I like to come here from time to time to bring a little balance, quieten your hearts, and help you on this great journey.
My brothers and sisters, we have said here many times: Look at your own path. Yes, you can be part of someone else’s path; after all, you are not isolated. You have your families, your friends, your colleagues. You’re all following the same path, so to speak. So I think it’s worth explaining a little more about this.
You form a family, and that family creates an egregore. And there are separate parts of this family, you don’t all live in the same house. But that family forms an egregore. And when I say family, I mean blood ties; those who have the same blood, from the father and mother who started the whole process. This family has an egregore.
As a family, you receive influences and all sorts of energies from your ancestors, both good and bad. There’s a feeling that’s common to everyone because genetics emerges. Very well. Many may ask: “But what about those who are part of this family, who join the members and generate new members?” They have their families, but this new member that has been generated is part of both families.
So I can make it a bit more complicated if I want to. So understand that it’s all very mixed up, but each family has its own weight, has its own history, and that little being has generated a part of each one, will be influenced by both families. There’s no escaping it. Very well.
But we’ve said here and again that everyone has their own path and where does family fit into this story? Each soul is independent. The family bond will exist forever, as long as it is a bond of love; it will exist forever, it will never be broken. What is broken are different bonds of love. Love cannot be broken, because it is the greatest feeling in the universe.
So when there is love, the bond is eternal. But not this love that you know; it’s unconditional love. Any other kind doesn’t last. Very well. So each soul is independent, but it’s also part of a family, or two because everyone is born from two people, genetically speaking. Very well.
How do you separate your own path from that of your family? Each soul’s path is defined before incarnation, and all the influences of the two families are brought to that soul, so it becomes part of the two families. But it has its own path. It may or may not allow itself to be enveloped by the family’s traits, that’s the soul’s decision. But I’ll say it again: each soul is independent.
So the moment the soul defines its path, it can make choices that have nothing to do with the family’s choices. And that’s fine because it’s independent. It doesn’t need to follow in the family’s footsteps. And that’s where the biggest problem lies because many people don’t realize that they need to follow their own path. Many think that because they’re family, they need to be tied down forever; not to bonds of love, to any other kind of bond. And so they keep their path attached to that of their family. They forget about their own evolution, because as each soul is an independent soul, the family can influence in a positive or negative way, but in either way, it can take that soul off its path.
So when we say: Look at your own path, you usually understand this as not looking at the path of a stranger, as not looking at the path of someone who is suffering on the other side of the world, whom you don’t know. So yes, it’s easy for you to just turn your back and ignore it and not have any problems. But what do you do with your family? What do you do with those who walk side by side with you every day?
That’s where the story gets complicated. Looking at your own path means not letting yourself get involved, not letting yourself be manipulated, not letting yourself do what they want you to do. Looking at your own path means making your own decisions, not the decisions that your family or those next to you want you to make.
So looking at your own path means making your own decisions, making your own choices. Often these choices, um… there’s a problem there: these choices don’t have those people who are by your side, together with you, you make a choice in which you separate. It doesn’t matter from whom, you separate. Is that wrong? Of course not. You’re going your own way
You just have to be careful not to hurt, not to wound. You need to have the wisdom to show everyone that you’re following your path; you’re not hurting anyone. You’re just standing up for what you believe in, what you want, what your path has determined. And you’ll be free, even if you have them by your side. They’re there by your side, but at no time may you let them influence your journey.
Don’t stop doing anything for anyone. This is a sacrifice you make and regret later. No one can stop your journey because of someone else. If you want to walk with someone, walk together, each on their own side, each on their own path, respecting each other’s path. Wonderful! It will be an extremely fruitful relationship for both of you because each of you follows what your heart tells you to do. But always taking care not to hurt the other, not to make the other suffer. Always talking, always putting your own point of view. Not imposing anything, not letting yourself be imposed on.
So my brothers, don’t just look at those you don’t know, as those you can turn your back on and do nothing about. You have to know how to deal with those you have by your side because they are family, the family you chose, the family you created. So know how to follow your path as an independent soul.
You might ask me: “But can’t I ever give in?” No, you can’t. Because when you give in, you’re going against your path. No one needs to give in to anyone. The other person needs to like you, love you, respect you just the way you are, without concessions, without surrender. Understand that. You need to remain whole. Nobody can try to change you. No one can impose anything on you.
So this is looking at your own path. You can even take a look at the other person’s path, because they’re there, next to you, there’s no way you’re not going to look but respect the other person’s path. Don’t like it? I’m sorry, you’ll have to live with it because it’s his decision, it’s the other person’s, not yours. But if it bothers you too much, then it’s time to think about whether it’s worth continuing together.
That’s how it is, my brothers. As simple as flowing water. There’s no turning back. It always has to be your decision. Can you make decisions together? Yes, as long as you both agree; one doesn’t give in to please the other. Then it’s all wrong, it’s already started wrong. When you both agree and you’re both happy with what you’re agreeing to, great, you’ll be walking parallel paths for a long time. But each following their own. Each living that path in their own way, not the other’s.
So learn, in any situation: Your journey, your choices must and must always be your own. Don’t interfere with the other person’s choice and don’t allow the other person to interfere with yours. This is what you need to learn right now, my brothers. You have the idea that you always need someone’s support to do something. Why is that? It’s your choice. You have to bear the consequences. You can even ask for an opinion, or have a chat, but the choice has to be yours, not the other person’s. It won’t be the other person who tells you. It won’t be the other person who tells you what to do.
Learn that and start looking at your own path. Go your own way, not the way others want you to go. Only in this way will you effectively detach yourself from all around you. You continue to love them, intensely, but above all respecting each other’s journeys. And, most importantly, by making yourself respected on your journey. Think about it and I guarantee that everything will seem much easier than you think.
Translated by I.Arantes