Ancient Dragons – 08/08 Gate Portal – Air Element

Sit comfortably.

And breathe slowly, deeply.

A few times. Slowly.

Start to slow down your thoughts and your body.

And now, see yourself seated on the sand of a beach.

Looking at the horizon.

In front of you: water extremely clear and blue. 

The waves touch your body gently.

The breeze touches your body.

There is nothing else around you except for sand and water.

It does not matter where you are.

You are where your mind is taking you.

Therefore, create that place as beautiful as you can.

Now, the wind seems to stir.

The waves start to become larger.

And you feel the movement of the air in your body. 

And it increases, increases, increases. 

You almost cannot remain seated anymore.

This strong wind represents everything in your life that takes you out of balance, upsets you, and causes you to get off track at all times.

Therefore, at this moment, the wind swirls around you. 

Blow everything you wish to be out of your way in this wind.

However, do not involve other people, as doing so would violate their free will. 

Say out loud or mentally everything you want out of your life, everything you want to be solved, everything you want to stop being a burden to stop being a burden. 

Speak. Think.

You will put this before, all right?

Tell the wind everything you want.

And it continues swirling, swirling, swirling, around you.

And now it is slowing down. 

You can open your eyes already.

And you look at the sea again.

It is still again.

And you are peaceful, sitting on the sand. 

How do you feel now? Lighter?

It may be that you do not feel different. 

And you may repeat this meditation as many times as you wish.

Every time you have a problem—something that upsets you but does not involve others—you may release the entire problem in the wind. 

And the universe will analyze it. 

And if it is to be cleansed of your way, it will. 

If it is a lesson to be learned, it will remain. But you will have the clarity to see the solution. 

For the wind brings and takes.

And it will be easier for you to solve that problem.

Believe: everything has a solution.

Look at the see again.

It remains beautiful and calm; 

regardless of the wind that came to you, of the wind that stirred the waters. 

That tells you that with all the tribulations, with all the problems, everything is temporary. 

But you always need to face the problem with love, with confidence. 

The universe is there to help you.

You need only to ask.

At this moment, a gentle breeze, not so strong, very gentle. 

The waters start to become a little stirred. 

But without waves. 

That breeze brings you Prosperity, Joy, Abundance, Balance, and Love. 

Close your eyes.

Open your arms.

And receive through this breeze all those gifts from the universe. 

Be grateful for these moments. 

Close your eyes again.

Breathe deeply.

If you want to remain in this place, stay there as long as you want.

Otherwise, return slowly to your consciousness and open your eyes.

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