Archangel Michael Live 24-07-24


Let’s think about this: imagine that each of you now decides to go to a certain city, and several of you decide to go to the same town. Very well! Some of you have been preparing for the trip for a long time, so you’ve got your bags packed, everything in your vehicles, the children packed, everything just right. They’re ready to get in the car and hit the road! Others are ready too, but they don’t have a car, so they’ll take a bus or get another ride, it doesn’t matter. Many have now decided to go to the same city, so they’re still packing, still getting the kids ready, and so on. No, I haven’t gone mad! Wait for me to finish my story and you’ll understand what I’m talking about! Each family that has decided to go to the same city at a different point. And there are those drivers who are prudent, who travel calmly, stop from time to time, rest, continue their journey, change to another driver, and so on. Some don’t, who are bolder and decide to go at once. And some go slowly. And some go fast.

What am I getting at with this strange story? I want to say this: everyone is going to the same city, that’s what I said at the beginning of my speech, but each one is at a different point. Oh, maybe some of them will cross paths on the way. Some may meet. Some will arrive quickly, they’ll arrive first. And there will be those who arrive last. So, what do I mean by that? Everyone is at a different point on the road. Oh, and most interestingly, not everyone is of the same origin, but the end city is the same. So, everyone could be following a different path. There may even be those who must take airplanes because they can’t get there by car. So, what do I mean by that? This fictional city is the Fifth Dimension, and each of you is at a point on the journey. You’re halfway there. You’re packing up now to go. Ah, you’re already there. No, you’re in the middle of the sea, on a plane. Do you understand? Everyone is at a different point, and everyone has a different way of walking. It’s what I said: some walk slowly, others walk quickly, some are cautious, others not so much, some pay attention to what is said, others don’t, and they stop every 100 meters to ask the way, because they ignore the signs. So, there are all kinds of people, but they all have the same goal: to get to city X, the city that I created. It doesn’t matter where on the planet everyone is leaving from, it matters that everyone has decided to go, and everyone is at the point of their journey. Some have had problems with their vehicles and are stuck waiting for the right conditions to fix them. Some have given up halfway. “No, I don’t want to go anymore! It’s too far! I’m tired!” and they stop and sit down. And some are desperate and want to get there at any cost. 

So, my brothers, each one of you is different from the other! There’s no point in trying: “Oh, I did it and I felt blue!”, “Oh, but I did it and I felt red!”, “Oh, no people, the right thing is to feel yellow!” Who is right and who is wrong? No one! Everyone feels their way! Everyone feels according to what their soul is experiencing there! Understand one thing, my brothers, at each stage of this journey that you are on, each soul reacts differently. It depends on the journey, it depends on the soul, it depends on the story, it depends on the experience, and you have no idea how many things it depends on! So, you can’t want everyone to feel the same thing! Everyone will feel what they are ready to feel! And another thing that’s important for you to understand and learn. I’ll give you another example: five people sit in one room and a therapist is applying a technique in the other room. Did they all receive the same amount of energy? No! But the therapist was the same, and the technique was the same, but did everyone receive the same? No! And why not? Because each person had their way of receiving that energy, some more, some less. So, let’s say if one of these five people was a baby, would they receive the same amount of energy as an adult? Not! “Oh, but it’s the therapist who knows how much?” No, it’s not the therapist who knows. It’s the baby who knows, it’s the baby’s soul that knows how much it can let that energy reach that body. So, my brothers and sisters, let’s stop thinking that if you receive blue, the other person must receive blue too. No, the other will receive orange, the other yellow, the other green, and so on. It will depend on each person’s soul, and on what they are experiencing at that moment. 

