Today is still not the day I will talk about the Fifth Dimension. I will keep you waiting a little longer.
Today, I wanna talk about a subject, not that the other is not interesting to me because all issues are interesting. Still, some have greater importance, you know? At this moment, in this phase of Gaia’s awakening, one subject is essential. Some don’t agree, don’t believe me, or criticize me; I’m not worried about that. It’s a way of keeping you thinking and understanding what we plan for the future.
Your world… let me tell you a little bit of the story. Saint Germain tells this story very well in his book. Your world had people who had abundance and prosperity because they knew how to use energy in the right way. Many may ask themselves and may ask us: how does Father/Mother God allow a being of little Light to have abundance, to have prosperity, grow, and dominate a planet? I would tell you not to blame or put the responsibility on Father/Mother God. It was all part of a grand plan to bring all humanity in halter, always in inferiority. So those who could dominate manipulated everything. They created the rules. They made all the mechanisms to get where they got. And they also knew how to control everything so nobody could access anything. So, humanity grew with points of wealth, and the rest lived as they could. So, the great objective was to kill, dominate, conquer, grow, and have more and more. So there was no respect for people, no respect for property, and what happened? This concept spread among the powerful. What do I call the powerful? Those who always had the power to decide over others. So, they would be the big landowners, the kings, and queens who took everything for their own benefit and advantage without caring whether those below them were hungry. So, the financial imbalance of the world arose from immense fortunes that could buy everything and everyone a significant degree of influence, which forced, even unwillingly, those below to submit to everything.
So we come to the world today, the world in imbalance, totally out of balance. There is a pyramid with a few at the top; there are those who continue to keep the wealth, continue to enslave those at the bottom, and continue to do all sorts of things to keep those at the bottom, always at the bottom. This pyramid is low; it isn’t because the base is huge. The base is totally disproportionate to the tip of the pyramid. It is almost plain because those at the bottom have difficulties and hunger today. Those at that little tip, standing out from the rest, have control of everything. They manipulate information. They manage everything that happens on the planet by power, the power of the energy of too much money in their hands.
So, today’s subject is not about the powerful but about balance. Then I ask you: do you think it is fair that a person never, even if he works from sunrise to sunset, even if he is honest, gets nothing during his life? Because everything for him is denied, everything for him is complicated. Because the powerful ones decide so too. Do you think this is fair? Many people here answer: “No, but that depends on his path.” I agree. It depends on his path; you are right. But how far have each one of you, the vast majority of you, ever had moments of almost hitting rock bottom? How many of you have been there? I will say here that many, many, many. And many of you are still at the bottom of the well and don’t see the possibility of getting out of it. Because everything is always challenging, everything is always very impossible. Ok. Let’s talk about walking again? Let’s go. Let’s talk again. But what have we been saying to you? Let me give another example, then. A brother is hungry, so because his walk has led him to be hungry, you will not provide him with food because it is his walk? So, you won’t give him food; he has to starve to learn. This is not the way. The walk goes differently. Many times, some need to be exposed, be the trigger or fuse, for others to see it and take action. I can tell you that it is part of the walk, yes. So, it is part of the journey of the one who is hungry, for some reason, and it is part of the journey of the one who is around to feed, also for some reason. So, these two paths unite, but one does not neutralize the other. The simple fact that you feed someone hungry does not change his course because you may not feed him every day, and he will still be hungry at some point. So, it is a very complex matter. You can’t have rules. You can only have definite things in terms of results. So, in the same way, that those who are at the bottom of the well, few lend a hand to climb up. Not least because it involves the energy of money. Helping someone hungry is more straightforward because you often see the person going hungry, and when you give the food, you see them eating; it calms your heart, and you feel good. You feel good because you have conditionally given that food away, so you have not been that true to your heart. But when it comes to the energy of money… ah, then it changes the conversation. Nobody wants to give what little they have. “I already have so little, so how can I give it away? And the one at the bottom of the well stays there because nobody helps. Neither those around nor the governments support it. And so, a good part of the planet’s population remains at the bottom of the well and has difficulty getting out of it.
So let’s think about the great fortunes, the places that hold the stored energy of money. They lend money, yes. They lend, at what price? At what cost? At the cost of a lifetime. And even then, impossible to be repaid. Everything is a loan. Everything focuses on debt because the more indebted a human becomes, the more manipulable he becomes. Because there is nothing left to lose for him, he accepts anything to try to see if, at some point, he will get out of that situation without knowing that the real proposal is to sink him deeper and deeper. So, this is your world, where you are driven into debt, debt, debt, debt for a lifetime, from one life to the next, and it never ends. But it will end. And then, many are asking, “but how will it end?” What did I say? Today there is a pyramid with a vast base and very little height because the tip is small but very influential. So, soon, the purpose is to decrease this base and increase the size of the pyramid. And how will this be done? By dissolving the top. So that what is stored there, at the top, untouchable, unreachable, will be spread all over the planet. It will be…I won’t say the term donated or sold. Many are thinking: what would be the proper term?
