Saint Germain – Keep walking

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN!

I bring with me a ball of Violet Light, which at this moment I place in the heart of each one who is listening to me and feeling all this energy.

My brothers and sisters, we are working hard and constantly to change this planet. Believe in us. Don’t get carried away by small things. Take on the role of Pillars of Light. You need to keep the Light anchored on the planet. Don’t get carried away by small things. Don’t get carried away by other people’s suffering. Don’t get carried away by everything that is happening on the planet; by the wars; by the floods; by the fire burning Gaia’s skin.

Is all this normal? No. There is a lot of dark action going on, but a lot of it is part of the process, part of Gaia’s transformation, part of the planet’s ascension process, part of each of you’s own ascension process. Because knowing how to look, knowing how not to get involved and knowing how to receive everything with Light and Love is part of your evolutionary process.

We can’t say that all this will slow down, because the process will only accelerate. And there will be more and more changes. So you have to have a firm heart, a firm mind and trust that everything is part of the process created by God the Father/Mother. We are not the ones acting here or there. Our role, so to speak, is to bring balance; each in their own role, to bring the support, the care, the strength needed for everyone to get through the problems. That is our mission.

The whole process is happening as God the Father/Mother has defined and planned.  We act when it is necessary for us to act. The galactic brothers and sisters around the planet act when it is necessary for them to act. But everything is the divine will, everything is the decision of God the Father/Mother. Are you going to challenge them? I don’t think so.

Focus every thought, every moment, on your journey, on what you need for your evolution. Don’t look away, because the moment you look away, you could trip over a stone and fall badly, just because you didn’t pay attention to the path. So, always look carefully ahead, at your path, and at every stone you see, look at it and know that there is a lesson to be learned there, definitely or not, it will depend on you. But at least you’ll have the chance to look at the stone and wisely move it out of the way without hurting yourself.

Don’t look sideways. Look only forward, at your journey. Unfortunately, this has already been said here, but we need to repeat it: Many have left your journey, in various ways. Not all of them will accompany you to the end. But it will be a gradual and slow process. Just accept that everyone has made a choice and that each choice is being respected. Don’t suffer.

I can tell you that each person who walked beside you, and now no longer does, is often a burden that has been left behind, and often it is the certainty of freedom, something you tried to achieve for so long and couldn’t. So don’t cry, don’t suffer. So don’t cry, don’t suffer, for those who are left behind. Many are walking with many by their side, but many won’t get there, they’ll fall by the wayside, because that’s how their journey was defined. But it’s up to you to always keep moving in the right direction, on your path, giving thanks and gratitude for having lived through it all. But now your path will be different, free.

Understand, everyone has their own path. Not everyone will reach the Fifth Dimension. So be aware of those you will certainly leave behind; not by choice, but because they didn’t want to evolve. And we sincerely hope that you don’t leave the path for anyone, because it won’t be worth it. You’ll only lose the opportunity to evolve your soul, and you won’t be helping the soul that’s left behind at all. Because you won’t be walking together in the future.

So don’t make this mistake. Follow each other’s path, and whoever is left behind, be grateful for the experience, for everything you’ve lived through and learned, but respect that soul’s decision and keep moving forward, keep moving forward, because that’s the only way you’ll get to where you need to be.

Translated by: Leticia Balbino

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