So, you were here talking a lot about the journey of ascension. Many look at the symbols and they say nothing. Yes, many look there and the soul says: “No, don’t see anything!” And why not? Because the energy that is there is not yet the moment for the soul to receive it. The soul knows that this energy is still at a very high level for what it is. It still needs to climb to get there. It’s as if you wanted to… How can I give you an example? In your life, there are things you need to do little by little so that you can deal with more complex things. I’ll give you an example: a doctor. Does a doctor start at university and go off operating? No, they must study year after year, preparing themselves to be able to operate. So, it’s the same. That code cannot yet be lived on by that soul, because it needs a few more steps to absorb it. There are already other souls who feel sick when they look at the code, they feel a lot of things. Why? “Oh, the code isn’t from the Light!” It’s funny how you immediately create a barrier but come on. And why do they feel ill? I’ll give you the same example as the doctor. It’s a second-year doctor, who already thinks he’s powerful, who decides to do a complex operation. As you would say – which I find very interesting – it’s going to be bad, it’s not going to work. Right? So, these people who look at the codes and feel sick, what is it? It’s the soul receiving more than it should, it’s the soul thinking it’s there on the last level, and then it pulls too much of the energy that’s there and then the body suffers.  

Ah, what to do in these cases? Unfortunately, just drink water to try to dilute the energy. Because it’s the soul that’s being too ambitious. So, my brothers, there are countless ways for each of you to feel and perceive everything we go through. As there are people who feel my presence during my life, they know that it is I who am speaking. And there are many who, if it were me or anyone else, would be the same thing; they can’t tell the difference. But why? Because they’re not ready yet! Because they still need to climb those steps to feel my energy. It’s not a lack of faith. It’s not a lack of focus. It’s not a lack of trust. It’s not punishment. It’s a lack of preparation! It’s a lack of walking, there’s still a lack of walking. So always remember the crazy little story I started at the beginning: everyone is at a point on the road, trying to get to that city, which is the Fifth Dimension. Everyone is at a different point, and everyone has their way of traveling. Understand that! Don’t make comparisons! Don’t keep asking: “Oh, what are you feeling? Oh, no, because I’m feeling differently!” And you always will! Each one of you is a different soul, with different stories, different journeys, and, above all, different vibrational frequencies. Nobody jumps from the first step to the thousandth in one leap! You must climb step by step! Some get tired, reach a certain stage and sit down, sleep, go to the hammock for juice, and a long time later: “Oh, I’m going to walk again!” Look how much time you’ve wasted! Everything must be constant, otherwise you’ll never get there! 

So, my brothers, each thing we go through, each thing we bring, each of you feels it in your way, some more, some less, some not at all. Or do you think everyone feels it? But there goes trust. There goes certainty. You’ve done it and you haven’t felt anything and then you think: “But I trust that there’s something here and I’m going to insist!” That’s the point! Because they trust that there’s something there, and then they’ll try to find out what it is until the day comes when they feel it. Now many look, don’t feel, “Oh, that’s wrong” and let it go. And then they complain: “Oh, there was nothing for me!” Of course, you didn’t trust me! You let it go! Because you didn’t feel it the first time, you just threw it away, you didn’t care anymore.

So, my brothers and sisters, I will always tell you: choices are choices, and everyone chooses what they want to do. The more you insist, the more you believe, the more you are climbing, and the day will come when you will feel it. Now, if you don’t feel it and you let it go, do you know when you’ll feel it? Never! But you complain, comment, and make jokes. Or do you think I don’t hear your jokes?! “Oh, there’s nothing there. That’s just a bunch of doodles.” I hear you! And then you want to feel something! Look at the energy you’ve already put into what you’ve received. You’ve looked at it and said it’s a bunch of doodles, it’s just become a bunch of doodles for you. And you’re going to have to have a lot of faith and a lot of willpower for it to emanate something for you again! Or do you think it’s like this: “Oh, this is just a bunch of scribbles today”, then tomorrow: “Oh, what a beautiful code! Wow, now I’m going to feel it” and you start to feel it? Of course not! You already said yesterday that it was a bunch of scribbles, and the next day, magically, you’re all gushy and think there’s light in it? Yes, my brothers and sisters, you forget the things you say and feel and then you whine that nothing happens! “Oh, I don’t feel anything! Oh, I don’t see anything!” Why is that? And the decrees you make, do you forget? Decrees are decrees! And to get rid of decrees, you need a lot of willpower! That’s it, my brothers! So, I want you to always remember the little story I told you today: everyone is at a point on the road, some on foot, yes, some people don’t want to go by car or plane or ship, they want to go on foot. Well, the sea part, I don’t know how you’re going to do it, maybe by swimming, I don’t think you’ll ever get there. This is a metaphor, my brothers! Some people don’t want to speed up. Some people want to walk slowly. Okay, walk slowly, but don’t complain tomorrow if everyone else is almost there and you haven’t moved. It was your choice to walk slowly, nobody told you to! So, know that all of you, every one of you, are on a road going your own way! You’re at a point that may not be anyone else’s point. That road is unique, it’s only yours because it’s your journey, it’s your walk. So don’t worry about the other person’s journey. Don’t worry if the other person is turning yellow and you are turning blue, they are different rays, and each one is absorbing the energy and light in their way. And it’s all right!

