Saint Germain – You Can Evolve

Dear brothers of the planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN!

To be here once again is to bring you all the energy of the Violet Ray, to transmute everything incompatible with the Light into Love and Light.

My brothers, open your hearts, raise your vibrations, and do not let fear at any time be a friend on your journey. Your world is constantly transforming, Gaia is transforming, and you are transforming. And each transformation or change requires large doses of energy.

Every soul’s journey, at this moment on the planet, was agreed upon and defined before you were here. The transformations, be it of the earth, external, or whatever, will allow many souls to leave, be treated, and be trained for the Fifth Dimension. It takes courage, great faith, and determination to live what you will live.

Moving into the Fifth Dimension in this physical body, with the mind you have, takes work. It takes a lot of changes, changes in every way, not only in yourselves but in the world around you. So many things will have to cease to exist, many things will be transformed, and all these changes are not light, not easy, and not something that will go unnoticed.

But all this that I am saying is not to bring fear. It is only to alert you to how you should feel each step of this journey. Constantly vibrate with an open and pure heart, conscious of every step and decision you take. At this moment, there is no more room for frivolous and futile decisions; this is a moment of transformation, learning, and adaptation.

Many things will be transformed, but they will surely bring something more evolved. Of course, nothing will be altered for the worse, but you need to be open to living in the new times and these recent changes. Anger, pain, and suffering cannot be part of this process. Think of it all as a ladder, but a ladder of high, very high, and extremely wide, enormous rungs. At each level of this ladder, you will have to leave a lot behind, and you will have to learn other things. And if this whole process of leaving behind and learning is successful, you will be able to go to the next rung and rise up, little by little.

The journey to the Fifth Dimension takes time and effort to experience. It will require a lot of courage, acceptance, and letting go; everything will be gradual, and nothing will be done abruptly or severely. But nevertheless, this grand stairway will be available to everyone, and everyone can climb it. You can stay where you want to be, or you can descend and continue to live within this world of illusion that you live in today.

At this point, choices will be unavoidable. You will have to make many choices: Move on, stay in place, or throw it all away. Nothing will be imposed, nothing will be mandatory, and you will live what your conscience determines. I can assure you that it will often be contrary to the soul.

But right now, the soul is represented by the conscience, and the conscience is in charge. So then, many souls will cry and despair because the consciences will not want to evolve but will understand that they were not able to change the consciousness they are tied to.

Yes, the future will be exciting; you will learn many new things and have help with many things. But for all this to happen, humanity must choose to live it. No, nobody will be harmed by humanity’s wrong choices. Those who have to evolve will continue to climb the ladder. They will have their own tests for their evolution, and no one will be stuck with anyone. But the more humanity evolves, the more people will feel like continuing to climb the ladder.

So it will just be choices. So right now, each of you needs to believe that you can climb that long ladder, reach the Fifth Dimension, and overcome anything. And this, be assured, will bring the necessary strength for you to follow this path.

You are not alone. You have all of us at any time. You have your galactic brothers and sisters who can help you anytime. No one is alone, and you will have help. As long as your heart is filled with Light and Love, you will have all the help you need to climb this ladder. You have to believe it.

Stand up and repeat to yourself: I AM AVAILABLE TO EVOLVE. This is a phrase you must repeat all the time, so your consciousness will believe it, and you can vibrate within that phrase. And I guarantee that it will bring a lot more light to the path of each one of you.

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