Saint Germain – New Journey

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN!

I bring my Violet Flame. And in this moment I embrace anyone with their heart open and ready to be nurtured by it.

My brothers, there’s not much more to say. There’s not much more we can repeat. We are just bringing you a little balance. Now is the time to look at yourselves and begin a new journey. Now is the time to seek balance. Now is the time to seek more and more Light.

So starting today, you will begin the Violet Flame Journey again, but with a big difference. The meditations will remain, but they must be done when I tell you to do them. It will be straightforward. You will repeat the commandments one after the other, three times a day. Three times is enough.

And we’re not going to add a series of problems, a series of obstacles, a series of ifs, ifs, ifs. Forget the ifs. Like I said, it’s very simple. One command every day, said three times, just once. There’s no need to ask. Have you forgotten? Move on to the next mantra. If you want, do the ones you’ve forgotten. But it’s not mandatory. So if you skip one day, skip two, don’t remember, don’t worry, go on the next day.

It’s just a way for you to bring in the consciousness, the light, and the energy that’s involved in each decree. It’s just a little exercise. Then the content of the group will be changed to reflect exactly what I’m saying: the commandments. Nothing else. The meditations have to be done when they are put in the group, as I say they should be done.

So realize that we are bringing you tools; we are bringing you support; we are bringing you Light, not more teachings because there is no more to be taught. You’ve already learned everything you need to. What is needed now is action. What is needed now is movement. It’s fulfilling what you’ve learned. Act as you have learned. Think and speak as you have learned.

It’s time to apply it. The theory has all been put down. What you need now is action and movement. Make everything you’ve learned happen. There’s no point in having a lot of knowledge in your mind and continuing to judge, criticize, and emanate low-vibration feelings. All the teachings have been useless!

So this is a moment of movement. And it’s also time for a movement towards the planet. Everybody has to do their part. Everyone needs to find a way to help. And share it. Share it with the group. Why do you find it so difficult to change in relation to the planet?

Comfort? Is comfort all you think about?

So I want to tell you that if you keep thinking only about comfort, in a very short time you won’t have it anymore. You have to help yourselves. Going into the fifth dimension doesn’t mean that all the problems of the planet are over. The evolutionary process is a long one. And you’re going to have to do a lot if you really want to stay there.

So begin the change within yourselves. You have spent years learning to destroy, it won’t be overnight that you learn to preserve. Because Gaia rebuilds herself, but you must allow her to do so. You have to help her get back on her feet.

So let’s take action, let’s get moving, and let’s come up with ideas?  Let’s look consciously at consumption? Look at the unnecessary consumption you make. Everything unnecessary generates waste. And what do you do with this waste? So know how to consume without generating unnecessary waste. Know how. Look for ways to take care of your own waste. Waste is nothing more than the product of what you consume. So be aware of this waste. Don’t throw it away for others to think about. Have your own conscience.

We’re starting with the planet now. As far as you are concerned, you already know what to do. Let’s heal the planet now. Let’s help Gaia heal. And don’t think it will be in vain, because she’s going to the Fifth Dimension soon. You have no idea what you still have to do. So start today, so it won’t be so exhausting tomorrow.

Translated by Simarea Marques

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