I’ve already told you that we’re going to bring a lot of movement, because you’re currently being moved by movement, no longer by thought. You need to… it’s not about moving physically, it’s about moving your mind, it’s about your mind working, it’s about your mind always thinking and always making good choices. So, we always need to make new changes, and new movements so that you stop and think. Sananda’s exercise today was excellent! Ah, many here won’t do it and are scared to death! “No, I’m not going to hold Sananda’s hand, even though it’s Him! I don’t care what I let go of!” It’s a shame because you could start training now, you wouldn’t have to let go all at once, and you could let go little by little. I want to see who will be brave! Are you going to miss the chance to touch Sananda’s hand and have Him tell you what you need to let go of? Now you must have the courage to listen and do it! Do not listen and laugh it off, turn your back and pretend nothing happened, because I know many will do that too! “Oh, he told me to let go, but I won’t!” Okay! These are choices, always choices! Then, when the time comes, you won’t have much time to let go. Either you’ll let go or you won’t. And then you realize that the suffering will be much greater! So, my brothers, we’re giving you the chance to do things slowly, with planning, without desperation. But you don’t want to, you’re all scared to death of what will be said. Yes, but you all want to go to the Fifth Dimension, don’t you? Interesting, very interesting, your attitude! You want to go, but you don’t want to do anything about it! You want to carry on with the same little life you have here, with the same vices, the same habits, the same people, even those you know aren’t good in your lives. “Oh, but leave her there! Um, no, that’s fine, leave her there!” Yeah, leave her there. Time is passing, okay? We’re not standing still! Things are happening and tomorrow could be too late! Think about it! Think about it!

Well, an important subject I also must talk to you about is what I said yesterday, about the 10 cm sodalite pyramid. Yes, my brothers and sisters, I don’t go into stores asking the price, I don’t go around researching prices. For me, my stone is a stone that can easily be found on the planet, so I’m not worried about the price! I am worried about the power it has! But after what was said yesterday, the price I got is absurd. And I’m not going to demand it from you! So, I have to do my own thing! So, pay attention, there are many here who don’t understand anything, so I’ll explain. Within the meditations that were launched yesterday, there is my cleansing meditation, in which I ask you to physically buy a 10 cm sodalite stone pyramid. And the one who speaks was supposed to find an easy way so that everyone could get it for a reasonable price. However, when the price was raised, the price was not reasonable at all, it was absurd. 

