Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
Once again I can be here with you, bringing all this energy of Love and tranquillity to your hearts.
My sons and daughters, why are there so many doubts in your hearts? Why is it so difficult to understand what is happening around you? Why is it so difficult to admit that many mistakes have been made, and the consequences are all coming back, one by one, in front of you?
There’s no escaping it, my sons and daughters. The retribution will always come. Is it pleasant? Perhaps not. But the most important thing is to allow yourself to live in the moment, whether it’s pain, suffering or joy. Each moment lived is a part of your story that is completed between action and reaction. That’s it. It’s up to you today, aware of this, to create positive actions, so that the outcome is just as satisfying.
You’ve already learnt your lesson, so why are you so reluctant to accept what you’ve been told? To accept what you’ve learnt? To accept the truth? Why is that? Because the ego is still in charge. So I just say: Calm the ego. Don’t let it run free and everything will become much easier.
Accepting that you are a human being, wandering, full of flaws, but trying to follow a new path, is exactly what you need to realise and do. And allow the universe itself to show you, step by step, every consequence of every action you take.
Focus on the principle of each thing. Don’t let your mind wander. Don’t be doubtful. Evolving is often just accepting. No questions, no doubts, nothing that could break the energy of that moment. No, this is not being a puppet. It’s believing 100 per cent in what we say, in what we present to you. And trust that what is being said is 100 per cent true and loving.
This confidence, this certainty, is what will lead you to evolve, because as long as there are doubts in your heart, your pace will be practically at a standstill. You won’t evolve at all. Because you haven’t learnt to pay attention, to look with Love, so that you can understand.
Always remember: the tip of the iceberg is small, but its base is immense. Do not only look at the tip.
Today’s message is as follows:
‘I Am a being in evolution.
I Am a being that is learning.
But I believe and I trust everything I am told.
For I understand that the Love of every Being of Light is unquestionable and that their words are always true.’
After these words, say this word 3 times: Vitalixium! Vitalixium! Vitalixium!
Open your hearts, my sons and daughters. Believing is very urgent right now. Fill your hearts with Love and Light. And trust, just trust, in everything that will be said by us.
Translate by I Arantes