Atlanteans – We Play the Role of Starseeds

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! WE ARE THE ATLANTES!

Many still believe that we are a legend. That our lands never existed. That all told are stories, stories, stories, stories. But I tell you, these stories are true.

We lived here on the planet. And for a series of reasons that don’t fit now, we succumbed. But we learned our lesson. And today we are incarnated in millions of you around the planet. Millions know that you came from Atlantis. And each one of us will rekindle that flame very soon.

Each starseed that is incarnated on the planet at this moment will receive back everything they once had. And they will be aware and know exactly what to do. Because each one will have a role. Each one of us is not reincarnated at this time just to make up a number among the planet’s inhabitants. We will all have a purpose, we will all have a function, to be fulfilled at the moment of ascension.

Each of you will remember who you were at the time of Atlantis. And so it will be with the Lemurians and all the other races that are incarnated here.  All the star seeds will remember who they were, remember who they are. And, above all, they will remember the function and the purpose for which they are reincarnated now.

We will be the ones who lead this whole ascension process for those who are not star seeds. Yes, many earthly souls are ready for evolution. They have found the path and are following it. Then we will guide them to the final moment.  We will also guide the others. But in a way that takes them through the Light to off the planet.

Rest assured, there is a lot of work ahead of us. Our role is not just to numbers, as I’ve already said; our role will be very important in this whole process. Not just the souls descended from Atlantis, but all the starseeds who are incarnated here. Very, very soon, each of you will know your role and your goal to fulfill. 

But as is always said, you have free will. You will fulfill it if you wish. If you don’t want to, that’s fine. No one will be punished for it. But just remember, we have a purpose here. We made a deal when we reincarnated, each starseed.

So we expect each of you to fulfill this agreement. Follow this path. Which will be necessary and very important in the ascension of the entire planet. There are not many of us in relation to the total number of humans on the planet, but the number that we are is enough to lead the process together with the beings of Light and together with Gaia.

So let each of you prepare yourselves. And know that being a starseed isn’t just about having a label, it’s having a mission and, above all, it’s having a heart. 

Here we leave you our Code of Light. It represents all of our love, all of our role in this whole process. Receive it with a lot of love and gratitude.

Translated by: Leticia Balbino

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