So, this will be announced tomorrow. But for those of you who already know, I’m going to tell you today. Attention: each of you (did you hear?) each of you, it won’t be her anymore, each of you will buy your stone. It doesn’t have to be a pyramid, it can be a tip, a tip that stands up. It must stand up! Each of you will choose your size! I’ll say it again: it doesn’t have to be a pyramid anymore, it can be a point, what it can’t be is something that lies flat, it must stand up and the size is up to everyone. “But what if I want to buy the pyramid, can I?” You can! But it’s no longer necessary for it to be a pyramid because the shape becomes more expensive. It makes no difference to me, the stone is mine, I’ll be there, my energy will be there and that’s that. If it’s small I’ll give it more energy, if it’s bigger it doesn’t need as much, so I’ll measure the energy that will be there to protect each one. Understood? It’s my problem, it’s no longer your problem, it’s mine! So, each of you will buy your own, she won’t buy for anyone else, because it’s become pointless. She may even give you the name of a store to buy it from, a trusted store, but you will buy it, not her. Okay? So, that’s the message! It doesn’t have to be a pyramid anymore! Now whoever wants to buy the pyramid, buy it. Whoever wants to buy a tip, buy the tip. Just don’t buy it too small, because no matter how much energy I put in there, it will be weak because the crystal is small. So, buy at least 3 cm, that’s a good size. The rest is up to me. But it must be sodalite, I won’t give it up! Because it’s my crystal, it has my energy! Understood? So don’t come at me with a barrage of questions tomorrow, it’s all been said here, and she’ll communicate it again tomorrow. Sometimes we need to adapt to our world. The price has gone out of the window for 90% of you and I wouldn’t do that. The tip becomes much more affordable! Right? Then this problem is solved! 

And wait until we start another movement soon, and it will be a real movement. May each of you learn to listen to everything that is said. It’s that student who arrives in the middle of class, the teacher has already explained the subject and he sits down and asks: what’s today’s subject? Where he would have to wait until the end of the lesson and ask a colleague for the subject to have the whole lesson. If you don’t know what to do, what to do: read, listen, because everything has already been said! You want everything in your hands! You want to lie down on the hammock, order some juice, and ask, “What is it, huh?” No! No! Everything that’s been said is in the same place, so if you have any questions, look in this place, which is the channel! All the videos are there. Don’t you know how to go back in time? You can for your things. So go back in time and research: “Where did it all begin? Oh, it was here. Then I’ll listen to the rules!” Don’t be dependent on the other! This is a characteristic you have that we talk about, talk about, talk about and it’s no use, you always must ask the other person what needs to be done! And I keep telling everyone: don’t answer! Because while you’re answering that person doesn’t bother to look, and this applies to their life, not just to what is said here. Normally they don’t look for anything, they just ask and want to know, but they don’t want to take the trouble to study, to research, to look for things. No, they want everything ready in their hands. It’s a characteristic of life, of human beings. It has nothing to do with being me or not being me. So this person needs to learn to manage on their own! Not to depend on others! To seek out what they have doubts about on their own! That’s evolving! That’s searching! That’s learning! Not just asking questions. The point here, my brothers, is not to say, “Oh, you’re being rude by not answering me”, no, he’s doing you some good by not answering. So that you can search, so that you can learn. Learn to solve your obstacles. Learn to evolve. Those who ask for everything don’t evolve, because they don’t bother to look! So seek! Learn! Ask to learn, not to get the answer! It’s different to ask a question: how do I find that solution? It’s different from “What is the solution?”. It’s very different! And that’s what I want you to do, look for the solution, not ask for the answer! 

So, my brothers, the journey is here, going back to the beginning of my speech, each one at a different point. And start noticing that there will be those who will get sick of the journey. “Oh, I don’t want to go anymore, I’ll stay here! This trip is too boring!” and they’ll simply abandon the car, the bus, the plane, the boat. And that’s when you need to learn to let go and respect that opinion, that decision, that choice. Many people are making caravans, everyone is heading toward the same goal, several cars, and several buses. But many are skipping along the way, and why? Because that journey isn’t fulfilling their hearts, it’s not bringing them anything, so they prefer to stay on the road. And those who are still on the journey want because they want. After all, they want that person to go on. No! They’ve made the choice; they want to stay. Now you follow, you can follow, so follow! Don’t be held back by anyone! Note that we’ve been repeating this a lot! I’ll make one more point: many people are going to lose many people along the way, not because of choices to stay, but because of choices of soul. Many are losing and many will lose. I told you a while ago that many would not have to choose, and that is happening. People will choose, not you! And the loss will be inevitable! So be ready, because it could be anyone. Be ready, because the journey is starting to become quite interesting, where choices are being made.

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