Archangel Michael Live 27-09-2023


It’s interesting how what has just been said upsets a lot of people because many see themselves in what has been said, but they don’t agree and think they’re being correct. Very well, I can’t analyze it in general here, because each case is different. But the only thing I want to say to round off everything that has been said is to really stop looking at your own navel. The time of the dominant ego is over. So if you think you’re the most important thing, the most perfect and can do anything and at any moment. I’d say you’re in a bit of a pickle because you haven’t managed to master your ego yet. That’s all I’m going to say. Let everyone start to look at each attitude and see what it causes, and in all of this, there’s one very important word: respect. I can’t do everything I want if my attitude can affect someone else. So I’m saying: I do what I want and I don’t respect anyone. Think about it. I can assure you that this is not the best way to evolve. I can assure each and every one of you that this is not the best way. But that’s not what we’re talking about today. The last time I was here, I asked you to meditate for Gaia, I left the meditation and I want to congratulate all those who have committed themselves to meditating at various times of the day. It’s been very valuable, my brothers and sisters. Don’t think for a moment that nothing you’re doing is working, don’t ever think like that! You made a choice to help the planet and Gaia knows and feels everything you are doing to help her. I just ask everyone, that more people get involved, and more people want to help in this great process. But I’m very grateful here for what you’re doing. This is my group! This is the group that I created, that I taught, and that today has an immense heart and at any moment is willing to give that heart away. Be sure, my brothers and sisters, every attitude you take at this moment makes a difference in the journey of each one of you, this I guarantee! So keep going! Keep doing your part, looking at Gaia with love and respect and with the certainty that you are effectively helping the planet!

But today I also want to talk about a great anguish, yes. As you were warned a long time ago that many things were going to happen, the vast majority of you are very focused on this. “What will happen to me? What will happen to my family? Especially to those who are far away?” So our meeting today will serve to calm everyone’s hearts. No, I’m not saying here that just because you’re in this large group, you won’t get through. I can’t say that here. But I want each of you to understand that over time, throughout your soul’s journey… let’s put it in a very human way, you have incurred many debts and that during all your incarnations, each time you left your physical body, but your soul carried the debts. They weren’t paid or cleared, some I can say were, through lessons the soul learned over time, but not all of them. So what happened? You are in this incarnation and full of debts! I’m not talking about money debts here, you see, these are debts that your soul has incurred through actions it has taken against itself or against other souls.

Very well. What moment are we in now? We are all going through the evolution of planet Earth, each with its own function. So, for the evolution to take place, debts must be paid! There is no debt forgiveness! There are no loans to pay off debts. Each one has to be paid. So, some problems, some obstacles appear along the way and each one is a debt to be paid. So, I’m going to draw a parallel with your life in the real world: you often have a debt (now I’m talking about money debt) and you’re very worried because you can’t find a way to pay it off. Many rebels. Many take the wrong action. And unfortunately, that debt ends up turning into more debt because of the actions that were carried out because nothing was learnt, everything was based on the mind and never on the heart.

Now those who have a debt and cling to all beings asking for help to show them the way to pay off that debt, but with an open heart, with a heart ready to receive any help, anything that needs to be done to pay off that debt. And in these cases, as if by magic, the money appears and you pay off the debt.

So there are two very different situations: one in which you are looking at the problem with love and asking for help, but with lots of love will bring the solution; and the other in which you face everything with anger, with hatred, and attitudes and decisions that are worse than the ones you’ve already made.

So, back to my text, where I talked about the debts of the soul. So, once again I repeat: no one will ascend if they have debts in their soul. This is the truth. Everyone will need to pay off their debts before ascending. And the question that won’t go away: do you know what debts your souls have? No. None of you do. It may even be that your soul is at the stage where it will soon have no more debts and can easily be picked up for ascension. Or not, your soul still has a lot to learn and will have to pay off each and every one of its debts.

