Kwan Yin – All Energy You Emanate Returns

Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM KWAN YIN!

My white dragons flap their wings vigorously, transforming the planet’s climate and helping to fight the flames. 

We are treating, my brothers, each burnt point on Gaia’s surface. Each burnt point will be reborn from the ashes. But, as everything that happens on this planet is always a lesson, not everyone will have his lands restored. 

Some will be surprised with how quickly nature will recover from such an attack. The elementals are working in full swing to prepare Earth for her to be alive again. However, some will not have this process. Many here might think that we are punishing. No.

The decision of recovering the lands or not is not ours. It is related to the choices each one has made. Therefore, we are giving a little help to those whose journeys deserve to have all that support. And thus, it will be in the times to come. 

Lessons will become bigger and bigger. Lessons will be harder and harder. Now, how each one will go through the lesson and how each one will look at it will determine how much he will be helped or not—if learning occurs or not.

Many losses will come—losses, which include liberation, losses which include devastation, and much pain. We cannot be here with minced words and tell you that everything will happen and you will laugh. No. Those will be moments of much pain and sadness, but necessary moments in which many will rise, many will rise no more, and many will awake.

You have been playing with the planet for a long time. The result is there. Indeed, the dark ones manipulate much. They manipulate much, but you have brought this egregore until this moment. You have learned to burn nature. You stare only at your own navel. You do not look at others or the All.

So, to many, the result is there. We can tell that those who will fall will rise stronger. Those who have learned the lesson and know how to go through every problem with gratitude and understanding will rise stronger. These will become more intense producers and more and more respectful towards Gaia.

Now, many will achieve nothing. Lessons are being administered. The moment is not for joking. The moment is for learning and understanding. Those who learn that they have not lived this life only, that they bring energies from other times, energies that need to be understood and treated, and that everything happens for a reason—these will always rise. These will rise no matter how many times they fall. Now, hate and outrage will drown the others more and more. 

Do not see that as punishment. There is no punishment. There is, yes, the result of your actions and your choices. Father/Mother God does not plan any punishment for each child. It has many more important things to do. Neither do we; we are also busy. What you call punishment is the consequences of your own actions. 

The day you face the mistakes you have made, you will definitely learn that there is no punishment. There is the energy you apply. Do not blame others. Do not blame whatever it may be. Do not blame nature. You created an egregore there—yours—with your energy, and this egregore returns the result to you. 

Why will some rise and others not? For those who will rise will indeed have lost everything. But, as I have said, they will rise stronger if they have learned the lesson, if they have learned that they have caused that in some way, and learned that they will follow a new path. If that happens, they will rise stronger, and if that does not occur, they will follow the same paths as the others who understood nothing and learned nothing.

My brothers, looking at mistakes is always the best way because mistakes make you evolve. Because when you face your own mistakes, you understand, and if you understand, you will not repeat them again, and there is an evolutionary point. Hiding mistakes or not wanting to look at them makes you walk, remaining in the same place. You may even run, but you will stay in the same place because you have learned nothing.

So, look at mistakes with love, understanding that you did not know many things, learned many things wrongly, and were misguided. However, you agreed. You did not think about the consequences. You might even have been manipulated, but you agreed with everything. There is no way you made no mistakes.

Accept that you made mistakes and change your journeys. That is the way to evolution. No one is judging you. We are not behind a table giving out sentences. The universe itself sends back what you do. In no way can we act. Therefore, accept everything with gratitude and love because there are lessons to be learned there and not repeated again. Then, yes, you will be taking an enormous step towards evolution. You will be preparing correctly for the New World, with learning and understanding of what must be done and what must not. 

Ask for our help always so we can help you understand the mistake. Sometimes, it is difficult to understand. We understand. So, we are here for that: to help you understand—to see where you have gone wrong and, especially, to have the courage and the strength not to repeat the mistake again. Even if the world falls out there and everyone turns against you, you will not repeat the error. 

That is the journey of the Light: you being the powerful being you are, always knowing how to make the right decisions.

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