Sananda – Write Down the Moments of Joy

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!

We are coming to the end of this cycle accompanied by you on the planet. I couldn’t help but leave a message of Love and Hope for each one of you. As I have always said, every time I come, every time I can transmit a little of my energy and my messages, it is a moment of great joy for me.

Looking back over all the time between my arrival and my departure from the planet, right up to the present day, my word has never disappeared; my word has never been erased. It has been distorted, it has been modified, but the essence of the Christic Love that I once brought remains to this day. And this is fantastic!

Many religions have sprung up. Each looks through its prism, with the same center: God the Father/Mother. There are various ways that you have been taught to reach the Father. You have always learned that we were all far, far away, outside of you. I hope that today you are aware and certain that we are not outside of you; we are in the heart of everyone who accepts, respects, and loves us. We are inside. Always. We are ready to help you in any situation.

There is no judgment on our part. There never has been. Many of you turn away from us because you’re aware of the wrong paths you’ve taken, and you feel ashamed or believe that we’re frowning or speaking forcefully, giving a big sermon, to each one who thinks that way.

No. We are always there. We don’t make distinctions. We don’t make judgments. We often just walk away, but we’re not judging what you’ve done. It’s precisely because of what you emanate. You emanate so much hatred, too much arrogance, and vengeance; that all these energies added together, push us away, create a big barrier for us. That’s why we’re not so close.

It’s not because of our judgment. It’s not because we look at you and don’t see a brilliant being. We see a mixed heart, where light emanates and shadows emanate. But we are always there, watching, seeing, only what you emanate pushes us away. The day you stop emanating shadows and only emanate feelings of Light, we’ll get closer and closer. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done in the past.

There is no judgment on our part. You think we judge and punish. You are judging. And, in fact, everything that is emanated returns, and you understand this as a punishment; not as a return, not as a result of what you have done. There is no punishment; there is a return.

Every thought, every word, every action is an energy that contains your signature. It is yours, emanating from you. So it belongs to you. It may take 1000 years, but it won’t be lost and it won’t lose its signature. And one day it will return so that you can look at it and see what you have caused. So that you have time to think and repent. Such is the universe.

You are very close to learning many new things. You are very close to seeing the essence of a whole truth hidden from you. At this time, you need to be calm and peaceful so that you don’t harm yourselves with everything you’re about to learn. Keep emanating Light, emanating Love, regardless of what has been presented or taught.

This is the great secret. This little word, has enormous energy throughout the universe, not just on this planet. It’s a well-known word because it’s the purest feeling we all feel for any being in the universe: Love. But not the Love you practice. It’s Unconditional Love, precisely the kind that doesn’t judge, that doesn’t criticize, that doesn’t ask, that doesn’t demand, that doesn’t exchange, that doesn’t bargain. It is a love that only gives of itself. This is our Love. It is the Love that comes from God the Father/Mother.

So, at the end of this cycle that you are living on the planet, I would like to give you some advice. Take a glance at everything you have built up to the present moment. But try to look at the positive things. Don’t look at the negative. And I’d say you will remember things that will surprise you. How many beautiful, important things you have done?

Count on everything you’ve done for yourself and for others, for the Whole, for the planet, for the animals. Everything, every little action. For the universe, no action is small. They all have their importance. So look, try to remember each one. Try to list all the actions. At the end of this exercise, you’ll see how much you’ve contributed to your life and around you.

If you can’t remember everything in the same moment, always leave the paper somewhere and write down anything you remember. Write down little by little, each thing you remember. Every good deed. Every instant that brought you joy or that brought joy to someone else. As I said, forget the suffering, the negative things; forget them all. Put only the positive things.

And don’t forget the hugs. Don’t forget the smiles. Don’t forget to play with your children. List every moment that brought you joy. It will be a long list. Many of you can say: “No, mine will be short.” And I assure you, it won’t be. Why not? Because you don’t look at the positive things. You only give importance and focus to suffering; to what has hurt you. You never forget that.

Now, that’s not all your life is about. Your life is made up of a Sun that rises every day. And this same sun is what gives you something to eat because it makes vegetables sprout. It’s the air you breathe. It’s the water that comes from the rivers, from the rain. It’s the earth that gives you something to eat.

So you only have negative things? Of course not. Because the ego won’t let you look at the positive things. It will always want you to look at the negative to find a way to get even. That’s not the way. Forget all that. Look at the positives.

Any one of them; it doesn’t matter how important it is. They’re all essential. It has brought you joy or brought joy to someone else, they are important. Look back to your childhood, to your school friends, to your whole life: great moments. Moments of joy, moments of love, intense love. Passions. They’ll do. They’re moments that made you happy, so they’re worth it.

Forget only those that brought you sadness, and pain. And keep writing. Write, write everything. Do it before the end of the cycle. And at “h” time, when a new year begins, pick up everything you’ve written. Ah, just a reminder: Write with your hands, don’t use machines. Put your energy into that paper. You don’t have to write a story, that’s not what I’m asking, it’s the moment. Just a sentence, when you read it, you remember exactly the moment.

So, when it’s time to close one cycle and start the next, put all these papers in your heart. And say just one word: “Gratitude. Gratitude for all those moments.” Nothing more. Don’t throw these papers away. Keep them somewhere where you can have them all to yourself. And every time you’re sad, or upset, take these papers and read, sequentially or randomly, each moment. And you’ll see how beautiful your journey has been. Do it. Do this little ritual. This ritual contains energy. The energy of the old and the energy of the new. But it will imbue you with so much joy that it will bring about a great change in your path because you have brought up moments when you vibrated high, moments of Light. And this will cause your soul to be filled with that Light, and to recharge with all that Light. And this will give you the strength, protection, and ability to face anything on your next journey.

Translated by: Ivana Bueno

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