Kwan Yin – Be Ready for Events

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM KWAN YIN!

I descend through the heavens with my dragons, scratching with my spear all that needs to be destroyed, transmuted and cleansed from this planet.

We are all together, preparing for the new stages to come. Don’t be afraid. Don’t feel afraid. Trust in the entire trajectory that has been created for you to get here. You have been very well prepared; now you have to live in the moment. It’s really about seeing everything you’ve learned happen, everything you’ve heard and, for some, everything you’ve seen.

Fear nothing. If you have love in your heart, if you have your teachers, if you have the Divine Presence, there is nothing to fear. You will be protected, enveloped by the love of each one of them. But this requires that you allow yourselves to be open to our protection.

Changes will happen. Some slight, others not so much. But they will be necessary changes for your journey. So that consciousnesses can open up for good. So that everyone can know what you know today.

You have learned a lot. Many have absorbed it; many are following the path; many have adapted to this new way of being and thinking. Others have not. Others just got to know it, tried, and sometimes I keep trying, but without much effort, without much desire. So we could even say that they’re not very excited about it all. They’re more worried about what they’re going to lose. They’re more worried about all the facilities they’ll lose in this world.

The choices have already been made. Many will still change. Many will get through it all. Many will not. Unfortunately, many will give up along the way. Because they’ll find it easier to drop everything than to keep changing and fighting. And many will begin the ladder of evolution; they will help throughout the process. They won’t have enough time to ascend, but I tell you, they will be preparing their journeys so that very soon, in other orbs, they too can ascend.

So, my sisters and brothers, I tell you this: many of you may not be part of this ascension process right now. But in the near future, you will meet again. Because everything changes. Connections become much easier. And you will be able to be with everyone. Don’t lose hope, don’t lose faith, and don’t cling to anyone or anything.

Let yourselves be carried along by the flow. Surrender to the flow, because it is being led with great Love, with great calm and caution, by the Higher Self of each one of you. So just trust. Just go with it. Without putting up obstacles, without vibrating fear. Trusting that everything is happening according to the will of God the Father/Mother. Always think that. Whatever happens.

You will still be going through many lessons, many learnings. But all with one goal: to take you towards evolution; to take you to the Fifth Dimension. Don’t get discouraged. Don’t give up. Don’t think you’re incapable. You have already proved that you are capable of going through all this. You’ve faced a lot, but you’ve come this far. And that’s what matters. That’s what counts.

Be ready, my sisters and brothers. Be ready for the New World. Be ready for the coming events. And you will certainly not regret experiencing them.

Translated by Luiz Santos

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