Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM KWAN YIN!
I wrap my spear in Violet Light, and point it towards the heart of each one of you, sending Love and a lot of Light. Filling your hearts with Violet Light, with transformation, with transmutation, so that you can remove everything that doesn’t belong to you.
We have constantly said that difficult moments will come. But we have tried to leave it a little clear, that this isn’t a rule for everyone. They will be difficult moments, very difficult, for those who don’t want to see; for those who don’t want to believe; for those who think that nothing is happening. The vast majority who are here listening to me now ,have been on a journey for some time. And I ask each of you a question: Was it easy? So many changes, so many transformations. Was it easy? In unison, you’ll answer no, it wasn’t.
And you’ve had a long time. A time of teachings, a time of transformations, a time of walks, journeys, meditations, cleansing; a long time. Now, for those who haven’t done any of this, it will be necessary to see, everything that you have seen. Each thing in its own time, all at once.
So, for them, it will be difficult times; it will be desperate times. Of course, many of you have become rough stones; like a crystal, uncut. So, in this New Time that will come, you will be polished. We will remove an edge here, another there, so that you become more and more brilliant, enlightened; much more than you are today.
So, it’s not that these will be difficult times, but there may be some variations, not very profound, in each of you. So that there can be polishing; so that there can be total preparation. So, no, don’t absorb it ,when we say that these will be difficult times. They will be , for others. Now, if you choose to live through the suffering of others, then you will be bringing suffering on yourself too.
So you need eyes with filters. And what would filtered eyes be? They would be eyes capable of seeing only what is assigned to you, not to others. They will be intelligent and powerful filters, which will allow you to act only where necessary; each on your own journey.
It wouldn’t be fair…, and let’s talk about the harvest here, everything you’ve done, for you to go through the same thing that those who haven’t done anything will go through. It would be going in the opposite direction to everything you’ve been taught. You planted, and you planted well. And the harvest will be plentiful, with a few weeds that still need to be dealt with; but the harvest will be plentiful. You willn’t lose the harvest. Understand that.
Many people have asked themselves this question: “But I’ve done so much, why am I going to go through so much suffering?” No, you won’t. Not unless you choose to. Unless you choose to look at the suffering out there and connect with it. Then it’s your choice. And don’t forget, there’s no such thing as your “maxim” that: “I can’t be happy if the other suffers”. That doesn’t exist. You are you, the other is the other. Everyone reaps what they sow. And you are in the harvest phase. It will be the moment of the great harvest. And for those who haven’t planted anything, it will be the moment of great challenges. That’s the big difference.
So what do you need to do now? Remove some of the weeds that you are conscience , that are attacking your crops. You can do it. Because you are conscience that they are there. You are conscience that you need to treat that spot. So don’t expect anything. Treat it. The more you seek equilibrium, the more you become cleaner beings, fewer the weeds will be. I would say that it may even get to the point where there are none; you go through everything as if you were living on another planet; living in another world. Almost Fifth Dimensional.
So, don’t be discouraged. Believe me, you’ve already planted and you’ll reap soon. But keep taking care of the plantation. This isn’t the moment to put it aside, because the pests are still there, trying to undermine your plantation. So, you always have to watch out for pests, which are the negative energies that surround you. Don’t let them invade you. Don’t let them tarnish you. They are there for this purpose: to attack your plantation, so that in the future you have more weeds to pull out, weeds.
So, the more in equilibrium, the more loving, the more…, I might even say perfect, you remain, less you will feel what lies ahead. God the Father/Mother is a wonderful, just being. He would never abandon those sons and daughters who have already walked a journey, with their hearts, with Love. This would never happen.
And always have your weapons of Light at your side. Put them all by your side. And I would say more ,, make a list of all the weapons you’ve received over time. Many don’t remember. Many have written them down. Many know them one by one. So make that list and look at it, and you’ll be surprised at how much we’ve already given you. Have our Light Codes always at hand ,to keep you protected daily .
Understand, my brothers, nothing we do is in vain. Nothing we do has a deadline, because we don’t live in the present, past or future. We always live in the present. So ,everything we give you exists today, not yesterday, not tomorrow, it’s today. So, have your weapons room, weapons of Light. And when, as you say, “the thing gets tight”, go out there, put on your armor, put your weapons on your belt, and go into battle. But with your heart shining, with your heart full of Light, of Love. That wherever you go, the weeds will wither; for your Love, for your Light. No other feelings. Only Love, only Light. Believe it.
And now I say to each of you: You heard a call. It doesn’t matter if it was a year ago, two, three, four, you heard a call; you sat on the buoy and you are following the flow. The simple fact that you let yourself be carried away by the flow of the Universe, by the flow that we present, is already a blessing for you. You are already creating your plantation.
And I can assure you that many of them are beautiful. They’ve sprouted beautifully. But the weeds are there. And it’s up to you now ,to polish yourselves; to stop being rough stones and polish yourselves. Little by little, slowly, pull out the weeds. This will make your plantation stronger and more beautiful. You have nothing to lose; on the contrary, every step you take towards the Light, I would say, is one less step towards arriving in the Fifth Dimension. Think about it. It’s proportional. You are walking forward and getting closer and closer.
So take care of your plantations. Become polished, pretty, shiny stones. If you need a little help, just ask. We have some tools to help you polish them. Ask for our help. Any of us. And you’ll see how easy it will be to become a polished, shiny stone.
And forget about what’s ahead. It’s like a big wave; a tsunami, because that’s what it will be, not literally speaking; it will be a tsunami of energy for those on Earth. But you’ll be high up in the mountains. Green mountains, flowery, joyful and fragrant. And you won’t even know what will be happening at sea level, metaphorically speaking. .
So , climb the mountains. Get closer and closer to the top. And then, my brothers, it will be all joy, parties and dancing. And lots and lots of Love, to be emanated to every brother and sister down there, passing through all that wave of energy.
Translation by Virginia Leite