Adama – Telos I – Chapter 11 – by Adama

Dear brothers! I AM ADAMA!

Continuing our journey today, we are going to chapter 11, from the book One of Telos.

In this chapter I will comment about our bodies, your bodies, and the consciousness of evolution. When this planet lived in harmony, in direct connection with the Source, our bodies were kept in total balance, functioning in total perfection as they were created by Father/Mother God.Father/Mother God did not create bodies to get sick or to degenerate, to age, as you call it; it is a perfect machine that works every point having its function and harmonically as a whole.

With the fall of consciousness this all changed, because low vibration feelings came to dominate the planet. Fear, especially fear, has always been fed, and this feeling brings a very bad energy along with it, and when you feel it, your cells receive this energy and begin to behave in a totally erroneous way in relation to what was planned by Father/Mother God. 

What has this caused in human bodies? Aging, degeneration. 

Let’s talk about a machine. A machine in your world needs to be maintained, it needs to be looked at from time to time, cleaned at some points, if it needs lubrication it needs to be done, in short, if it is left to process and work forever without any kind of care it will degenerate because even a machine needs balance to function; it needs all its parts to be functioning correctly.So does the human body; you need food, you need water, and you need air, in order to stay alive, supposedly in balance.

But with the negative energy of fear, this machine started to rust, and this rust caused premature death, caused a very short life span in the past. Life was not easy, many wars, much struggle to survive. Hunting was indispensable because there was no food, and why all this? Because it was planned and organized by those who arrived here, so that the human race would become weak and of little ability. In fact, the human race was of no use to them, it served only as a point: as slaves for their experiments and for manipulation to do whatever they wanted, to produce whatever was good for them.

As time went by, the food itself became contaminated so that more and more bodies no longer functioned correctly, and more and more of their scientists discovered a new medicine, a new formula, that would help that body return to equilibrium. And so emerged the big drug industries that do nothing to cure their bodies, but rather to keep them under the eternal consumption of what they generate. There are some cures, but they always cure one point and contaminate another; there is never a perfect cure. 

So your bodies get sick constantly in this way, from what you eat, breathe and drink.The water is not pure.Under the pretext that it is contaminated, you ingest water that is full of treatments, of substances that totally take away the energetic property of pure water.I would be here talking for hours, days and months, about everything you consume, everything you have been accustomed to, led to consume.All that you think is tasty, but which deep down is of no benefit or health to your bodies.

Ask yourself a question: Are all the things that are very tasty in your world healthy? Almost all of them are not.They all cause more harm than good to your bodies when consumed. But that is what you have been accustomed to, so that diseases spread more and more, and they get richer and richer. There has never been any kind of affection or consideration for the human race, for these beings who created this whole environment.

Some of you have a slight awareness of the harm that many products do to your bodies, and lately, with so many teachings you have been wondering if you have really done more good or harm, in relation to what you eat.Talking about animals is unnecessary, for it has already been said and re-told by many of you what harm these products do to you.You were not made to eat animal flesh, you were made to feed on the earth, on everything that Gaia lovingly created for your sustenance, for your nutrition. But back then man was driven to eat meat, and this habit comes up to this day; I would say it’s a habit that goes back generations and generations and from your own ancestors.

But is it impossible to eliminate? Of course not. Everything can be done when you create consciousness.And when you create consciousness about something you start to make a new journey, both in relation to your bodies and to the spiritual side.To rise in consciousness is to stop, listen, learn, and make new decisions, go new ways, seek new answers. This is to rise in consciousness.It is to question everything you have been taught, everything that has been imposed upon you. 

Of course, unfortunately you will not be able to lead a totally pure life on the surface of this planet, because the air is contaminated, the earth has been contaminated for eons and ages, the water comes out of the springs pure, but it is no longer the water it once was. But all this will come to an end. The earth will go back to being the planet that was created by Father/Mother God, pure and clean, and you will be able to live on it, but you will have a great mission: to keep it clean, not to repeat the mistakes you have allowed yourselves to make.

What is the path of ascension? It is the raising of consciousness in all aspects; in the spiritual aspect, in the behavioral aspect, and in the alimentary aspect. It is not enough to correct one of these pillars, it is necessary that all of them be looked at with care and that changes be made. Make a great analysis of yourselves. What are you looking for? Healthier bodies, a healthier life, a less stressful life, but what are you doing about it? Sitting and dreaming is no good, it takes action, it takes you to make decisions, it takes you to change many things.

So I ask you to look at the questions that are in this chapter; “Before you wish to raise your consciousness perhaps you could ask yourself some questions such as.”  Read each of the questions and look for the answer.But don’t let the ego speak for you. It takes connecting with the Divine Presence for each question to be answered, for your consciousness to tell you what needs to be done, what each point of this is.

Do this exercise and you will be surprised at some of the answers.

It is important that change comes from the heart, but the most important thing is that you actually change. Wanting to change is good, it is a first step, but it is the changing that brings the effective change, it is the changing that effectively raises the consciousness.

Translated by: Letícia Balbino

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