Dear Brothers and Sisters! I AM ADAMA!
We continue with the commentary on Chapter 15 of Book One of Telos. This chapter is about the Sequoias.
Many people wonder why Mother-Father God made such a diverse planet, why so many kinds of plants, animals; what is the point? Many have the same function, but why so much variety? Mother-Father God, in His infinite Wisdom, created an environment in total balance; this balance depends on the climate, the position of the rivers, and the position of the sea.
Every plant on this planet has its function, its structure connected to everything that happens here. Likewise, you came into being with the same elements of Earth; otherwise, you would die because you would have nothing to eat. The food that Gaia, the planet Earth, gives to all humans is enough to keep you alive and healthy because it comes from the same structure as the planet.
What happens, then? After the fall of the consciousness of human civilization, the rupture of the connection with the Source brings other breaks, such as the one with Mother Earth. Man believes he is superior to everything: to the planet and the animals; He thinks he can do whatever he wants and considers appropriate for his evolution. So the whole process of imbalance takes place.
Mother-Father God created a balance to keep your mountains upright without collapse and to keep your rivers clean without anything filling the bed where they pass through to prevent them from overflowing. However, this balance no longer exists since you start doing things such as throwing garbage into your oceans, killing the animals that live there, and creating all kinds of problems for yourselves. Today you eat fish contaminated by the trash you have thrown into the oceans.
You have created a chain of self-destruction. Yes, we recognize that all this was very well designed and planned, but we have noticed that you have enjoyed it. You attacked the planet mercilessly. Many may say, “But we did not have the consciousness we have today. We agree, but it is crucial to know that your souls have always known what the planet was, that it was a living spirit, a living being. What do you think an orb would be without life? Nothing would flourish, no food would come out of the bowels of the Earth for human nourishment, the air would be foul because there would be no wind, and there would be nothing; it would be an inhospitable world for you humans.
So this has always been a living being that has given everything to man. However, you deforest, you kill the animals for the sake of development, which kills you instead of making you grow. The cry of the sequoias is only a part of what man decides to do to the planet. He is destroying its bowels, polluting its waters and its air, but everything is moving towards evolution. Some people today have woken up to the problem; they are fighting for the planet. It seems that, at this moment, souls have remembered where they lived millennia ago; they are trying to do their part, but unfortunately, it is like a chemical reaction; once started, it is hard to stop, almost impossible.
So you have fed a massive chemical reaction that causes the results today. No, Gaia is not vengeful. Gaia is pure love; otherwise, she would have already erased humans from her surface. For all that you have done to her, she would have no reason to keep you alive in her body, yet she has preserved and continues to feed and nourish you in every way. And what do you give in return? More imbalance, more devastation, more degradation.
What does man expect to gain from all this? Balance, the supposed evolution? You can already see the results. What is happening on your planet today is a series of situations. It is the results of the reactions you have provoked, the imbalance you have caused, added to the modifications of the planet for Ascension. Yes, Gaia needs the energy to ascend. She is vast and needs all the positive energy to Ascend. And for that, she needs to clear much negative energy, to transmute bit by bit.
So all of that you live now, you will live more and more. Everyone will reap what they sow. Everyone will reap their neglect of the planet and everything that has happened. You may say, “No, I never cut down a tree,” but what did you do to prevent another tree from being cut down? Maybe nothing. You are angry, you are outraged, but what are you doing? So don’t look at the sky and ask why what is happening is happening. Everyone will reap their share, will reap all they sow, some more, some less, for the big decisions of those who govern this planet; they know exactly why they have done all this, and they will have their harvest.
Now you who have let yourselves go, you who have never done anything, you who only think it is absurd, but do not get out of your chairs to do anything, to act, to try to change anything, you will also reap, because your inertia has helped everything to continue to happen. You have done nothing to stop it. And don’t answer me that you didn’t have a conscience. Consciousness is something innate to your soul. I would say that it was more comfortable to let yourself be carried away by everything, to live what they presented to you, to live the supposed development and evolution, but which brought you where? It brought you to addictions, drugs, totally contaminated food, diseases, and total imbalance. Is this evolution? Is this effectively having balance? Not.
So each of you will reap, yes, nothing will go unrewarded. It is not revenge; it is return. It is the law of action and reaction; there is no escape and no way to say: “It’s none of my business.” Everybody does. Every chemical powder that you put on the soil to make your crops prettier, bigger, and more profitable, you are planting there, and you will collect every ounce of what you have used on Gaia’s soil. Nothing in Gaia needs supplements to grow. If there are contaminants and pests is because man created them; they did not exist because everything was in balance.
So everyone has what to harvest. No one will go unpunished. Let’s say that those who modify habits and become aware of what they have caused and done are on the right path because they will help in the reverse process; they will help to bring awareness to others. But it’s not enough to erase everything you have done, but it will be worth it. It will help to bring consciousness because that also needs to be done.
As we always say: Never think you are too small to do something. When everyone does something for the good, whatever it is, it creates a wave of light and love that contaminates others, and only this increases with time. Take the first step, and you will surely see the result.
Translation by Helena do Lago Basile