Let’s go. What would be the appropriate theme? Borrowing? More debt? That would never be of the Light. Then everyone will get a share of all that is there, all that powerful stuff, and they can have a life of dignity. You will be able to have a large table, why not? Why is it that only the rich can have a full table? Debts will no longer exist because they are created precisely for the impoverishment of all humanity. Oh, but some people are saying here, now, that they will make a lot of debt because they know they will not pay. Really? And do you know when this will happen? Do you know? So, as we have said many times here, everything has a purpose. Everything has a rule. So don’t just turn on the faucet and let it gush out anywhere. The faucet will flow to the right places, to those who have always behaved lovingly towards their neighbor. Behavior is worthy of the Light. Then, many may ask, “but wait a minute. Are you judging?” It’s not a matter of judging. It is a matter of always the walk. Invariably, the walk.
So, will he who has squandered a lifetime, never cared about anyone, stepped on everyone to get what he wanted, climbed up at the expense of the hunger, and the misery of those below him, gain anything? Then, I ask you: is it fair? But is this a judgment or the result of an incredible journey? So, my brothers, this pyramid, with its vast base, will one day become a great tower. A tower? Yes, a big square tower. Where everyone will have everything. Everyone will have everything equally. There will be no rich and poor; everyone will have everything. That’s where many people get full of themselves, get all upset, and say: “No. But this is not fair. I’ve worked a lifetime to have what I have; I won’t share it with someone who’s never made anything.” Wait! Wait!. Look at the judgment. Now, I tell you: look at the judgment. What did I say here? That everything will depend on the walk. The tap will not be open for all equally, but it will be fair. Then, everyone will have the right to everything. Everyone will have the right to have a comfortable home to live in. Everyone has the right to have food to feed his family. Everyone will have the right to a decent job that ennobles the soul. This will be the new world. I have never said here that you will lose what you have to give to those who don’t have it. There is a path for each one. Can it be that someone will lose? Yes, someone can fail because it is the result of their journey. Now, the most important thing is not what will be lost but what will be gained by humanity because there will be no more hunger, misery, and control of the masses so that the powerful can get elected. This will be over. Everyone will have the right to everything, according to their walk. But the minimum to live, everyone will have and comfortably.
Now realize something important. Today, in your world, you have divided your world into castes. What do I mean by caste? You have neighborhoods, cities, wealthy states, and chunks, zones of these same places where only the poor are there. This will end. There will be no more discrimination. There can be no more separation. Many people deny it, turning up their noses because they can’t. “I can’t mix with someone who can’t afford it.” Give me a reason why? Oh, because you are better than him? How are you better than him? Because you had more opportunities? Because you were luckier? Because you studied a little more? So you are better than him. And if I told you that the one you are frowning upon today I gave him all the conditions you had, and he became someone better than you, would you accept that? Yes, it could be possible. He doesn’t have it because he couldn’t afford it. But is that why he is inferior to you? That’s why he’s no good? Is that why he can’t live next to you? Does he have to be separated? Yes, my brothers. You will have a lot to learn. You will have much to change your concepts and thinking to understand that you have no difference. Those who cultivate difference, discrimination, and lack of respect will not have many places on the new planet. They will have no place on the new planet because there will be no such thing in the new world, the new Gaia, or the New Earth. There won’t be any discrimination. There will be no separation of any kind. And whoever goes there and vibrates will be kindly invited for treatment. If the habit remains, they will be invited to leave the Fifth Dimension because you don’t vibrate that there. Then, I ask each of you, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart: are you ready for this? Are you prepared to live with someone who may not have a thousandth of your knowledge? Who is humble with a huge heart but modest little education? Are you ready? Do you, in a moment, cross your mind that you will be able to give him your hand and make him grow? Help him find his way, as you once did? And make him a different, improved person, culturally speaking? So what do you think? What do you hope? That you will repeat in the Fifth Dimension, all that you foster here? That you will live there separated by zones as you live here? I will tell everyone who thinks this way to start changing their concepts. Start looking at the world differently. Start looking at your brothers and sisters differently. Or you will have no place there. Make a choice and stay in the Third Dimension because you will not vibrate there. There are laws to be obeyed, on this planet, universal laws. No, the laws of men; no, the rules created by the powerful. These are jokes; for us, they are jokes because they only apply to those at the bottom of the pyramid; for those at the top, nothing is valid, and nothing sticks. And we must remember that the top of this pyramid represents precisely those who came in and created all this chaos. So, all the more reason for everything that is theirs to be spread all over the planet, bringing prosperity and abundance to all. So many millennia and millennia of stealing, taking the food out of people’s mouths, so nothing fairer than to spread it around so that everyone has everything. Now, how will this be done? Wait and see. Just don’t expect us to be human, and don’t expect us to act human because we are not. We will follow the universal laws, whether you agree or not. This is a walk to a higher dimension. There are rules and different things from here, from what you live in the Third Dimension. So don’t want to implant there what you do wrong here, because it won’t happen.
