Pleiadians – Message from the Code of Light

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM KALIGHAL, Commander of the Pleiadian Ship!

I come here today to represent my entire race; to represent all the Love we have for all the inhabitants of this planet. Representing friendship. Representing all the positive feelings that we have for each and every one of you at this time.

We’ve been ready for a long time, waiting for the big moment. We are very, very happy with the whole evolution of planet Earth. Unfortunately, all this transformation is not a process that we can call wonderful, but it is necessary and very interesting for the whole Universe.

What will happen here on this planet will serve as an example, as a basis for our actions on other planets, for the liberation of other planets. But here there is this different point where you will ascend in the physical body.

Don’t worry, your bodies will hold up. You are already being prepared. The energies of the Central Sun are changing your bodies, energetically speaking. And you will get through it; with a little discomfort, I won’t deny it, but it will be quick. And you will be able to reach the Fifth Dimension without much difficulty.

What is important at this time, my brothers and sisters, is that you always, always keep your hearts full of Love, full of joy. Many times you will say that it is difficult to have joy in such a troubled world, in a world full of suffering, full of violence. But I would say to you: Everyone attracts what they radiate; everyone reaps what they have sown.  

So if you’re vibrating high, if you’re trusting, none of this is going to get to you. So always fill your heart with joy. Fill your heart with love, with peace. And you’ll attract exactly the same. Leave what’s outside where it is. Don’t attract it into your house or into yourself.

Live your world, your space. Live your faith. And you will easily be able to ascend; to become a higher dimensional being. These will not be easy times, but they are necessary times for those who are not ready to be removed from the planet. And especially for those who have dominated this planet for so long, within the pain, within the Matrix, to be removed from here. And this planet can be reborn in a new energy, in a New Time, on a new path. Where we will all be together, ready to help you and teach you how to walk, teach you how to live, teach you how to have a new life.

We are your brothers, literally. And we want to be together very, very soon, celebrating the evolution of this planet in one big party.

The message for today’s Code of Light is:

“I fill my heart with Love. 

I fill my heart with Light. 

I fill my heart with peace. 

And I fill my heart with harmony.”

At the end, say this word three times: Meo Ea! Meo Ea! Meo Ea! 

And believe me, my brothers, you will be victorious, you will get there. As you would say: by leaps and bounds, but you will get there.

Translated by Simarea Marques

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