Hilarion – Take Care of Your Body

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM HILARION!

At this point in your journey, one of the important points you always need to bear in mind is respect for yourself. Know how to say no. Know how to understand the moment. Always put yourself first. Don’t try to please others. 

To respect yourself includes many factors: your own comfort, your balance, your will and, most of all, not allowing others to dictate your path. Many of you are extremely strict with your own rules. At no point do you allow yourself to fail. At no time do you admit to being weak. You always need to be showing up as marvellous, strong beings, but inside you are broken and weak. For whatever reason. 

So I tell you, it’s still ego. Neither of you needs to please the other. There must always be respect for the other person and for yourself, above all. You cannot bully the other person, hurt the other person. But you can and must always put yourself first in relation to the other. Not in the sense of superiority, but in the sense that it is you who is calling the shots, not the other person. 

You see, some things often happen and you wonder: ‘Why?’; or as you’ve learnt, ‘What does this want to teach me?’ And you don’t really find the answer. Because it’s more like a brake; it’s more like an obstacle to stop you. It’s not an obstacle to suffering. No, it’s an obstacle that will make you think a lot about how to overcome it. It’s a simple obstacle, but it makes you stop. It makes you take a break. 

You never admit that you need to stop. You think you’re extremely strong and you do everything, accept everything, and decide everything at the same moment. And then your body screams, your body can’t take it. But you insist because your ego won’t let you admit that you’re not that strong. And you keep insisting. And the body has no choice but to throw you to the ground, so that you realise that it’s screaming, asking for your help. “I need to stop. I need to rest”. And then you stop. Because that’s the only way it could get you to listen to it.

But you keep insisting. You think it’s nonsense, that you can get up and carry on. And he knocks you down again. Then it may be that this second, or third or fourth time, you actually stop to think about yourself; to look at yourself, to admit that your body is not your own. To admit that your body is not a machine constantly working without rest.

You must learn that the body speaks. And it has many ways of showing what it’s feeling. It’s up to each of you to self-observe. Try to understand what your body is trying to tell you. And realise that there’s no point in wanting to be strong and powerful if your body doesn’t keep up. Because every time you insist, your body feels it more. And that’s where you get worse so that you look at the body and feel what it’s trying to tell you. 

Of course, there are commitments—work commitments, study commitments, whatever the focus. But every commitment can be cancelled, as long as there is a good reason. There is no punishment from the universe. There is punishment, if you book a lot of things, without meaning to, and then suddenly you cancel everything, also without meaning to. Then you’ll certainly get a payback for your inconsequential attitude.

But if you’re simply listening to your body and it’s asking you, begging you, pleading with you to break that commitment, listen to it. Learn to listen to your body. Learn to hear what it’s trying to tell you. There’s no shame in admitting that you’re not feeling well at the moment. Because anyone who judges you will have a problem: with judgement. So it’s not you who has to worry about what others will think. 

My brothers and sisters, this is a critical moment. The energies are arriving with great intensity, messing with your bodies. I would even say that it brings imbalance because as so much is stirred up by the action of the Light, the body can’t metabolise it all. And the very doubt, the very moment of not understanding what is happening, lowers your vibration and you end up sick. 

It’s important to always accept what your body is telling you. Be gentle with yourself. Self-soothe. Help yourself. Take care of yourself. Show your body that you like it, that you love it. And that you’re with it right now, doing what you can to make it better. That’s what’s important. It’s not putting everything that has to be done before your own integrity. 

Think of your bodies with love, with affection, with acceptance. As if they were little children who like to be held when they don’t feel well. Respect your bodies. Look at them with Love. Forget judgements. Forget what might come against you. You know what’s going on with you. So be there to make you feel good. For you to be in balance. 

Understand, my brothers and sisters, each of you is like a glass in which energy arrives and accumulates according to your vibration. If you vibrate high, you absorb more Light and changes happen faster. And the opposite is also true. If you don’t vibrate as high, you don’t absorb as much Light and change doesn’t happen as quickly. But please, let’s not choose to vibrate low just because you don’t want to feel the transformations. Your bodies need to be changed. 

So all this is happening at the same time. The change, the transformations, the cleansing, and if you throw more energy into the bodies, they can’t cope; they collapse. And then that balance that kept you away from illness goes away. But they’re still out there, lurking, ready for a little misdirection. 

Know how to respect your body. Realise how far you can go. This is important at this point in the journey. Love your bodies. But especially, first and foremost, love yourself.

Translated by I Arantes.

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