It means nothing to us. But for you, the end of a cycle, which you call a year, is coming. So let’s keep this occasion, and let’s try to put it through a very interesting prism.
Within the atmosphere of the planet, within its existence, some dates have already come true. And the whole planet is preparing to live this moment. So we can’t just ignore it and say that it’s all wrong. No. You’ve been living these points for so long; it’s already become a very powerful energy on the planet.
But, energetically speaking, what does this change cause in you? What do you actually have to experience in this calendar change? Which, in fact, it´s what happens: a calendar change. Where one year ends and another begins. So, come on! Let’s live in this moment. Let’s get ready properly for this moment.
You usually celebrate, you usually spend time with your friends. Not always with your family, but you do celebrate. It’s not a holy day; it’s a day of celebration. So what spirit should you have on this date? The end of many things and the beginning of many others. So, if we can help in this process, it would be the transition from the Violet Ray to the Blue Ray. What does that mean?
Everything that begins, everything new, is covered by the Blue Ray. New projects, new ideas. But I would tell you to open your hearts. That’s all. I’d say don’t ask for anything. Just ask for health, balance, peace, tranquillity. When I say don’t ask for anything, I mean don’t ask for anything material; don’t ask for anything that will change the course of your lives.
Let the universe move according to each person’s harvest. It’s going to be a busy year. Creating expectations won’t be good. Just live, let yourselves live. So it’s important that you’re full of good vibes, good feelings. So don’t ask for anything to change your life, neither materially nor spiritually. “But not spiritual?” No, not even spiritual. It’s like I said earlier, let the universe take care of it.
Each of you has walked a path. You have completed journeys. You have risen. So now it’s time for the harvest. Then you will reap all that you have sown. Don’t want to change this harvest. Don’t add things to this harvest that might actually hinder it.
You just have to sit on that buoy and follow the flow of the river. It’s going to be a very busy flow. No, I wouldn’t say dangerous, because you’ll be protected, as long as you keep vibrating high. There will be sections with lots of waves. But if you remain firm and confident, you will pass through them naturally.
So ask for no changes, no prizes, no nothing. Just ask for good feelings and emotions. Nothing more. And be grateful. This is the greatest gift you can ask for from the universe. Yes, gratitude. Because every time you are grateful for everything, the universe applauds and gives you more of the same. So just be grateful, very grateful.
Use the list you made and be grateful for each point; for each of the points written there. And start the year in a moment of pure gratitude; in a moment of pure Love. Nothing else. Play, be together with those you love. Be happy!
Now, another important point: you have to close this cycle that is ending. And you will close it with Saint Germain. So, just before what you call the “turning point”, call on Saint Germain. And ask him to transmute all the ties, all the chains, everything that you haven’t finished, that you’ve left open; close it. Ask him to close each and every one of those taps. And may you enter the New Year ready for the new without carrying anything old, without carrying anything that hasn’t been closed.
Of course, the Violet Flame will know what will work in each of you. Don’t worry, things that are in progress will remain open. Saint Germain is not that foolish. Each of you will receive the Violet Flame and it will know how to deal with each thing. Take a small moment, before, just before, everything; the exact moment happens.
And rest assured, you will enter a New Year, a year of great Light, a year that will be remembered by all. It won’t be an easy year. But as we’ve been saying: Stay away from this boiling mass that’s coming. Stand tall. Stay vibrant, stay confident. And nothing, nothing will get to you. Now, get involved in this mass and then there’s nothing we can say.
Fill your hearts with Light. Fill your hearts with Love. Spend the moment of the “turning point” with your hearts full of Love. This will make a big difference. It’s as if you were leaving one egregore and entering another. But you can choose which type of egregore you enter. So choose to enter with Love and Light. And you won’t regret it.
Translated by Luiz Santos