Portal Meditation 08/08

Let’s calm our hearts.

Let’s take a few breaths.

Please, everyone, sit with your feet on the floor.

Legs uncrossed.

Sit comfortably.

Let’s breathe deeply.

Fill your lungs with air. Let it out through your mouth.

Breathe in through your nose. Let it out through your mouth.

Let’s calm our hearts.

Calming our minds.

Think now, at this moment, of an animal; the cutest one you know.

It doesn’t matter which animal it is. Think of that animal.

A cat, a dog, a rabbit.

Any small, white animal.

Think of that animal right now.

Stroke it.

Feel its soft fur.

Hug the animal and feel all the love that can be exchanged between you.

It doesn’t have to be an animal you know.

It’s just any animal that came into your mind and you’re cuddling with it

Stroking its soft fur.

And it’s sitting quietly on your lap, receiving all your love.

This animal represents at this moment: the peace, the calm in your heart, the love that you are transmitting to this animal right now.

Bringing balance, calm, and tranquillity to your minds.

Now put the animal on your lap.

If it jumps up or leaves, no problem, the goal has already been achieved. Now I take each of you to our field.

You’re all standing in that huge green field that I always put you in. Be calm, be in profile, be calm.

You are all adults.

You know how to behave.

You know how to place yourselfs in this moment.

It doesn’t matter what position you’re in; that’s ego.

You can be in the last row and have more light and vibration than those in the first.

So don’t worry about it.

Just stand. Eyes closed.

Keep breathing deeply.

Now, at this moment, from the soles of each of your feet, roots will emerge, which will penetrate the soil of the planet, towards the heart of Gaia, in the center of the planet.

Gaia feels the roots of each one of you.

Everyone has their own energy. And she recognizes everyone.

And at this moment, she is giving back the light and love she feels for each of her children on the planet. In this case, you.

At this moment, you represent humanity.

Feel the energy of Gaia filling your bodies.

Up through your legs, filling your torso, arms, neck, and head.

You are all flooded with Gaia’s energy.

Remain in this state while I call our guests.

Sananda, on my right. Maria, on my left. Ashtar Sheran is in the background on the left and Metatron is in the background on the right.

We form a beautiful circle of light and energy around you.

Now for our main guests: the dragons.

First comes Kwan Yin, with her white dragon, and many other dragons who come with her.

Elsewhere, the Millennial Dragons, who have brought all the elements to you this week.

At this moment, Kwan Yin stands over the group with her white dragon.

And at this moment, he breathes a great puff of fire over everyone.

Feel the energy of the dragon’s fire covering you.

No one should say they’re being burned.

Because this fire is only deconstructing everything that no longer serves your bodies.

Everything that can be discarded and cleansed from your auras and journeys will be. At this point, all the other dragons form a circle above the group.

They all release their flames, forming a large ball of fire above the group.

This ball emanates all the energy of fire onto each one of you. Transmuting. Transforming. Deconstructing.

Turning what is no good into ashes, into dust, so that it can be absorbed at this moment by Mother Gaia.

Everything that is coming out of your bodies is being taken by Gaia to be transformed into new energies.

The fireball is dissipating.

I am in front of you.

My blue sword glows and I place it over this group.

Flames come out of my sword.

And I roar my sword over this group.

Cleansing. Deconstructing. Eliminating all that is necessary.

Feel the energy of my sword passing through you.

At this moment, all of us, in one heart: the dragons, Me, Sananda, Maria, Metatron, Ashtar Sheran, and Kwan Yin, are enveloping everyone in a great bubble of Pink Light, of pure love; of pure unconditional love.

Filling each one of you with this energy of love, balance, and peace. Feel your hearts vibrating. Growing.

Absorbing this Light that is arriving.

And this bubble of Pink Light is now being fed by the Light of the Lion’s Gate, which through it reaches the hearts of each one of you; it reaches your minds, your bodies.

Bringing transformation, elevation, and the Quantum Leap, to each of you.

Open your hearts to receive this Light.

Be receptive.

Be open-hearted.

And receive all this Light.

At this moment, this Light, this bubble of Pink Light, which is full of the Light of Alcyon, of the great Lion’s Gate, of the Light of Sirius.

It moves to another timeline of Gaia, taking this planet up octaves.

Taking you to octaves above, so that you can all take advantage of these blessings that you are receiving today.

Repeat after me:

I am grateful for this moment.

I am grateful for the Light I receive.

I am grateful for Being Who I Am.

I am grateful to be a Being of Light.

I am grateful for this whole process.

This great ball of Pink Light, which carries everyone at this moment, no longer returns to that Green Field.

You are now in another field, brighter, more flowery, at another point on the timeline; at a more evolved point.

May each one of you be able to take advantage of all the energy you have received today.

It doesn’t matter what you took part in.

At the end of our meeting, be open to receive.

Let yourself be enveloped by the Light of this Portal.

Make your requests.

And be aware of what you are asking for.

Ask for yourself and for the Whole; this is the right way.

Remember my words: Always ask for the truth, if you have to ask for it in relation to other people.

Ask for unconditional love.

Ask for enlightened paths.

Ask for enlightened thoughts.

Stay in this energy as long as you want.

You are still inside this great ball of pink light and will remain there until the 11th.

So try to keep your hearts clean.

Your minds clean.

Your thoughts clean.

Your actions loving.

Your speech gentle.

The more you maintain these postures, the longer you will remain in this ball, with all this energy.

From all the beings who are here and from the Light of the Portal.

Otherwise, the Light will begin to dissipate and you will gradually leave this great ball.

No, you don’t have to do anything; it will dissipate starting on the 11th. Try to stay inside it.

It’s up to you.

May these three days be three days of a lot of light, a lot of love, a lot of fraternity, a lot of peace and balance.

Eat lightly. Avoid vices.

Be conniving with what you have received, with the Light you have received.

Be grateful for this gift. And know how to use it.

You won’t need anything to end the meditation, because you will remain inside the ball of Pink Light. And we will do the rest.

Rest assured, everyone I’ve mentioned and the dragons who are here are emanating a lot of Unconditional Love and will continue to do so until the 11th.

Be grateful and live in this moment.

Make intelligent requests.

Try to resolve each point.

This is the moment.

It will be three days of a lot of light and vibration.

So enjoy them.

Know how to ask.

Seek balance.

And then you will tell us the result of these three days.

The meditation ends here.

Whoever is going to do the meditation, with the time shift, will say the following: “May the Lords of Time and Archangel Michael move me to 8:30 p.m. on August 8, 2024, so that I can do the Portal meditation at the same time as everyone else”.

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