So now I’m going to go back to the beginning of what I started by saying: look at every human being around you as a soul, not as a human being. And as a soul, the vast majority have a lot of debt on their backs. Few have few debts, those who have fewer are those who have only recently arrived on the planet because those who have been here for millennia have a very heavy burden. So again, look at the person next to you, whether they’re an adult, a child or an old person, it doesn’t matter, look at them as a soul, not a human being. And as a soul, you don’t know what they have to pay, just as you don’t know what you will have to pay. So when I say that everyone is where they need to be, don’t think, my brothers and sisters, that this ascension process has just begun, it began a long time ago! And each of you has been preparing for it for a long time! So everyone is where they need to be! Everyone is where that lesson can be applied! There’s no point in running away! There’s no point in hiding because when the debt comes, you’ll have to pay it. It doesn’t matter where you are, even if there’s no one around you, you’ll have to pay because it’s part of the cleansing of your soul and you’ll continue to have your soul anywhere on the planet, no matter how hidden you are in the centre of the planet, your soul is still there. 

So I’d like to ask each and every one of you to stop worrying about what’s going to happen! You’re seeing a lot happening. The feeling I perceive in some is that the world is going crazy, people are losing their sense of balance and in many places, violence is inflating. So what can I say? Emanate Light. That’s what I’m going to say.

Many of you have already asked me why you live in places that today are said to be violent. So I answer: let’s say that all the evolved souls who are part of this group, I’m going to bring them all together, I’m going to create a city and I’m going to put you all in the same place. Oh yes, that place would be marvellous! It would be pure Light, you would live almost as if you were in the Fifth Dimension. But what about the rest? I’ll take all the evolved souls, those who emanate Light, I’ll take them from everywhere on the planet and I’ll put them all in one place. What would happen to the rest of the planet? I answer, the shadows would take over. Because there would be no Light to control the shadows. So what each pillar of Light needs to do is to be Light. And as Light, you can’t be afraid! As Light, you can’t be afraid of what lies ahead because you are Light! So, many of you are exactly where you need to be, balancing the positive forces so that they overcome the negative forces. “Ah, but there’s still a lot of violence.” Is it as much as they put out? Is it as much as it appears? Or is it just a lot of theatre to make you believe it? No, I’m not saying there isn’t, I know there is, but I assure you that it’s not at the intensity that is being put forward. There is no danger around every corner, in fact, there is the danger that you attract, never forget that! You attract what you emanate! So if you go out emanating fear about something, that’s what you’ll attract.

So once again, I will repeat: Pillar of Light cannot be afraid! The Pillar of Light can’t worry about what will happen a second from now! What is the Pillar of Light? Light! And whoever is Light fears nothing, no matter what it is! So, if you start to fear the next moment, you start to fear tomorrow, that Pillar of Light starts to empty out and you lose vibration little by little, and you may even reach the level of the great mass, and then you’ll get mixed up with them. In addition, I’m talking about each and every one of you, so now I’m going to talk about those around you. 

I once said it here and many criticized, cheered, complained, got angry, but I’ll say it again: it would be a terrible choice for you to stop ascending because of someone, whoever that someone may be! Is it a selfish moment? Many have asked me that. No, I don’t see it as a selfish moment. I see it as a moment of evolution for each soul. I see it as a moment in which the soul that has reached the moment to evolve must evolve, cannot be attached to anything. 

So, going back to what I was saying, those around you are going through everything you’re going through, only with a few differences: those who aren’t awake can’t have the discernment you have and they see everything with fear, they emanate fear, they only talk about fear. Are you going to get caught up in this atmosphere? Well, that’s your choice! If you think that because you love, because you like, because you live together, because you’re a son, because you’re a husband, because you’re a mother, because you’re a father, because you’re a brother, it doesn’t matter, you have to be together, you’re making a choice. And I will repeat what I said a long time ago: nobody will go with anybody! Whoever leaves the planet, everyone will go to their own corner! Understand that!

My brothers and sisters, the moment… okay, I’ll even agree with you, it will be a selfish moment when you think of yourself! What’s more, whoever ascends and loses family members because they didn’t ascend will have the chance, being in the Fifth Dimension, to help them, to look after them, to emanate wisdom so that they can move towards ascension. Now, if you blend in with them and go off-planet, no one will help anyone! Everyone will remain who they are.

