Metatron – Message from the Code of Light

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM METATRON!

We are almost at the end of this journey for this short cycle of the year. Many of you are wondering why we are following this path and not others? Other different paths, other paths that could lead you to the Light, to evolution, more quickly. This one doesn’t seem to have much influence.

My brothers, make no mistake. The simplest is always the one that takes you the easiest way to the goal. Rituals that are too complicated, too complex, are much more…, I would say, difficult to fulfill; and you have to be able to take a step. It takes training, it takes preparation.

So let’s put our ego aside at this point and think that the most difficult thing is always the one with the most power. No. The simplest thing can be the one that allows you to make a big leap, precisely because it’s simple, because it’s easy.

Let’s stop always wanting the ego in control to think that accomplishing very difficult things is the important thing. Because the ego is filled with pride: “I did it!” The goal here is exactly the opposite, to placate the ego, to not give it ammunition.

So, believe me, this whole process, apparently very simple, will slowly transform each one of you. But without too much attention, without too many routines, without too much mental delving, at first. But it is certainly giving the being that is each one of you the opportunity to receive our energy on a daily basis.

You just have to trust, believe and have an open heart. Don’t get caught up in thoughts of doubt, of uncertainty. “Where will all this lead?” I assure you: To the path of Light, always. We bring nothing that doesn’t have this purpose.

A lot will change, my brothers, and you will be surprised. But everything has to happen slowly. It can’t be rushed. It can’t be stumbling. The slower it is, the more focus there is, the more care there is, the more attention there is. So just surrender to all this movement that we’ll be bringing you throughout this cycle.

Change is needed. The energies that arrive today are not the same as those that arrived years ago. They are stronger, more intense. And that’s exactly why nothing can remain the way it was. We need to change. You have to adapt to the new energies.

So just trust. It’s as if you sat down in a very comfortable armchair and let the vehicle take you along well-paved roads, where no pothole will take you away from your nap, your rest. Just let it take you.

Trust us. We’ll bring you everything at the right time. Stop grasping at complex things. Many may even say: “But I’m more ready!” This proves nothing. Wisdom lies in looking at what is simple and believing. Believing that there is a smooth path that will take you a long way. Better than something complex, a path full of obstacles, which might take you off course. Think about it.

The message of today’s Code of Light is as follows:

“I see the Light in front of me.

I follow the Light in front of me.

May my heart always feel the Light.

And never doubt the path it is walking.”

At the end of these words, say this three times: Minaporium! Minaporium! Minaporium!

And trust. This is a simple path, but it is doing and fulfilling its role. It leads you easily to the path of Light.

Translated by Luiz Santos

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