Kuthumi – A Stick of Protection

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM KUTHUMI!

I carry with me a staff of Light. A staff that can mean many things. A support on the journey, a form of defense. It doesn’t matter what you use it for. I’m leaving one of these sticks with each of you. I’ll explain it to you in detail. 

The staff will be your height. You will hold it with your right hand. Its thickness is such that it fits comfortably in your hand. When you remember this stick and put it in your hand, it will light up and give you the support, the strength you need, the protection for your journey. Because when it lights up, it illuminates your path, it shows you clearly what lies ahead. Just don’t expect it to make decisions. It can show you two paths or several. But it’s your choice that will make the path show itself to you. And yes, you can step back and choose a new path. There’s always that possibility. 

So use this stick as often as you like. When you’re not using it, you don’t need to put it anywhere. It will simply disappear from your hand and when you think of it again, it will be there, already in your hand. 

We are enabling each of you to have help, to have guidance, for the moments to come. But for all of this to actually happen, you need to have confidence and faith in what you are doing. Because if you just think about this stick in any way, it won’t appear in your hand. You have to trust that it will be a source of protection. You have to trust that it will bring you peace, remove your doubts and keep you in balance.

So, whenever you feel discouraged or unbalanced, remember the staff. Touch the stick. And it will bring you the balance you need. 

My brothers and sisters, you need to have complete confidence in everything we have said. You must not be carried away by appearances. Don’t get carried away by the news. Always think about the following: The mainstream media is controlled by those who don’t want your good. So how can the news ever bring you joy, balance? Never. It will always bring doubt, fear and disharmony. 

But note that the main focus will always be fear. Fear of what is to come. The fear of more violence. The fear of wars, of hunger. No, I’m not denying that difficult times will come. But there’s no guarantee that these times will be for you specifically. You’ll be part of the context, but it won’t be your suffering. If it is, it’s because you would have to go through it. No, because they’re telling you how your world is.

So have the discernment to listen with your heart. When you hear something and want to know if it’s true, call on the stick, think about it. And if it lights up, it’s true. If it’s in your hand but unlit, it’s a lie. Note that the stick must be in your hand. It’s not whether it appears or not. It will appear, but it may be unlit because it’s a big lie. 

So I’m giving you a powerful tool that will help you live through the difficult times ahead. Many of you may say to me right now: “But I don’t see anything. How will I know that the baton is in my hand?” I’ll tell you this: As long as you believe you see nothing, you will see nothing. The anxiety and perfection you want will be very difficult to achieve. You just want to look, at any moment, without any preparation, and see. That’s not how it works.

You have to be in high vibration, in balance, and see with your heart; not with your mind. So I say to you: if you follow these steps, you will know that it is in your hands. The form? It will be up to each individual. No one is the same as anyone else. So I can’t give you an expectation that some will see it, others won’t, the way it will be, no, there’s no way I can say that. It depends on each one of you. It depends on what each of you is emanating, how each of you believes in this staff of mine. And whoever believes in it and looks at it with their heart will see it. How, in what way? It doesn’t matter. They will see it. Or they will simply know that it is in their hands.

Unlit or lit, in the same way. You can feel it in your hands and not feel any energy. And when it lights up, you feel your hand tingle. This is an example. Unlit, you feel it in your hand, but you don’t feel the energy. And when it’s on, you’ll feel the energy in your hand.  

So let’s stop this…, these decrees, these affirmations: “I can’t do it. I can’t”. You can’t because you’re trying to do everything with your mind. You want to see it as if it were in your world. And when we say seeing, it’s not like that; it’s seeing with the heart. It’s feeling. Believing is so strong that the mind creates it for you and shows it to you. It’s not a Third Dimension stick that you can open your eyes and see. It’s not in your dimension. It’s in higher dimensions. 

So don’t expect to see the baton in your hand, as if you had a pipe in your hand. That’s it. That’s the difference, which you haven’t understood yet. Don’t expect to see things as if they were in your dimension. They’re in another dimension. So the way of seeing is not the way you see things on a day-to-day basis. Understand that. 

Don’t put up so many obstacles. Just surrender to the process. And you will be able to feel. And you’ll feel so much that it’s as if you were in the wind. Seeing in this case is something very subjective. Everyone will see in their own way. But believe me: this stick exists. And I’m giving each of you a copy.

Believe me, you will be able to get through everything. Even if you have lessons, which are part of the process. You will get through it and you will get there. It wouldn’t be fair, in your own words, for you to walk so far, to try so hard, and now you can’t get through anything. Because the rest has to pass. No.

You’ve already built a journey. In other words, you’ve prepared for it. So yes, you will pass, but gently, as far as is necessary for your learning. But you’ll never be the same as someone who hasn’t prepared. So believe me. You are ready, each and every one of you. That’s what the journey is all about. So that you can put yourself in safer places, away from the hustle and bustle.

So believe it. We’re not playing games here. We’re not taking you into the middle of the hurricane, on the contrary, we’re leaving you in the middle, in the eye of the hurricane, where nothing happens. You’re there, seeing everything around you happening, but you’re there in the middle; safe, protected. So just see yourselves that way, always, safe and protected.

Translated by Luiz Santos

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