Sananda – Prayer of Gratitude

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!

My heart is celebrating! It is with great gratitude and joy that I come to leave you with some words today for you to reflect on; and for those who want, you can finish this cycle, this year, as you understand, believing in each one of them. There is no schedule, there is no form, each one will do their own way, each one will do as their heart asks.

It is a message of love and hope, which can bring peace, confidence and the certainty of better days to each of you; or at least the certainty of the journey towards a better world. My only word: Gratitude.

Gratitude for being alive.

Gratitude for thinking, for being able to understand.

Gratitude for the body I have. It is perfect in the eyes of Father/Mother God. Help me, Father, to see you with love and respect.

Gratitude for being aware and wise in relation to everything that unbalances me. May I learn to stay balanced and centered in my decisions every day.

Gratitude for the place I live, for the ground I walk on, for the air I breathe, for the water I drink. May I learn every day to give more and more value to all these important items on my journey.

Gratitude for the Light I receive from the universe. May I learn to feel it, to absorb it and to believe in all the changes it is making in my body.

Gratitude for understanding the powerful human being that I am. May I be able to live the power I have every day, without ego, without any type of feeling of superiority, just using each one of them for my evolution and for the evolution of the Whole.

Gratitude for the journey of my soul. May every pain, every suffering, every obstacle that was part, and that is still part of my current life, be the total learning of what I need to learn not to repeat.

Gratitude for everything I’ve experienced. May I understand that even the bad things that my soul did over time were due to total ignorance and lack of guidance. But today I understand each one of them and I know exactly that I shouldn’t repeat them.

Gratitude for knowing that I am so loved, by so many Beings of Light. May I know, may I believe, may I experience the feeling of this great love, emanated by each Being of Light that is around me.

Gratitude for all the knowledge and learning I acquired. May I be able, may I feel, may I live, every knowledge, every word, every teaching that has been given to me in recent times.

Gratitude for being able to hear Beings of Light addressing me. May I simply learn more every day, to believe without seeing, because only in this way will I reach the necessary stage for my evolution.

Gratitude for knowing that I am capable of protecting and defending myself. That even if I go through tribulations, suffering, dangers; I believe and know that the world will fall around me, but I will land on my feet.

Keep all my love. At this moment, my Spark that is in the heart of every inhabitant of this planet lights up. And rest assured, I’m in there. Don’t look for me outside, don’t look for me in books, don’t look for me in temples, I’m not nailed to a cross. I am free, I am powerful, I am loving; and inside, totally inside, the heart of each one of you. Try calling me, ask to feel my Spark; and rest assured, you will feel it.

Translated by: Paula Prado

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