A Being of Light – I am One More Participant in this Great Process

Dear brothers and sisters of this beautiful planet!

I’m not going to name myself right now. I’m just another brother, another being, another energy, adding to the many others that are around your planet at the moment. My origin? I’m from the universe. My heart? Totally of the Light. My background? God the Father/Mother. I am a particle, I am an orb, I am a black hole, I am a galaxy. I am everywhere; I am in every heart; I am in every thought. There is no way to describe me. There is no way to shape me in your mind, just feel my energy.

You will need to get used to having many like me close to you. Just a Light; just a small orb of Light; just a sphere of love; just something you don’t understand, but which exists in the universe. I am a full consciousness. I’m not from small dimensions; my background is from the 12th dimension, that’s where I come from; that’s where I move from, for a few moments to a much lower dimension so that I can leave this little message for the people of this planet.

Don’t try to understand what I am. I am an energy, I am a consciousness; something extremely powerful, extremely high, within your world. At this moment I use all my strength, all my love, and I create a great halo of Light around your planet as if it were a small ball in my hands; and I pass on, I transfer, I emanate all the unconditional love that I have, that I feel, that I emanate, to this beautiful planet.

Like me, many other beings from the universe will be arriving here; they will bring their lights; they will bring the love they feel for everything in the universe. Increasingly expanding the energy and power of this planet. It’s as if each one of us left our mark here, our signature, as on a big panel, where you could read: “Here are all the beings who have participated in the evolution of this beautiful planet!”. And there would be my signature.

Like me, more will come. Many will come. Many already are. Just see, or rather feel, all the energy that is being accumulated on your planet. It’s as if each one of us is putting in a small amount of the energy needed for the great awakening of the people of this planet. And that’s what I’m doing now. Through this small channel, I can tell you all these words, all these truths, with a single purpose: Have faith, believe.

We have been summoned by God the Father/Mother and with great love, with great joy, we are all arriving here, and each one of us, from higher and higher dimensions, is adding to all the energy necessary for the evolution of this planet. Feel this in your hearts. Learn to live with something that you don’t understand, with something that you can’t grasp, you can’t see, you just know it exists. At this moment, feel all the love and all the energy that I leave around this planet, and consequently, this energy will fall like raindrops on each one of you, fulfilling the role of the necessary activation so that you can awaken in the great moment.

See me as a ball of Light. When I materialize, that’s who I am: a big, immense ball of Light. Let’s say I play with your Sun. So don’t try to imagine my size, just know that I am a great energy, I am pure Light, I am a messenger from God the Father/Mother, and at this moment, I leave each of you my peace, my Light, and all, why not say it, all of my unconditional love.

Translated by I Arantes

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