So begin to think of a balanced world, and these lessons will not be lived out in the Fifth Dimension; they will be lived out, still here in the Third. It would be best if you are ready to get to the Fifth Dimension, not get ready there because that will not happen. If you go to the Fifth Dimension as you think you are here, you won’t stay there, not one minute. So, the lessons have to happen here in the Third Dimension so that you can learn and begin to evolve. To change your thoughts. To change your ways of acting towards your brothers. I hope that each of you will start today to scan all those beliefs, attitudes, and actions that are not Fifth Dimensional compliant and start changing them one by one. There is still time. But start early enough, because maybe in a little while there won’t be any time left. And you will be swallowed up by a Third Dimensional wave, no longer here, but on another planet. Don’t think we are playing with threats. Don’t think that we are saying things to frighten you. That would be ridiculous on our part. We are telling you the absolute truth. Now, if you don’t want to believe it or get involved if you think nothing will happen, that is a choice; that is part of your journey. So go on, and we will see where you will be. Where you will get to. So, I am just a reminder. Be sure to change. Start yesterday because this change is not easy, it’s not simple, and it’s not a snap of the fingers because this change has to come from the heart. In your mind, you have changed. Ah, many, here fill their mouths… “no. I have changed.” But nothing changed when the situation happened because the change was in the mind, not the heart. You’re doing what you shouldn’t be doing. So it would be best if you observed yourself. But watch so that you can change your heart. Do you want help? Ask for it. We are here to help you. Now, don’t fool yourself. Don’t try to create a make-believe world. “Oh, I am pretending that I am changing. And down the road, I’ll pretend I’m going to the Fifth Dimension.” Is that it? That’s precisely it. You will pretend to go to the Fifth Dimension because you won’t go. So, observe yourselves. Look within yourselves and begin to observe your attitudes and your actions. It’s not judgment. I don’t want anybody here making a self-judgment. I want observation. And if you find yourself acting incorrectly in the moment, what has to be done? Immediate forgiveness and the search not to repeat it. This is the only way, the only way you have to change, to take a new path, to change the route you are walking today. So, think. Think about everything I have said here. And look into your heart; how do you feel? What would you do?
What would you do if I said that every well-to-do, better-off, or wealthy family had to adopt a low-income family in the Fifth Dimension? But really adopt. Take care of it, help it, do everything for it; what would you say? This is a hypothesis, but how would you act? Would you not accept? “No, I won’t do that.” Interesting. Or would you take the challenge? And would you help that family to grow, not to be dependent, to grow, grow, grow, at the risk of even outgrowing you? So, what do you say? That is a hypothesis. This idea will not happen because I said it was a wealthy family if you pay attention. In the Fifth Dimension, there are no rich and poor people; everyone has everything. Please pay attention to my words. So, how about doing this exercise here, still in the Third Dimension? It is not giving to humiliate. It is helping to grow. Helping to become better human-being with better conditions. This you can do. Imagine if each of you, who today has a better situation, did this for every miserable family on this planet? Would there be hunger? No, there would not. There would be a balance. But without dependence. It is not creating dependency. It is to give a hand. It’s helping to grow. Helping to evolve. This, you can do. But, do you do it? No. You would instead give because then you don’t get involved. You would instead create a dependency than actually help the person to grow.
Yes, my brothers, I would stay here all night, giving many examples of what you could and couldn’t do. So, I’ll repeat: How are your attitudes towards your neighbor? How are your actions towards your neighbor? What determines your actions? Your mind or your heart? Please answer these questions, but answer them truthfully, because there is no use in answering lies, you will be deceiving yourself. So, have moments of reflection. And start preparing effectively for new rules very soon. For further actions and new ways of living, very soon. I hope you are ready to get your fair share of your journey. I sincerely hope so. But, unfortunately, I know that this will not be so. Many will fall by the wayside because they will not accept equality. They will not get division. They will not get a living equally because they need to be superior. They need to be dominant and powerful. They could never be equal to an inferior. How wonderful. Keep it up. And you’ve really bought your ticket to the streetcar. It’s getting full, huh. Every day. Every day more and more and more people are taking the streetcar. So, your ticket is guaranteed. You have to keep thinking like that.
So, my brothers, consider this. Reflect a lot. At each meeting we have here, I will begin to expose you to many ways of thinking so that you can perceive the path you still have to take. It is still a long way from being the ideal journey, be sure of that.
Stay with my energy and all my love. And whoever needs help to find this right path, we are all here. Just waiting for the request. And we will be very, very happy to help each and every one of you.