Kwan Yin – Message from the Code of Light

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM KWAN YIN!

I come on my white dragon, with a bouquet of flowers in my hands. A lotus flower still in bud. And I give each of you one of these flowers as a gift. Mentally put it in the water, in the glass where you will make the journey of the Code of Light. Tomorrow, it will be open and you will have to eat the petals. All this, mentally. But it will be all right. Eat with great joy and love. It will be great nourishment for your soul.

My brothers, you need to balance yourselves. You need to make the right choices. You must not let yourselves be carried away by the dark waves of energy that will come. Jump those waves 

Look for calm and safe places. These places are in your hearts. Whenever you feel attacked in any way, jump into your hearts. You need to learn to find this intense corner that will protect you from anything. Ask for our help to find this place. But create it in your minds. A little place where you will can be there and nothing, nothing, nothing will can reach you, only the Light.

This whole journey is bringing strength and protection to all of you. And each time, with each new code, you will be filled with Light and high energies.

Listen to your bodies. Don’t eat what you don’t want to. And eat what your body asks for. Drink lots of water. Lots of water. Fresh juices; preferably, eat the fruit.

Fruits that are extremely liquid, which will be the freshness and water that your body needs. Choose these fruits; it’s important. They have the necessary sweetness to keep you away from industrialized sugars. But all with equilibrium. A lot of equilibrium.

The message for today’s light code is the following:

“  The Light illuminates my way.

    The Love fills my heart.

    The Peace floods my soul.

    And I can be pure Equilibrium.”

At the end, say this word three times: “Pectorium! Pectorium! Pectorium!

And believe me, my brothers, every step on this journey is a step towards the Light. Some will walk fast. Others will walk more slowly. Others will not move. Everything will depend on the amount of Love put into the process. That’s all.

Translation by Virginia Leite

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