The journey of the Light Codes is not just a way of finding the path to the Light. I can say that it is the Light itself.
Every day, when you put your energy, your focus, on the code that will be working for you for 24 hours or more, every energetic movement contained in that code works on the force of water, and then this water will work all over you.
We’re not bringing you rituals or meaningless movements. I can assure you that many of you are feeling the results. Unfortunately, many people think there’s something wrong because the internal movement is so big. Things seem to have gotten worse. The paths seem to have become more difficult, and more complicated. And they start blaming the Light Codes.
Yes, my brothers, everything that penetrates the soul has consequences; it exposes the shadows. Where there is light, there can be no shadow. So every glass of water you drink is a glass of Light, which casts out every shadow. But, unfortunately, the shadow doesn’t come out and go away; sad, and lonely, because you didn’t give it a chance. No, it’s not like that. The shadow stands in front of you, jumping, making all sorts of movements so that you can see it.
And what is your role? To look at that shadow. Not to simply ignore it, not to be angry with it, not to think that it shouldn’t have appeared. No. All the shadows that are in you will appear. So understand that the Codes are not bringing you problems. They are giving you the opportunity to look at the problems and solve them, one by one.
Your big problem is that you take the problem and ignore it. So the shadows are just adding up and then it seems that everything is going wrong. Because you’re not doing what you should be doing, which is looking at each problem and solving it, treating it, looking at it with Love. But if in your heart none of this matters, you don’t want to solve your problems, then I ask you a question: Why do you continue on your journey? You’ll only keep accumulating shadows. Then I advise you to stop.
The journey is not magic. It doesn’t dissolve problems, it doesn’t solve problems, it doesn’t disappear with problems. This journey, on the contrary, puts everything in front of you, so that you have the opportunity to deal with each one of them. If you believe that everything that is happening is the fault of the journey, I agree with you. It’s her own fault. But it’s you who isn’t doing what you should be doing, it’s not the journey that’s wrong. It’s not that it’s an evil journey.
Stop blaming others. Everything is in you. Everything that comes out comes out of you. It has nothing to do with the Code. It has nothing to do with it being a symbol you don’t know. And then you’re sure it’s not something from the Light. Watch out! We’re not joking. This whole movement has a single objective: to cleanse you.
As I’ve already said, the time for teaching is over. Now it’s time for action, movement, and the final clean-up for the big moment. Ah, I get it, you want to ascend but with your shadows. Very well, you’re going to ascend to another Third Dimension planet. Is that what you want? Good, that’s what you’ll get. Because with shadows you won’t go to the Fifth Dimension. I guarantee that.
So you’ve already made your choice. And it will be fully accepted. Be sure of that. There will be no miracles, my brothers and sisters, there will be no way around it, and there will be no money to pay for your ascension. It’s an internal work of cleansing, change, growth, and evolution.
We are giving you, as I can say, the weapons of Light to look at these small problems or perhaps big ones. But be sure that if it’s a big problem, it’s because you’ve never looked at it. You’ve always left it behind and it’s been bearing fruit and today it’s huge. Every problem that arises, if taken care of at the beginning, doesn’t bear fruit; it ends there. But if you don’t look at it, don’t deal with it, it bears fruit; and it grows, grows, grows, and becomes more difficult to resolve.
A mensagem para o Código de Luz hoje é a seguinte:
“On my path, I attract the Light.
On my path, I attract evolution.
On my path, there is pure Love.
And on my path, there is protection.”
At the end, say this word three times:! Adonai Adonai! Adonai!
And don’t forget my brothers, it doesn’t matter what word we say, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know it. Each word has its own energy. And it is this energy that is passed on to you. It doesn’t matter what the word means, what matters is the energy it carries.
It is this energy that acts upon you. And it is the energy anchored by each Being of Light who is part of this journey. Stop questioning everything. Just trust. Doubts, always remember, do not lead to the path of Light.