Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM ADAMA!
I’m here with you once again, participating in this Ascension Journey. It’s a very special moment for me, because once again I can be near and very near to the hearts of everyone who accepts our messages.
The time is passing quickly. The changes are happening. The planet is ascending. The Alcyon Light arrives stronger every day, changing the consciousness, illuminating the hearts of those who have the hearts pure and enlightened .
For the others, it seems that the shadows are growing stronger inside them. This was to be expected. The separation of the wheat from the chaff leaves no doubt, doesn’t leave any feeling that it’s correct or that it’s not.
Those who have Love in their hearts are being hit by the Light of Alcyon. Their minds are full of doubts. Many are despairing at so little. But they are still managing to maintain a little equilibrium.
Many are understanding many things that should have been seen and weren’t. They are trying to take a correct path ,in other words, in other words, some are effectively awakening. Others are despairing, unfortunately.
But there is a large majority who are filling their hearts with revolt, filling their hearts with doubt, with anger, because they are no longer in control of anything, not even their own minds
This makes them go deeper into this negative energy that is plaguing the planet. Then they approach the energies that are combined with their own and become more and more complex.
The moment is not to be afraid of them. I say one thing to each and every one of you. Whoever keeps their heart vibrating high doesn’t attract these beings. They are no longer of their lives and if, by chance, any of them are still part of your life, rest assured, it willn’t be for long time. Because the Light itself will remove from you.
The separation is taking place. It’s as if there were two magnets: one magnet attracting those who are Light. So even if you are in the midst of many unenlightened people, this magnet will attract you. And you will be exposed to an intense Light, so you can prove that you are effectively Light and you will be brought to the side of the Light.
Likewise, the opposite. Those who are near, those who are Light, will be removed from there. Because they are shadows, they can no longer be there and will be drawn to the other magnet, the magnet of obscurity, the magnet of darkness.
And there will come a point when this separation will be finalised. And at that moment, all those who have chosen darkness will no longer be here. They will be removed from the planet. And then a new era will begin, a new way, preparation and changes for you and for the planet, so that there can be ascension.
It will not be an easy period. Many I will tell you that they will regret having tried to follow this way. Because it’s not an easy way, in fact, you know that.
The changes, everything that has happened in your lives, has not been easy to be taken in. But you’ve managed and you’re getting to where you are. But those who start from scratch now, the intensity will be very strong, and not all will bear it , many will give up along the way.
But we’ll be helping everyone, we willn’t give up one by one, they will all be welcomed and involved so that they remain in the Light and each one in their own time will ascend , will evolve.
Otherwise, the choice will be to leave the planet, there will be no other choice. So, my brothers and sisters, don’t give up.The journey may be difficult, the journey may be full of obstacles, but don’t give up. You’ll get there.
My Light Code brings you the representation of the universe and the Sun of Alcyon. 2 Light Codes emanate energy at all times. And they will strengthen you, cleanse you of many things .
Live these 24 hours of my code with a lot of Light and with a lot of Love in your heart, because this potentialises every energy you receive.
Be sure, we are all actuating in one thought, in one heart, in attracting more and more people to the Light.
TRADUÇÃO : Virginia Leite