To summarise everything I’ve said here: I hope that whoever is a Pillar of Light will continue to be a Pillar of Light, without fearing anything, without worrying about the second ahead, because whatever has to happen will happen. Because your debt has to be paid, nobody will have their debts forgiven, soul debts.

So, my brothers, what do you want to be right now? That Pillar of Light that only looks at the negative and vibrates fear, fear, fear, fear? Or do you really want to believe that you are Pillars of Light and you are ready for anything? And as Pillars of Light, you bring balance and the superiority of positive forces over shadows. So don’t think you’ll be pulled out of the mess! I tell you quite the opposite because being light you need to be in the confusion. For what purpose? Emanating Light, that’s all. But the Light you emanate will be able to change a lot of things, it will be able to enlighten some minds, it will be able to attract some minds.

So don’t think you’re privileged not to face anything. I don’t privilege anyone, not even the one you’re talking about! I am her master just as I am the master of millions of other people, of other souls, and I don’t privilege anyone! Everyone will go through what they have to go through. And I can assure you that this one’s journey is not easy! Let’s say that she’s having an overload of cleaning that’s necessary for the moment. And only she knows what she’s going through and each of you also knows what you’re going through. 

Now is not the time to be discouraged. Now is not the time to give up. It’s time to get up, stay Light, be Light, vibrate Light! And whoever takes these steps will have our help, because we know it’s not easy! We know that clearing millennia in days is not easy for any soul! But we’ll manage! We are doing it!

Therefore, I make a request to every Pillar of Light who is here, who claims to be a Pillar of Light: be a Pillar of Light, without fear or trepidation, neither for yourself nor for anyone else! Every soul, at this moment on the planet, already has their path mapped out, written down, and defined. Because there is an intention, there is a goal and when there is an intention and a goal, the soul is ready to go and nothing will be greater than you can bear, that’s for sure! So, my brothers, be Light! Be Pillars of Light! It is necessary! A Pillar of Light is not a pole that lights up in the middle of the street, a Pillar of Light is something very big that when it lights up illuminates many kilometers, that is a Pillar of Light! So be these Pillars of Light, so that the Light you emanate can free the shadows. Yes, because everyone who is a shadow is a prisoner, of their own ego, of their own beliefs, they are a prisoner. And by being Light, you reach everyone’s hearts and can free some or all of them, who knows? This is the role of a Pillar of Light!

So don’t expect, my brothers and sisters, to go to a paradisiacal place, protected from everything and everyone. Fulfill your mission to be Pillars of Light, that’s what I’ve prepared you for! That’s what you’re fighting for now! Be Pillars of Light! And believe me… do the shadows make noise? Yes! Are they violent? Yes! Do many people believe that? Yes, but they no longer have the power they once had. And it is precisely because they no longer have this power that despair is in everyone’s heart. The shadows are uniting in order to gain strength, and I tell you: this will be their big mistake because separating is difficult, but together it’s much easier for the light to act. So keep this message in mind today: be Pillars of Light! Be Light! But above all, fear nothing! Live in the present! Tomorrow will come as it will, it’s already written, and it’s already defined every step that each soul will have to take! Worry? It won’t do any good. The more you vibrate Light, the more you vibrate trust, the softer the lessons will be. It’s about surrendering to that river, which is very rough at the moment, but you’re on the float, you’re going up, you’re going down, you’re getting wet, but you’re on the float. That’s it, let the river take you, without worrying if there’s a waterfall ahead, because if there is, whatever happens, will happen, and you won’t be able to change it. Do you understand? It’s already written! It’s already defined! If you have to fall off a waterfall and survive, you’ll survive or not. So what’s the point of thinking if there’s a waterfall ahead? Live in the present! Live every moment! That’s what I expect from you, my brothers, awareness, a lot of awareness! And let’s say I agree with what you’re saying, live in a selfish moment in which you think only of yourself. Every other soul also has their path defined and everything will happen as planned. 

So, my brothers, be Light! Be Pillars of Light!

Translated by I Arantes

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