaking this concept. It aches a lot. Many brothers need it, but you don’t have to appear at their doors. Do it without appearing and creating bonds. It is not that difficult to understand. You should avoid judgment and expectation. Judgment happens in both ways. You are giving a lot, you think it is a lot, and those who receive think: “why does he not give me more?” My brothers, this is what happens. The judgment goes both ways, and the game continues: “Why does he not give me more? “Why should I give always”? “Why?”. It does not end. So, why do you maintain this? Help without connections, and you will sleep in peace, knowing you helped your brothers without knowing their names. This is perfect. If you do this with your heart, it is registered on your walk. Now, if you judge, this is also registered on your way as a judgment of a brother, “Ah, but I was donating!” It doesn’t matter! You made a judgment, so the time has come to forgive and ask for forgiveness. Do you think this goes unnoticed, and you can’t do anything about it? Wait because soon we will have a new procedure of forgiveness. I am updating everything. I don’t want the old procedures anymore. We will have procedures more adequate to the current world and time.

Since I mentioned this subject before closing, I want you to understand that we know the reason for everything we propose. The walk is different today. Times have changed. I cannot apply today, a procedure I used five years ago. It needs to be more adequate. It would not work because energies are different. You are at another point of your walk, not at the beginning of the line. You must understand this. So, start detaching yourselves from past things. This is called detachment. I am saying you don’t have to do it anymore, so don’t do it. “Ah, but I will continue doing it.” I have already answered this in today’s video. I won’t comment on it further. I want to say only one thing: questioning is defiance. Being contrary to what we say will not help the planet’s ascension. Nothing will happen to any one of us. Remember this. I will not use the term you use because it is not polite. However, do you think you affect me when you are contrary to what I say? Not me! I continue being what I am and doing what I have always done. I will continue evolving this group, whether you want it or not. I assure you that the group will advance. I can’t say the same about you. So, the choice is individual. You choose the way you want to follow. We can’t do anything about it. You have free will. So, follow your walk as you consider it correct. No problem, but you should think a lot because time is running out. The days have a different duration than they had some time ago. Time is accelerated, and you can lose your way quickly. Maybe you will never find your way again. This is all I have to tell you.

Choose whatever way you want, but remember that each choice has a result, and some take to results that are not good. You may learn this on your journey and regret it later. Who knows? Maybe not; perhaps your ego does not let you regret it. However, those who hear me with their hearts will not regret following the way we showed because we know which way is the best for those who have been with me since the beginning. They can state how they were and what they are today. I doubt that anybody is the same. Not at all. And this all happened with our guidance and orientation. Do you regret it? I hope not. I hope you are satisfied with the level of evolution you have reached, and be sure that more is to come right there in front of you. I assure you won’t wait too long.

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