Adama – Message from the Code of Light

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM ADAMA!

Being here with you once again is a source of great joy for me. Fear nothing, my brothers. Everything is already happening. Don’t think that there will be a milestone in the history of the planet where you can say: “ Oh, it all started here”.

It all began a long time ago. And it will continue for some time to come. So everything is already happening. Watch. Just pay attention to what’s happening around you. This planet is no longer the same. People are not the same. Everything is different. So just have the confidence to live day by day. 

Fulfill your role within this journey, keeping yourself in balance, and with much, much Love in your heart. This is your only concern. Go on living your life as normal. Don’t change anything out of expectation or fear. Keep living within the principles of your evolution. Learn more and more every day. 

Reread everything you’ve learned. Learn again. Remember. Do it again. It’s important. So that each path presents itself correctly to you. So that the Light is your only guide. Nothing more. 

We look forward to welcoming you into our home. And believe me, this is closer than most people realize. And we will be very, very happy to join our Lemurian brothers and sisters from long ago, who really have no idea what they experienced and what they took part in together with us. Everyone fulfilled their mission. 

Don’t think that we did nothing. We had our mission, which was to keep the Light on the planet. To keep the balance. To keep Gaia functioning. Even with all the attacks you’ve made on her. And, believe me, it hasn’t been easy for us. The work is constant and hard. But we don’t complain, because we know that everything will come to an end. And everyone will come to respect this planet, our home, with a lot of Love and a lot of Light. 

The message of today’s Code of Light is as follows:

“I am an enlightened being. 

I am an evolving being. 

I may or may not be an old soul.

I just fulfill my mission on this planet. 

And I bring Love and Light to this whole great process.”

At the end, say this word three times: Agarthemium! Agarthemium! Agarthemium!

And believe me, my brothers and sisters: everything is moving forward. But because of the Unconditional Love of all of us, everything is going at a very comfortable pace for all of you. However, we will soon have to speed things up. So be ready. Just believe that everyone will go through whatever is necessary for their evolution.

Translated by: Leticia Balbino

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